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Обновлено: 25.03.2025

Все заходы и проблемы, даже депрессия и провалы, делают тебя собой, а наркота лишает тебя всего.

Добавила Аида_98 20.11.15
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— Плохие отзывы вас злят?
— Только когда они издеваются над нашими гребаными волосами! Или особенно если у нас было шоу, которое по нашему мнению было потрясающим.
— Или если нам показалось, что шоу было просто провальным, но мы получаем отличные отзывы. И ты думаешь: «О чём они говорят?».
— Типа «на каком вообще шоу вы были?!»

Добавила a_ida 22.06.16
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Самое неординарное, что когда-либо случалось со мной, — это нападение чёрной птицы, что буквально выбило меня из колеи. Это случилось в гостинице «Финикс» в Сан-Франциско. Мы уезжали, чтобы попасть на шоу следующим утром, и птица просто напала на мою голову. На следующий день «Slipknot» были там же — они приехали, когда мы покинули гостиницу — и птицы напали и на них.

Добавила a_ida 01.08.17
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Я всегда чувствовал себя каким-то космическим пришельцем. Помню, мы выступали на канале TRL, одетые и разукрашенные по полной программе, словно вампиры. И в какой-то момент мне показалось, будто я впервые оказался на Земле, на каком-то безумном телешоу, вокруг орут и беснуются фанаты, а мне до всего этого нет никакого дела.

Добавила a_ida 01.08.17
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Мне переплачивают, но меня недооценивают.

Добавила Аида_98 29.07.15
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Я бы лучше стал созданием ночи, чем стариком.

Добавила Аида_98 14.01.16
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Я очень плох во всем, что требует баланса, как серфинг, катание на роликах, ходьба.

Добавила Аида_98 29.07.15
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Когда я писал текст «I'm not ok», я вспоминал, как тяжело быть 16-летним школьником. Я всегда хотел стать художником и был этаким одиночкой, который постоянно напивался. У меня был только один настоящий друг. И была девушка, которая мне очень нравилась, но она в конце концов позволила своему парню заснять её в очень откровенных позах. Это было шоком для меня. Я просто плавал в этой яме отчаяния, ревности и алкоголизма.

When I was writing it, I was remembering how hard it was to be a 16-year-old in high school. I always wanted to be an artist, so I was this loner kid who just got drunk all the time. I only had one real friend. There was a girl I really liked, and she ended up taking really sleazy photographs with her boyfriend, and that really crushed me, I was just swimming in this pit of despair, jealousy and alcoholism.

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Enjoy the best of Gerard Way quotes. Quotes by Gerard Way, American musician.

Hey, girls, you’re beautiful. Don’t look at those stupid magazines with sticklike models. Eat healthy and exercise. That’s all. Don’t let anyone tell you you’re not good enough. You’re good enough, you are too good. Love your family with all your heart and listen to it. You are gorgeous, whether you’re a size 4 or 14. It doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside, as long as you’re a good person, as long as you respect others. I know it’s been told hundreds of times before, but it’s true. Hey, girls, you are beautiful.

Check out 77 Joan Crawford quotes that you will amaze you

If for one minute you think you’re better than a sixteen year old girl in a Green Day t-shirt, you are sorely mistaken. Remember the first time you went to a show and saw your favorite band. You wore their shirt, and sang every word. You didn’t know anything about scene politics, haircuts, or what was cool. All you knew was that this music made you feel different from anyone you shared a locker with. Someone finally understood you. This is what music is about.

Check out Frank Zappa quotes that will make you laugh

Sometimes you have to kind of die inside in order to rise from your own ashes and believe in yourself and love yourself to become a new person.

Would you destroy Something perfect in order to make it beautiful?

Share these Gerard Way inspirational quotes with all your friends

This shit is easy peasy, pumpkin peasy, pumpkin pie, muthafucka!

Going to get coffee! Going to get coffee!’ That’s all it would be.

I’m just a man, not a hero. just a boy, who wants to sing this song.

You just go with your gut instinct, because your gut is smarter than your heart.

Check out amazing Chinua Achebe Quotes that will help you understand the truth about life

Give me a shot to remember
And you can take all the pain away from me
A kiss and I will surrender
The sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead
A light to burn all the empires
So bright the sun is ashamed to rise and be
And I’m in love with all of those vampires
So you can leave like the sane abandoned me

Check out Rick Ross quotes and lyrics that will amaze you

Life is but a dream for the dead.

Never forget how beautiful you are.

I’m not drunk, just a little stoned.

Let’s have a day in the life of Gerard.”

Check out profound Leo Tolstoy quotes that will inspire you to lead a better life

Tears are words the heart can’t express

I Just Got So Emo That I Just Fell Apart!!

I’m not psycho…I just like psychotic things.

Be yourself, don’t take anything from anyone, and never let them take you alive.

Check out awesome collection of Be Yourself Quotes that will amaze you

Everyone back the fuck up! I am not that pretty!

Who wouldn’t want to catch a guy in a bear suit?

It tastes like somebody stole my wallet. Ya know?

There was a moment in my life when I really wanted to kill myself. And there was one other moment when I was close to that. . . . But even in my most jaded times, I had some hope.

Be inspired by our amazing collection of Optimism Quotes

Cigarettes and coffee: an alcoholic’s best friend!

Shut up and let me see your jazz hands.

Beach Balls at festivals, are the work of the devil!

Say what you want but you NEVER say it with violence!

I want to be a vampire. They’re the coolest monsters.

I’d rather be a creature of the night than an old dude.

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Gerard Way In Concert

Look at me, with my pretty bracelet and tiara… I’m a f****n’ princess!

One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching

So how was Christmas for you guys? Did you all get lots of nice black t-shirts?

It takes a while to tell stories, I think it’s because I was drunk for three years.

Well my gun fires seven different shades of shit, so what’s your favorite color, punk?

No matter how ugly the world gets or how stupid it shows me it is, I always have faith

I’ve gotta get out of the basement. I’ve gotta see the world. I’ve gotta make a difference

I see you lying next to me, with words I thought i’d never speak, awake and unafraid, asleep or dead?

I learned that the world doesn’t want to be saved, and it will fucking punch you in the face if you try.

I was more addicted to self destruction then to the drugs themselves … something very romantic about it

Rock ‘n’ roll is not red carpets and MySpace friends, rock’n’roll is dangerous and should piss people off

The Devil got landed with a shitty job, he has to deal with assholes everyday, he’s probably bored as hell.

All your quirks and all your problems – even your depressions and your failures – that’s what makes you you.

Are you on our side…and want to be different, or are you on that side and want to throw a football at my head!?

Were not a festival band, playing during the day was something we had to get over, I was like uhh this sun stuff kind of sucks

So many people treat you like you’re a kid so you might as well act like one and throw your television out of the hotel window.

None. I think we should send a country some cupcakes. You think some cupcakes would cheer up North Korea? Kill ’em with deliciousness.

You need just the right amount of ‘Fuck the world’ and the right amount of belief in something…and you need the right amount of love.

I just rolled up the window, I couldn’t think of anything else to do, phew I’m safe from the .375 gun now that I’ve rolled up the fucking window

No matter what anyone says, dont take their F**king Bulls**t. Coz you’re better then them, faster than them and god damn it, YOU’RE MUCH BETTER LOOKING!!

So people keep asking me what this badge is for… this badge makes me the sheriff, the sheriff of Emo town, so get your straight irons and eyeliner ready!

I am not afraid to keep on living. I am not afraid to walk this world alone. Honey if you stay you’ll be forgiven, nothing you can say will set me going home.

I dont think having a My Chemical Romance action figure will make a kid start his own band, I like to think it will make him save children from a burning building.

Let me tell you how the story ends, where the good guys die and the bad guys win. It doesn’t matter how many friend you make, but the graffite they write on your grave.

It’s important to keep up momentum, when I’m home alone I get stagnant, I go crazy and have to see my therapist. Being on the road keeps me busy. I’m okay when I’m busy.

It reminded me of a meat grinder. From when I was a kid. Going to school it felt like you were in a meat grinder. It chews you up and pours out this mess that can’t function

Suicide is a serious thing. And if you know anyone who is suicidal, you need to get them help. No one should be in pain. Everyone should love themselves. Like I love you all.

It erases everything I hate about myself. Nothing can hurt me. I feel completely invincible. I feel like everyone else on that stage is invincible and we’re capable of anything. There’s no stopping us.

The boys and girls in the clique. The awful names that they stick. You’re never gonna fit in much kid, but it you’re troubled and hurt, what you’ve got under your shirt will make them pay for the things that they did!

I thought if we made an album that tried to change the world, or give it hope, it would really happen. But all people found was death and destruction and misery and self-hate. I learned that the world doesn’t want to be saved, and it will f**king punch you in the face if you try.

You’re going to come across a lot of shitty band, and a lot of shitty people. And if anyone of those people call you names beacause of what you look like or they don’t accept you for who you are, I want you to look right at that motherf*****, stick up your middle finger, and scream F*** YOU!

Yeah, obviously we use vampires as a metaphor for something else, something deeper than just the supernatural. But there’s just something about the bloodsucking walking dead, that can say so much to people. There are really so many people trying to get control over you on a daily basis and steal your soul in some way, take a part of you..

Craziest thing that ever happened to me was being attacked by a black bird. It pecked the shit out of my head. We were at this hotel called The Phoenix in San Francisco. We were leaving to go to a show the next morning and the bird just fuckin’ attacked my head. And the next day Slipknot were there, they were coming in as we were leaving, and they got attacked by birds too.

What I like about The Sims is that I don’t have a normal life at all, so I play this game where these people have these really boring, mundane lives. It’s fun. My Sims family is called the Cholly family. I don’t know why I picked that name; it’s kind of random. The teenage daughter is my favourite, because I just had her go through this Goth phase. She’s really kind of nerdy and she just became a concert violinist, which is pretty huge for the family. And she got into private school. But she started wearing black lipstick and she dyed her hair purple. It’s pretty huge.

Making a record is a lot like surgery without an anesthetic. You first have to cut yourself up the middle. Then you have to rip out every single organ, every single part and lay them on a table. You then need to examine the parts, and the reality of the situation hits you. You find yourself saying things like “I didn’t know that part was so ugly.” Or “I better get a professional opinion about that.” You go to bed hollow and then back into the operating room the next day. . .facing every fear, every disgusting thing you hate about yourself. Then you pop it all back in, sew yourself shut and perform. . . you perform like your life depended on it—-and in those perfect moments you find beauty you never knew existed. You find yourself and you friends all over again, you find something to fight for, something to love. Something to show the world.

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Source: dutchscene.nl

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"If I announce something i'm making sure I'm doing it."

- Gerard Way,

Gerard Way

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  • Born: April 9, 1977
  • Occupation: Musician
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