Цитаты в стиле goblin core

Обновлено: 24.03.2025

Стиль Гоблинкор прославляет аспекты природы, которые многие находят уродливым или грязным, от животных таких как лягушки и улитки, до материалов таких как мох, грязь,растения и грибы, такие как мухоморы и т.д.

Мода гоблинкор может включать в себя любую одежду, подходящую для приключений, но большинству поклонников гоблинкора, похоже, нравятся наряды с несколькими конфликтующими узорами и цветами.

Цветовые схемы могут включать в себя:

Мягкие, размытые оттенки (иногда с внезапными всплесками ярких оттенков)

Любой оттенок зеленого, коричневого или серого (цвета часто ассоциируются с природой и грязью)

Свитера, изношенные или поношенные джинсы / комбинезоны и уникальные носки часто являются основными элементами гардероба goblincore.

Гоблинов часто можно увидеть в темно-зеленой или коричневой одежде. Иногда у них также будут пояса с мешочками алхимиков или сумка для хранения блестящих предметов


Spotify Playlists

YouTube Playlists

Следующая цитата

|•°•Кофеёк с зефиркой•°•| :

меня впечатлило, тест очень хорош, удачи с последующими🪐

Тест классный, надеюсь будут еще подобные +3

Вааа, это очень круто и атмосферно
+3, Автору чая, печенек и вдохновения 🌿
Хотелось бы нще подобного :>

Следующая цитата

Гоблинкор популярен в ЛГБТ сообществе, особенно среди небинарных персон.

Частью Гоблинкора является желание собирать и копить маленькие, часто блестящие предметы, ласково называемые блестками практикующими гоблинами. Многие гоблины тесно связаны с похожими эстетиками, такими как Cottagecore и Культура стервятников.

Key colours

Earth tones such as dark green, light brown, dark brown, dark lime, and navy blue. (Sometimes)

Визуал [ ]

  • Камни и галька
  • Грибы
  • Принт корова
  • Монеты
  • Насекомые
  • Травы и мох
  • Улитки и лягушки

Мода гоблинкор включает в себя любую одежду, подходящую для приключений, но большинству поклонников гоблинкора, похоже, нравятся наряды с несколькими конфликтующими узорами и цветами. Большая часть одежды изношена, бережлива или подержана для более комфортного ощущения. Большинство фанатов гоблинкора любят пачкаться, поэтому поддержание их одежды свежей и чистой не является главным приоритетом. Свитера, изношенные или сшитые на заказ джинсы, комбинезоны и уникальные носки часто являются основными элементами гардероба гоблинкора. Гоблинов часто можно увидеть в темно-зеленой или коричневой одежде. Иногда у них также будут пояса с мешочками алхимиков или сумка для хранения блестящих предметов.

Key motifs

Clutter, dirt, flora, frogs, goblins, snails, moss, mushrooms, candles, shiny jewels.

Следующая цитата

A small collection of trinkets owned by a Goblin.

Key values

Curiosity, diversity, imperfection, nature.



  • Snails
  • Buttons
  • Painted Rocks and pebbles
  • Earthy Tones
  • Mushrooms and Moss
  • Frogs and Toads
  • Rings
  • Fantasy, mythology and Adventure
  • Forests


Goblincore fashion can involve any clothing that is suitable for adventure, but most goblincore fans seem to like outfits with several clashing patterns/colors. Lots of the clothing is worn-out, thrifted, or second-hand for a more comfortable feel. Most goblincore fans enjoy getting dirt, so keeping their clothes fresh and clean isn't a top priority. Cozy Oversized Sweaters, worn-out or customized jeans and overalls, and unique socks are staples in goblincore fashion. These people like to wander around the woods and collect random objects that pique their interest. Since they love nature so much, Earthy colored clothes like Brown or Green fit them the best

Goblins are often seen in dark green or brown clothes. Sometimes, they will also have belts with alchemists pouches or a satchel to store shiny objects.


A list of external links to get a better understanding of this aesthetic.

Websites and Subreddits

Pinterest Boards

Related aesthetics

Goblincore is an aesthetic based on the appreciation of aspects of nature not typically regarded as beautiful. These aspects can range from animals such as frogs and snails to materials such as moss, mud, plants, and fungi such as mushrooms. As a part of this beloved "ugliness" is the Goblin itself, a malevolent thieving creature in European folklore but in Goblincore a carefree representation of one's infatuation with nature's "ugliness" and general unpredictability.

Goblincore is popular in the LGBTQ+ community, especially among non-binary, transgender & demigender people.

A part of Goblincore is the desire to collect and hoard small, often shiny objects, affectionately named "shinies" by practicing Goblins. Many Goblins are closely involved in adjacent movements such as Cottagecore, and Vulture Culture.


Other names



One explanation of why Goblincore is not essentially antisemitic:

"Goblin, as a term and as a creature is a very old concept. They're one of the many types of fae with all that that implies. Love of shiny things, not afraid of a bit of muck. Recognizing the pretty in the conventionally ugly and generally considered to be outsiders.

"Antisemitic regimes, much later on in history, used a conveniently mutated interpretation of goblins as an allegory for Jews, as just one of many ways to dehumanize them to make it easier for the general populace to stand by and watch them being persecuted. It's at this time where goblins stay to be described as demonically ugly, greedy creatures with big pointy noses, poor hygiene and a tendency to eat children.

"The way goblins are portrayed in media now, with prime examples being Tolkein and Rowling, is antisemitic and should be called out.

"So what does all of this mean? Well, first and foremost, it means that you have to be careful how you depict your goblins. How? When drawing your goblinsonas or goblin ocs, stay away from drawing them with huge, hooked, and warted noses, don’t make their skin green or red (personally, I prefer grey skin for goblins.) If your goblin has sharp teeth, don’t make them huge and obvious. Because modern goblins are fair folk, it’s difficult to depict them without pointed ears, but try not to exaggerate the proportions.

"Behavior: Stop with the 'greedy little goblin' thing. That DIRECTLY comes from jewish stereotypes. Your Goblins are allowed to collect shiny things they find, but don’t make them greedy about it! Have your goblin share what they collect, make it a community effort. Sharing the things you love is way better than being miserly anyhow, and sharing more represents what we as goblins should want in our community! Also, be careful with your goblins being terrors. Yes, there are usually evil beings in every single race (whether mythological or real) but just be really really careful. Hitler loved to depict jews eating the Good Germans(™) or terrorizing communities. So even if your goblin is an evil one, be really really careful and be sure to educate yourself first so you’re not just perpetuating the same tired shit that Hitler did. Collecting coins.

Goblincore has also been accused of excessively cross-tagging in the Witchblr community, something taken very seriously on the website Tumblr.

Decade of origin


Websites & Stores

Note: If you happen to know any stores that sell specifically Goblincore clothes or things related to it, feel free to add to the list. It would be much appreciated.

Collectable Stores

Fashion Stores

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