Анри фредерик амьель цитаты

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Анри-Фредерик Амьель — швейцарский писатель, поэт, мыслитель-эссеист, писал на французском языке.

„I am a spectator, so to speak, of the molecular whirlwind which men call individual life; I am conscious of an incessant metamorphosis, an irresistible movement of existence, which is going on within me — and this phenomenology of myself serves as a window opened upon the mystery of the world.“

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„Each bud flowers but once and each flower has but its minute of perfect beauty; so, in the garden of the soul each feeling has, as it were, its flowering instant, its one and only moment of expansive grace and radiant kingship.“

30 December 1850
Journal Intime (1882), Journal entries
Контексте: Each bud flowers but once and each flower has but its minute of perfect beauty; so, in the garden of the soul each feeling has, as it were, its flowering instant, its one and only moment of expansive grace and radiant kingship. Each star passes but once in the night through the meridian over our heads and shines there but an instant; so, in the heaven of the mind each thought touches its zenith but once, and in that moment all its brilliancy and all its greatness culminate. Artist, poet, or thinker, if you want to fix and immortalize your ideas or your feelings, seize them at this precise and fleeting moment, for it is their highest point. Before it, you have but vague outlines or dim presentiments of them. After it you will have only weakened reminiscence or powerless regret; that moment is the moment of your ideal.

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Анри-Фредерик Амьель — швейцарский писатель, поэт, мыслитель-эссеист, писал на французском языке.

Род деятельности: писатель Дата рождения: 28.09.1821 Дата смерти: 11.05.1881 (59)

Более всего мы недовольны другими, когда недовольны собой. Сознание вины делает нас нетерпимыми.

Добавила Sylvia 12.01.10
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Вера — это уверенность без доказательств.

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«Личный дневник», 7 февраля 1872 года.

Добавила Sylvia 12.01.10
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Неизвестность есть убежище надежды.

Добавила Sylvia 12.01.10
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Минуты длительны, а годы быстротечны.

Добавил monfils 19.09.12
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Судьба сокрушает нас двояким образом: отказывая нам в наших желаниях и исполняя их.

Добавил(а) Аноним 30.10.12
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Делать легко то, что для других трудно, — это талант; делать то, что для таланта невозможно, — это гений.

Добавила Nells 09.02.11
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Чем больше любишь, тем больше страдаешь.

Добавил(а) Аноним 03.05.12
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Доставлять счастье и делать добро — вот наш закон, наш якорь спасения, наш маяк, смысл нашей жизни. Пусть перестанут существовать все религии, только бы оставалась эта; у нас будет идеал и будет стоить жить.

Добавил Дмитрий Кузнецов 18.06.16
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Брак должен быть бесконечным взаимным воспитанием.

Добавила Nells 19.06.11
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Женщина — спасение или гибель семьи.

Добавила user_102881079727628082882 25.06.15
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Я считаю, что идеальный врач – это человек, обладающий глубинным знанием жизни и человеческой души, который интуитивно распознает любое страдание и боль любого рода и восстанавливает мир одним своим присутствием.

Цитаты Амьель, Анри-Фредерик

„My privilege is to be spectator of my life drama, to be fully conscious of the tragi-comedy of my own destiny, and, more than that, to be in the secret of the tragi-comic itself, that is to say, to be unable to take my illusions seriously, to see myself, so to speak, from the theater on the stage, or to be like a man looking from beyond the tomb into existence. I feel myself forced to feign a particular interest in my individual part, while all the time I am living in the confidence of the poet who is playing with all these agents which seem so important, and knows all that they are ignorant of.“

„I can find no words for what I feel.“

Journal Intime (1882), Quotes used in the Introduction by Ward
Контексте: I can find no words for what I feel. My consciousness is withdrawn into itself; I hear my heart beating, and my life passing. It seems to me that I have become a statue on the banks of the river of time, that I am the spectator of some mystery, and shall issue from it old, or no longer capable of age.

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Чем сильнее любишь, тем больше теряешь чувство реальности!

Добавила Rei 05.05.09
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Чем сильнее человек любит, тем больше он страдает.

Добавил(а) Аноним 05.02.18
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Женщины — удивительные существа. Чем больше они страдают, тем больше они любят.

173 серия Добавила papandosik316 28.08.09
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Чем сильнее любят — тем больше запрещают. Если хочешь наверняка уничтожить того, кого любишь, разреши ему всё.

„Ought I not to have been more careful to win the good opinion of others, more determined to conquer their hostility or indifference? It would have been a joy to me to be smiled upon, loved, encouraged, welcomed, and to obtain what I was so ready to give, kindness and goodwill. But to hunt down consideration and reputation — to force the esteem of others — seemed to me an effort unworthy of myself, almost a degradation.“

Journal Intime (1882), Quotes used in the Introduction by Ward
Контексте: Ought I not to have been more careful to win the good opinion of others, more determined to conquer their hostility or indifference? It would have been a joy to me to be smiled upon, loved, encouraged, welcomed, and to obtain what I was so ready to give, kindness and goodwill. But to hunt down consideration and reputation — to force the esteem of others — seemed to me an effort unworthy of myself, almost a degradation. A struggle with unfavorable opinion has seemed to me beneath me, for all the while my heart has been full of sadness and disappointment, and I have known and felt that I have been systematically and deliberately isolated. Untimely despair and the deepest discouragement have been my constant portion. Incapable of taking any interest in my talents for their own sake, I let everything slip as soon as the hope of being loved for them and by them had forsaken me. A hermit against my will, I have not even found peace in solitude, because my inmost conscience has not been any better satisfied than my heart.

„Настоящая любовь - это искусство найти кого-то в мире, с которым ты понимаешь лучше, чем ты сам.“

„Heroism is the brilliant triumph of the soul over the flesh — that is to say, over fear: fear of poverty, of suffering, of calumny, of sickness, of isolation, and of death.“

1 October 1849
Journal Intime (1882), Journal entries
Контексте: Heroism is the brilliant triumph of the soul over the flesh — that is to say, over fear: fear of poverty, of suffering, of calumny, of sickness, of isolation, and of death. There is no serious piety without heroism. Heroism is the dazzling and glorious concentration of courage.

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Анри-Фредерик Амьель — швейцарский писатель, поэт, мыслитель-эссеист, писал на французском языке.

„Shakespeare must have experienced this feeling often, and Hamlet, I think, must express it somewhere.“

„Cleverness is serviceable for everything, sufficient for nothing.“

16 February 1868
Journal Intime (1882), Journal entries
Контексте: Clever men will recognize and tolerate nothing but cleverness; every authority rouses their ridicule, every superstition amuses them, every convention moves them to contradiction. Only force finds favor in their eyes, and they have no toleration for anything that is not purely natural and spontaneous. And yet ten clever men are not worth one man of talent, nor ten men of talent worth one man of genius. And in the individual, feeling is more than cleverness, reason is worth as much as feeling, and conscience has it over reason. If, then, the clever man is not mockable, he may at least be neither loved, nor considered, nor esteemed. He may make himself feared, it is true, and force others to respect his independence; but this negative advantage, which is the result of a negative superiority, brings no happiness with it. Cleverness is serviceable for everything, sufficient for nothing.

„I love everything, and detest one thing only — the hopeless imprisonment of my being within a single arbitrary form, even were it chosen by myself. Liberty for the inner man is then the strongest of my passions — perhaps my only passion.“

8 March 1868
The will localizes us, thought universalizes us. My soul wavers between two, four, six general and contradictory conceptions, for it obeys all the great instincts of human nature, and aspires to the absolute, which can only be realized by a succession of contraries.
As translated in The Private Journal of Henri Frédéric Amiel (1935), p. 238
Journal Intime (1882), Journal entries
Контексте: Action limits us; whereas in the state of contemplation we are endlessly expansive. Will localizes us; thought universalizes us. My soul wavers between half a dozen antagonistic general conceptions, because it is responsive to all the great instincts of human nature, and its aspiration is to the absolute, which is only to be reached through a succession of contraries. It has taken me a great deal of time to understand myself, and I frequently find myself beginning over again the study of the oft-solved problem, so difficult is it for us to maintain any fixed point within us. I love everything, and detest one thing only — the hopeless imprisonment of my being within a single arbitrary form, even were it chosen by myself. Liberty for the inner man is then the strongest of my passions — perhaps my only passion. Is such a passion lawful? It has been my habit to think so, but intermittently, by fits and starts. I am not perfectly sure of it.

„We are hemmed round with mystery, and the greatest mysteries are contained in what we see and do every day.“

30 December 1850
Journal Intime (1882), Journal entries
Контексте: The relation of thought to action filled my mind on waking, and I found myself carried toward a bizarre formula, which seems to have something of the night still clinging about it: Action is but coarsened thought; thought become concrete, obscure, and unconscious. It seemed to me that our most trifling actions, of eating, walking, and sleeping, were the condensation of a multitude of truths and thoughts, and that the wealth of ideas involved was in direct proportion to the commonness of the action (as our dreams are the more active, the deeper our sleep). We are hemmed round with mystery, and the greatest mysteries are contained in what we see and do every day. In all spontaneity the work of creation is reproduced in analogy. When the spontaneity is unconscious, you have simple action; when it is conscious, intelligent and moral action.

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