Фразы течиса на английском

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Реплики Techies "разделены", чтобы дать каждому персонажу определённый шанс что-либо сказать.

  • Если все 3 имени указаны в категории, то Скви имеет шанс 55%, Сплин — 40%, а Спун — шанс 5%.
  • Если Спун не указан, тогда Скви имеет шанс 55%, а Сплин — шанс 45%.
  • Если ни одно имя не указано, тогда все реплики имеют одинаковый шанс.


  • Link▶️ Techies!
  • Link▶️ We're Techies Demolitions! Hey, how you doing?
  • Link▶️ Techies Demolitions! We put the tech in tech-nically we meant to do that.
  • Link▶️ If you want explosions. Accept no substitutes!
  • Link▶️ I am Squee! I'm Spleen! And I'm Spoon!
  • Link▶️ They call me Squee! They call me Spleen! They don't know I'm here. Who said that?
  • Link▶️ Get 'em!
  • Link▶️ Let's light the fuse!
  • Link▶️ This is gonna be fun! Ha ha ha!
  • Link▶️ He he he he! Oh, this is gonna be fun!
  • Link▶️ Did we put the right fuse on that one?
  • Link▶️ Trap is set! Oh ho ho oh boy!

Стадия планирования

  • Link▶️ Techies!
  • Link▶️ We're Techies Demolitions! Hey, how you doing?
  • Link▶️ Techies Demolitions! We put the tech in tech-nically we meant to do that.
  • Link▶️ If you want explosions. Accept no substitutes!
  • Link▶️ I am Squee! I'm Spleen! And I'm Spoon!
  • Link▶️ They call me Squee! They call me Spleen! They don't know I'm here. Who said that?


  • Link▶️ This one is in the bag! Uh, but the fuses are in there!
  • Link▶️ This one is in the barrel! Um, just me in here.

Начало битвы

  • Link▶️ Measurements made. Bombs built. Powder's dry. Okay, let's blow something up!


Перезарядка 6 секунд

  • Link▶️ You sure? Quit arguing!
  • Link▶️ We're going, we're going! Geez.
  • Link▶️ Hm hm he he.
  • Link▶️ Heh, hwa ho.
  • Link▶️ Mm hm hm hm hm he he.
  • Link▶️ Ye-hehes!
  • Link▶️ Let's go!
  • Link▶️ Woo hoo!
  • Link▶️ Weee-ee-eee-ee!
  • Link▶️ Huh? What?
  • Link▶️ Huh huh hoo.
  • Link▶️ Mhuhuhuhehehehe.
  • Link▶️ Hmhmhehmhehehehehehehehh.
  • Link▶️ Hmha ha ha ha ha hehe.
  • Link▶️ Woo! He ha ha ha huh huh huh!
  • Link▶️ Off we go!


Перезарядка 6 секунд


Proximity Mines
При применении

Убийство врага
Шанс 25%

Stasis Trap
При применении
Шанс 75%

  • Link▶️ Trap is set! Oh ho ho oh boy!
  • Link▶️ I wonder what we'll catch!
  • Link▶️ Clever!
  • Link▶️ Sneaky.
  • Link▶️ Mhahaha, eh he he!
  • Link▶️ Sneaky!
  • Link▶️ Fun! Huhuhu!
  • Link▶️ Ah, hm hm hm hm hm hm!
  • Link▶️ Nnhaahahaha shh! Khskhs!
  • Link▶️ Te he he he! He he, ha ha!

При оглушении противника

Suicide Squad, Attack!
Убийство врага

  • Link▶️ What's this button do?
  • Link▶️ Huh. We sure bombed that.

Remote Mines
При применении

  • Link▶️ Here goes nothing.
  • Link▶️ Hope this works.
  • Link▶️ Oh boy!
  • Link▶️ And done.
  • Link▶️ There we go. Yeyuyu.
  • Link▶️ There's a good little mine.
  • Link▶️ There we are.
  • Link▶️ And just so.
  • Link▶️ Isn't that nice.
  • Link▶️ And plant you right there.
  • Link▶️ And planting over there.
  • Link▶️ And a planting over here. Mm mm mm.
  • Link▶️ Very nice.
  • Link▶️ Beautiful.
  • Link▶️ Just beautiful.
  • Link▶️ So beautiful.
  • Link▶️ Yes you're a good little mine. Yes you are.
  • Link▶️ Aw, just look at it. Nice.
  • Link▶️ Here goes nothing.
  • Link▶️ Hope this works.
  • Link▶️ Isn't that nice. Yes you are.
  • Link▶️ Uhsersadadadan there.
  • Link▶️ Anodotonusonurdedum there.
  • Link▶️ Annodododotododo there.
  • Link▶️ There's a good little mine.
  • Link▶️ Who's a good little mine.

Focused Detonate
Убийство врага
Шанс 15%

Получение уровня

  • Link▶️ I got an idea! Me too!
  • Link▶️ What if we- Quiet, I'm trying to think.
  • Link▶️ I think this just might work! Yeah.
  • Link▶️ Bam!
  • Link▶️ Ammonium nitrate, fulminated mercury- What're we missing?
  • Link▶️ What's next? Let's find out!
  • Link▶️ My mind is exploding with ideas. Not literally I hope!
  • Link▶️ Hoh! I'm brilliant. You are?
  • Link▶️ Fantastic! Agreed.
  • Link▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
  • Link▶️ You're a genius! Aw shucks, go on.
  • Link▶️ Eureka!
  • Link▶️ Bam!
  • Link▶️ Dynamite! Uh not quite.
  • Link▶️ Mm hm hm hm eh he he he he he!
  • Link▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Убийство врага

  • Link▶️ Eureka!
  • Link▶️ Eureekaaa!
  • Link▶️ Didn't mean to hurt ya! I did.
  • Link▶️ You died for science!
  • Link▶️ Let's do that again! Yeah!
  • Link▶️ H-hey! Don't blame us!
  • Link▶️ Next time wear safety goggles!
  • Link▶️ I can't believe that worked.
  • Link▶️ Now that's what I call a success.
  • Link▶️ So much for peaceful applications.
  • Link▶️ I can't believe that worked.
  • Link▶️ Proper safety is really boring.
  • Link▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
  • Link▶️ Hehe, hehehe, hehehehe he he ha ha ha ha ha!
  • Link▶️ Ba-boom! Bang!
  • Link▶️ Wo ho ho! Ah ha! Eh he he he he!
  • Link▶️ Explosions! Explosions!
  • Link▶️ Uh ho ho ho ho ho hoo!
  • Link▶️ Ho ho! Oh ho ho ho ho ho!
  • Link▶️ He he he, hehe ah ha! Oh ho ho oh oh ha ha ha!
  • Link▶️ Ba-boom! Bang! Pow.
  • Link▶️ Hey. You okay?
  • Link▶️ Watch your step next time.

Убийство определенного героя
Шанс 20%

Первая кровь

Встреча союзника

Во время ранней игры, в радиусе 1000


Перезарядка 60 секунд

  • Link▶️ Science! Please stop saying that.

Добивание союзного юнита

Требует нахождения видимого врага в радиусе 1000, перезарядка 60 секунд

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