Asking the way фразы

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Asking the Way & Giving Direstions. Упражнения

Упражнение 1. Внимательно изучите план и заполните головоломку.

Задания по теме "Как спросить дорогу".

Повторить Предлоги места в английском языке

Упражнение 2. Прочитайте текст, изобразите маршрут на плане, впишите названия улиц, обозначьте расположение школы, церкви и старого дерева.

Задания по теме "Как спросить дорогу".

На английском языке задание звучит так: Read the directions and then: 1) draw the route on the map; 2) write in the street names; 3) mark in the position of the car park, the school, the church and the old tree.

A. Now answer these questions about the map. Give short answers.

  1. Is there a car park in Plainfield Road?
  2. Are there houses in Plainfield Road?
  3. Is there a school in Ivy Street?
  4. Is the tree opposite the church?
  5. Are the houses opposite the car park?

B. Use the directions above to complete the dialogue:

A Excuse me. Can you ______ me where Ivy Street is, please?
В Yes, of course. This _____ Elm Lane. Turn left at the traffic _____. ____ is Pine Avenue.
A Turn left. Yes.
В Go along Pine Avenue. At the traffic______. ______ is Oak Lane._____ straight to a roundabout. _______ right at the roundabout. This is ______ Street.
A Can I park there?
В Yes, _______ a car park ________ the school.

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