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Обновлено: 26.03.2025

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne — компьютерная игра в жанре шутера от третьего лица, разработанная финской компанией Remedy Entertainment для платформ PC, Xbox, и PlayStation 2 и изданная Rockstar Games в 2003 году.

Энштейн был прав, время зависит от положения наблюдателя. Под дулом пистолета оно замедляется, мимо проходит вся жизнь, все разочарования.

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Это стабильная версия, проверенная 2 июля 2018. 18 изменений ожидают проверки.

ТочностьВыборочно проверено

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«Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne» — компьютерная игра в жанре шутера от третьего лица, разработанная финской компанией Remedy Entertainment.

Следующая цитата

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne is a computer game developed by Remedy Entertainment in 2003.


Max Payne [ edit ]

Mona Sax [ edit ]

  • [To Max] What are you so afraid of? What do you want from me?
  • [Trying to assist Max, to herself] Sometimes, Mona, you gotta go down to get up.
  • You're a bastard, Max.
  • [To Vlad, having shot him in the arm] See? You're nothing but a one-armed bandit.
  • [Final quote] God, I turned out to be such a damsel in distress.
    • She dies after saying this unless the game has been completed on Dead on Arrival difficulty.

    Vladimir Lem [ edit ]

    Vinnie Gognitti [ edit ]

    • [Regarding his collection of Captain Baseball Bat Boy merchandise] What? What, I'm a collector! Do you know how much this stuff is worth? I tell ya', fuckin' much! There's nothin' nerdy about it, I'm a collector! Lots of tough guys are into this stuff! Frankie was into this stuff, he was a fuckin' tough guy! Just you wait till I sell my collection online! We'll see who's the nerd when I'm a millionaire!
    • Well, that was fun, in a fucking terrible, sick, not-at-all fun way!
    • Aw, man! Why does this keep happenin' to me? Oh, it was sooo perfect [the Giant-headed Baseball-bat boy costume], now it's ruined! [Max comes through the doorway] Aw, no! No way!
    • [Shooting his Ingram at Vlad] Die, Russian! Fuckin' die already!
    • No no no no no PAYNE WHADDYA DOIN. WHADDYA DOIN. Those are priceless collectors items! Payne, whaddaya doin'?! Aww shit! Ohh.

    Various [ edit ]

    • The Pink Flamingo: [on TV] .mirrors are more fun than television
    • The Pink Flamingo: [on TV] .she has dyed her hair red
    • The Pink Flamingo: [on TV] .the flesh of fallen angels
    • John Mirra: [on TV, address Unknown] When Mirra killed again, the map of the city changed. Like a shifting glacier, a new crack appeared with every gunshot. I had abandoned all conventional methods of navigation. I was following the bloody signs he kept leaving me. And he was watching me do it.
    • John Mirra: [on TV, address Unknown] Wherever I went, the pay phones started to ring. Finally, I collected enough courage to answer one.
    • Dick Justice: [on TV] The rain was comin' down like all the angels in heaven decided to take a piss at the same time. When you're in a situation like mine, you can only think in metaphors.
    • Mafia Thug: [fighting Cleaners] Motherfuckers! You think you can come in here, you think you can? Eh? Eh?! You think! You think wrong, motherfuckers! You think wrong!
    • Jim Bravura: They [the cleaners] hit your home? It's like a friggin' Kindergarten out there! What next? A kid with a bag full of guns and a head full of videogames turns the house into a shooting gallery. Breaks my heart.
    • Jim Bravura: [after being shot by a cleaner] Bullshit!
    • Mike the Cowboy: Of course he's not dead yet, the sheriff only dies in the end. Well, Payne, I'm here, in the boss' office. Come on. I'm waiting. Let's finish this. What's taking you so long, sheriff? Scared?

    Dialogue [ edit ]

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