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Лозунг «не сдавайся» решал, решает и всегда будет решать любые человеческие проблемы.

Добавила J..D 20.05.11 в 0:33
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„Whether one traces his Americanisms back three centuries to the Mayflower, or three years to the steerage, is not half so important as whether his Americanism of today is real and genuine. No matter by what various crafts we came here, we are all now in the same boat“

„Looking back only a few years, we appreciate how rapid has been the progress of the colored people on this continent. Emancipation brought them the opportunity of which they have availed themselves.“

1920s, The Progress of a People (1924)
Контексте: Looking back only a few years, we appreciate how rapid has been the progress of the colored people on this continent. Emancipation brought them the opportunity of which they have availed themselves. It has been calculated that in the first year following the acceptance of their status as a free people, there were approximately 4,000,000 members of the race in this country, and that among these only 12,000 were the owners of their homes; only 20,000 among them conducted their own farms, and the aggregate wealth of these 4,000,000 people hardly exceeded $20,000,000. In a little over a half century since, the number of business enterprises operated by colored people had grown to near 50,000, while the wealth of the Negro community has grown to more than $1,100,000,000. And these figures convey a most inadequate suggestion of the material progress. The 2,000 business enterprises which were in the hands of colored people immediately following emancipation were almost without exception small and rudimentary. Among the 50,000 business operations now in the hands of colored people may be found every type of present-day affairs. There are more than 70 banks conducted by thoroughly competent colored business men. More than 80 percent of all American Negroes are now able to read and write. When they achieved their freedom not 10 percent were literate. There are nearly 2,000,000 Negro pupils in the public schools; well-nigh 40,000 Negro teachers are listed, more than 3,000 following their profession in normal schools and colleges. The list of educational institutions devoting themselves to the race includes 50 colleges, 13 colleges for women, 26 theological schools, a standard school of law, and 2 high-grade institutions of medicine. Through the work of these institutions the Negro race is equipping men and women from its own ranks to provide its leadership in business, the professions, in all relations of life.

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But you can't give up,
Keep what you love!

Не сдавайся вновь
И всегда храни любовь!

Добавила Нойтра Фобос 19.11.16
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Слова «не сдавайся» были уже даже не мантрой — другого пути просто не было.

Добавила Teo_13 07.02.19
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В любом человеческом языке слишком много лишних, необязательных слов и всегда не хватает нужных.

Добавила Niakris 02.05.11
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Всегда есть выбор. И всегда проблема в самом выборе.

Добавила Мефодия Ти 30.01.20
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— Он задница. И всегда был задницей. И всегда будет задницей. Кое-кто задницей рождается и задницей остается, вот и весь сказ.

„It is convinced that it will be impossible for the people to provide their own government unless they continue to own their own property. These are the very foundations of America. On them has been erected a Government of freedom and equality, of justice and mercy, of education and charity. Living under it and supporting it the people have come into great possessions on the material and spiritual sides of life. I want to continue in this direction.“

1920s, Second State of the Union Address (1924)
Контексте: It is axiomatic that our country can not stand still. It would seem to be perfectly plain from recent events that it is determined to go forward. But it wants no pretenses, it wants no vagaries. It is determined to advance in an orderly, sound and common-sense way. It does not propose to abandon the theory of the Declaration that the people have inalienable rights which no majority and no power of government can destroy. It does not propose to abandon the practice of the Constitution that provides for the protection of these rights. It believes that within these limitations, which are imposed not by the fiat of man but by the law of the Creator, self-government is just and wise. It is convinced that it will be impossible for the people to provide their own government unless they continue to own their own property. These are the very foundations of America. On them has been erected a Government of freedom and equality, of justice and mercy, of education and charity. Living under it and supporting it the people have come into great possessions on the material and spiritual sides of life. I want to continue in this direction. I know that the Congress shares with me that desire. I want our institutions to be more and more expressive of these principles. I want the people of all the earth to see in the American flag the symbol of a Government which intends no oppression at home and no aggression abroad, which in the spirit of a common brotherhood provides assistance in time of distress.

Следующая цитата

1920s, Equal Rights (1920)
Контексте: We revere that day because it marks the beginnings of independence, the beginnings of a constitution that was finally to give universal freedom and equality to all American citizens — the beginnings of a government that was to recognize beyond all others the power and worth and dignity of man. There began the first of governments to acknowledge that it was founded on the sovereignty of the people. There the world first beheld the revelation of modern democracy.

Следующая цитата

Ничто в мире не может заменить упорства. Талант не заменит его: нет ничего более обычного, чем талантливый неудачник. Гений тоже не заменит его: непризнанная гениальность почти вошла в поговорку. Образование не заменит упорства: мир полон образованных изгоев. Лишь упорство и решимость всемогущи. Лозунг «не сдавайся» решал, решает и всегда будет решать любые человеческие проблемы.

Успех – это только инструмент, которым надо пользоваться, а не божество, которому надо служить.

Имеется лишь одна форма политической стратегии, которой я доверяю, – стараться делать то, что правильно, и иногда добиваться успеха.

Люди, избирающие человека во власть с той целью, чтобы он добился для своего избирательного округа всего, что только сможет, обнаружат, вероятно, что они избрали человека, который добивается всего, что только может, для себя лично.

Нет достоинства столь впечатляющего и независимости столь важной, как жить по средствам.

Я сторонник экономии не потому, что желаю сберечь деньги, а потому, что желаю сберечь людей. Мужчины и женщины этой страны, занятые тяжелым трудом, – именно они оплачивают расходы на управление этой страной. Каждый доллар, который мы бездумно растрачиваем впустую, означает, что их жизнь будет беднее. Каждый доллар, который мы благоразумно экономим, означает, что в их жизни будет больше достатка.

Экономия – это идеализм в его самой практичной форме.

Если вы ничего не скажете, вас не попросят повторить это.

Дело Америки — делать дела.

– Так что проповедник говорил о грехе? – Он был против.

Один человек плюс закон — уже большинство.

Я думаю, что американский народ хочет иметь президентом торжественного осла, и полагаю, что справлюсь с этим.

Нет ничего легче, чем тратить бюджетные деньги. Кажется, что они не принадлежат никому. Искушение слишком велико, чтобы кто-либо мог перед ним устоять.

Никогда не выходи навстречу неприятностям. Сиди спокойно, и девять из десяти неприятностей просто не дойдут до тебя.

Я заметил: ничего из того, что я не сказал, не доставило мне никаких неприятностей.

Собирать налогов больше, чем абсолютно необходимо, значит заниматься узаконенным грабежом.

„It is frequently charged that this tribunal is tyrannical. If the Constitution of the United States be tyranny; if the rule that no one shall be convicted of a crime save by a jury of his peers; that no orders of nobility shall be granted; that slavery shall not be permitted to exist in any state or territory; that no one shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law; if these and many other provisions made by the people be tyranny, then the Supreme Court when it makes decisions in accordance with these principles of our fundamental law is tyrannical. Otherwise it is exercising the power of government for the preservation of liberty. The fact is that the Constitution is the source of our freedom. Maintaining it, interpreting it, and declaring it, are the only methods by which the Constitution can be preserved and our liberties guaranteed.“

1920s, Ordered Liberty and World Peace (1924)

„Our inhabitants are especially free to promote their own welfare. They are unburdened by militarism. They are not called upon to support any imperialistic designs. Every mother can rest in the assurance that her children will find here a land of devotion, prosperity and peace. The tall shaft near which we are gathered and yonder stately memorial remind us that our standards of manhood are revealed in the adoration which we pay to Washington and Lincoln. They are unrivaled and unsurpassed. Above all else, they are Americans“

1920s, Authority and Religious Liberty (1924)
Контексте: The evidence of this is all about us, in our wealth, our educational facilities, our charities, our religious institutions, and in the moral influence which we exert on the world. Most of all, it is apparent in the unexampled place which is held by the people who toil. Our inhabitants are especially free to promote their own welfare. They are unburdened by militarism. They are not called upon to support any imperialistic designs. Every mother can rest in the assurance that her children will find here a land of devotion, prosperity and peace. The tall shaft near which we are gathered and yonder stately memorial remind us that our standards of manhood are revealed in the adoration which we pay to Washington and Lincoln. They are unrivaled and unsurpassed. Above all else, they are Americans. The institutions of our country stand justified both in reason and in experience. I am aware that they will continue to be assailed. But I know they will continue to stand. We may perish, but they will endure. They are founded on the Rock of Ages.

„Liberty is not collective, it is personal. All liberty is individual liberty.“

1920s, Authority and Religious Liberty (1924)
Контексте: The Constitution and laws of our country are adopted and enacted through the direct action of the people, or through their duly chosen representatives. They reflect the enlightened conscience of our country. They ought always to speak with the true and conscientious voice of the people. Such voice has from time immemorial had the authority of divine sanction. In their great fundamentals they do not change. As new light arrives they may be altered in their details, but they represent the best that we know at any given time. To support the Constitution, to observe the laws, is to be true to our own higher nature. That is the path, and the only path, towards liberty. To resist them and violate them is to become enemies to ourselves and instruments of our own destruction. That is the path towards servitude. Obedience is not for the protection of someone else, but for the protection of ourselves. It needs to be remembered that it has to be secured not through the action of others, but through our own actions. Liberty is not collective, it is personal. All liberty is individual liberty.

Следующая цитата

Ничто в мире не заменит упорства. Не заменит талант — ничего нет обыкновенней талантливого неудачника. Не заменит гений — непризнанная гениальность почти вошла в поговорку. Не заменит образование — мир полон образованных голодранцев. Всесильны лишь упорство и решимость. Девиз стоять на своем всегда разрешал и будет разрешать проблемы рода человеческого.

(Пробивайся вперёд: ничто на свете не заменит настойчивости. Её не заменит талант — нет ничего обычнее талантливых неудачников. Её не заменит гениальность — нереализованный гений уже стал притчей во языцех. Её не заменит хорошее образование — мир полон образованных изгоев. Всемогущи лишь настойчивость и упорство.)

„They came home with many decorations and their conduct repeatedly won high commendation from both American and European commanders.“

1920s, The Progress of a People (1924)
Контексте: The propaganda of prejudice and hatred which sought to keep the colored men from supporting the national cause completely failed. The black man showed himself the same kind of citizen, moved by the same kind of patriotism, as the white man. They were tempted, but not one betrayed his country. Among well-nigh 400,000 colored men who were taken into the military service, about one-half had overseas experience. They came home with many decorations and their conduct repeatedly won high commendation from both American and European commanders.

„Yet Americans are not visionary, they are not sentimentalists. They want idealism, but they want it to be practical, they want it to produce results.“

1920s, Authority and Religious Liberty (1924)
Контексте: Yet Americans are not visionary, they are not sentimentalists. They want idealism, but they want it to be practical, they want it to produce results. It would be little use to try to convince them of the soundness and righteousness of their institutions, if they could not see that they have been justified in the past history and the present condition of the people. They estimate the correctness of the principle by the success which they find in their own experience. They have faith but they want works.

„No part of the community responded more willingly, more generously, more unqualifiedly, to the demand for special extraordinary exertion, than did the members of the Negro race. Whether in the military service, or in the vast mobilization of industrial resources which the war required, the Negro did his part precisely as did the white man. He drew no color line when patriotism made its call upon him. He gave precisely as his white fellow citizens gave, to the limit of resources and abilities, to help the general cause. Thus the American Negro established his right to the gratitude and appreciation which the Nation has been glad to accord.“

1920s, The Progress of a People (1924)
Контексте: The armies in the field could not have done their part in the war if they had not been sustained and supported by the far greater civilian forces at home, which through unremitting toil made it possible to sustain our war effort. No part of the community responded more willingly, more generously, more unqualifiedly, to the demand for special extraordinary exertion, than did the members of the Negro race. Whether in the military service, or in the vast mobilization of industrial resources which the war required, the Negro did his part precisely as did the white man. He drew no color line when patriotism made its call upon him. He gave precisely as his white fellow citizens gave, to the limit of resources and abilities, to help the general cause. Thus the American Negro established his right to the gratitude and appreciation which the Nation has been glad to accord.

„The Nation has need of all that can be contributed to it through the best efforts of all its citizens. The colored people have repeatedly proved their devotion to the high ideals of our country. They gave their services in the war with the same patriotism and readiness that other citizens did. The records of the selective draft show that somewhat more than 2,250,000 colored men were registered. The records further prove that, far from seeking to avoid participation in the national defense, they showed that they wished to enlist before the selective service act was put into operation, and they did not attempt to evade that act afterwards.“

1920s, The Progress of a People (1924)

„July 4, 1776 was the historic day on which the representatives of three millions of people vocalized Concord, and Lexington, and Bunker Hill, which gave notice to the world that they proposed to establish an independent nation on the theory that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.“

1920s, Equal Rights (1920)
Контексте: July 4, 1776 was the historic day on which the representatives of three millions of people vocalized Concord, and Lexington, and Bunker Hill, which gave notice to the world that they proposed to establish an independent nation on the theory that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The wonder and glory of the American people is not the ringing Declaration of that day, but the action then already begun, and in the process of being carried out, in spite of every obstacle that war could interpose, making the theory of freedom and equality a reality.

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