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Мистер Шелби, у меня есть планы и мне нужны люди вроде вас. Вот только людей вроде вас нет, и поэтому мне нужны именно вы.
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— Мэй Карлтон рассказала о загуле, который вы, вероятно, помните смутно, когда вы на машине врезались в голубятню и три дня жили на шампанском и кокаине. Можете себе представить?
— Всего три дня?
„The greatest comet of British politics in the twentieth century…an orator of the highest rank. He produced, almost unaided, a programme of economic reconstruction which surpassed anything offered by Lloyd George or, in the United States, by F. D. Roosevelt…He has continued fertile in ideas…A superb political thinker, the best of our age.“
„A prophet or an achiever must never mind an occasional absurdity; it is an occupational risk.“
„I am not, and never have been, a man of the right. My position was on the left and is now in the centre of politics.“
Letter to The Times (26 April, 1968), p. 11.
„Если ты любишь свою страну, ты националист, а если ты любишь своих людей, то ты социалист.“
„If you love our country you are national, and if you love our people you are a socialist.“
Fascists, Michael Mann, Cambridge University Press (2006) p. 7.
„No rising star in the political firmament ever shone more brightly than Oswald Mosley, none promised more surely to soar to the heavens – and none fell to earth with so deadening a thud. Never were such rich talents so wretchedly squandered. Never did success turn to failure so inscrutably.“
Michael Foot, Mosley: the rise and fall of a would-be Caesar, Evening Standard, 22 October 1968.
„We have lost the good old British spirit. Instead we have American journalism and black-shirted buffoons making a cheap imitation of ice-cream sellers.“
In 1927 after his Labour Party meeting in Cambridge was broken-up by pro-Fascist undergraduates. The mention of "ice-cream sellers" was a reference to Italian immigrants who had opened ice-cream parlours.
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Цитаты Освальд Мосли
„С фашизмом народ впервые получит свободу, которой сегодня не имеет. Какая польза от права голоса, если люди никогда не получают то, за что голосуют? Или как сбудутся их чаяния, когда из-за всевозможных помех за целый год через Парламент проходят лишь два законопроекта? Для народа свобода начинается с реализации программы, за которую он голосовал. Но для этого правительство должно иметь реальную власть. Предоставив правительству эту власть, фашизм станет не концом свободы, а её возрождением.“
Следующая цитата
Сэр О́свальд Э́рнальд Мо́сли — британский политик, баронет, основатель Британского союза фашистов.
Цитаты Освальд Мосли
„Capable of becoming either Conservative or Labour Prime Minister.“
Richard Crossman, New Statesman (27 October 1961).
„The declared object of deflation was the restoration of the gold standard at pre-war parity. Its actual effect has been to create unemployment by the restriction of industrial credit. By the lever of unemployment it has forced down wages and has thus facilitated the return to gold through the reduction of prices. An incidental effect has been to transfer purchasing power from the workers, whose wages have been reduced, to the bondholders, whose interest has remained the same. It has also doubled the real burden of Debt since 1920, and was largely responsible for the mining lock-out last year, by the reduction in terms of sterling of the money which we receive for coal sold abroad. Deflation, in fact, has been responsible for a sinister catalogue of disasters which can be substantiated in detailed argument that has never yet been rebutted.“
New Leader (20 September 1927), quoted in Robert Skidelsky, Oswald Mosley (Papermacs, 1981), pp. 152-153.
Следующая цитата
Сэр О́свальд Э́рнальд Мо́сли — британский политик, баронет, основатель Британского союза фашистов.
Фото: Glyn Warren Philpot / Public domain„Feudalism worked in its crude and inequitable fashion until the coming of the Industrial Age. Today the Feudal tradition and its adherents are broken as a political power and in most cases are ignobly lending their prestige and their abilities to the support of the predatory plutocracy which has gained complete control of the Conservative Party. In modern times the old regime is confronted with two alternatives. The first is to serve the new world in a great attempt to bring order out of chaos and beauty out of squalor. The other alternative is to become flunkeys of the bourgeoisie. It is a matter of constant surprise and regret that many of my class have chosen the latter course.“
Letter to The Morning Post (27 July 1928), quoted in Robert Skidelsky, Oswald Mosley (Papermacs, 1981), p. 134.
„That consecrated combination of private interests and public plunders.“
Mosley on the banking system, Annual Report (1925) of the Independent Labour Party, quoted in Robert Skidelsky, Oswald Mosley (Papermacs, 1981), p. 142.
„The declared object of deflation was the restoration of the gold standard at pre-war parity. Its actual effect has been to create unemployment by the restriction of industrial credit. By the lever of unemployment it has forced down wages and has thus facilitated the return to gold through the reduction of prices. An incidental effect has been to transfer purchasing power from the workers, whose wages have been reduced, to the bondholders, whose interest has remained the same. It has also doubled the real burden of Debt since 1920, and was largely responsible for the mining lock-out last year, by the reduction in terms of sterling of the money which we receive for coal sold abroad. Deflation, in fact, has been responsible for a sinister catalogue of disasters which can be substantiated in detailed argument that has never yet been rebutted.“
New Leader (20 September 1927), quoted in Robert Skidelsky, Oswald Mosley (Papermacs, 1981), pp. 152-153.
„Together in Britain we have lit a flame that the ages shall not extinguish. Guard that sacred flame, my brother Blackshirts, until it illuminates Britain and lights again the paths of mankind.“
Winston Churchill, as Chancellor of the Exchequer, had returned Britain to the gold standard and Mosley believed this would lead to unemployment, quoted in Robert Skidelsky, Oswald Mosley (Papermacs, 1981), p. 143.
Excerpt from Beyond the Pale by Nicholas Mosley.
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„Я не являюсь и никогда не был человеком права. Моя позиция была слева и сейчас находится в центре политики.“
Следующая цитата
Сэр О́свальд Э́рнальд Мо́сли — британский политик, баронет, основатель Британского союза фашистов.
Род деятельности:
Дата рождения:
Дата смерти:
03.12.1980 (84)
С фашизмом народ впервые получит свободу, которой сегодня не имеет. Какая польза от права голоса, если люди никогда не получают то, за что голосуют? Или как сбудутся их чаяния, когда из-за всевозможных помех за целый год через Парламент проходят лишь два законопроекта? Для народа свобода начинается с реализации программы, за которую он голосовал. Но для этого правительство должно иметь реальную власть. Предоставив правительству эту власть, фашизм станет не концом свободы, а её возрождением.
„Great men of action never mind on occasion being ridiculous; in a sense it is part of their job.“
My Life (1968), Ch.12.
„Did he not appear to you to be a public man of no little courage, no little candour and no little ability.“
Lord Chief Justice Hewart
„Я не являюсь и никогда не был человеком права. Моя позиция была слева и сейчас находится в центре политики.“
„We propose first to expand credit in order to create demand. That new and greater demand must, of course, be met by a new and greater supply of goods, or all the evils of inflation and price rise will result. Here our Socialist planning must enter in. We must see that more goods are forthcoming to meet the new demand.“
Revolution by Reason, p. 31, quoted in Robert Skidelsky, Oswald Mosley (Papermacs, 1981), p. 145.
„The ranks of the City are now divided. The advanced section, headed by Mr McKenna and Mr Keynes, face the orthodox and reactionary ranks which are led by Mr Montagu Norman and the heads of the Treasury. To the uninitiated it…seems a little unfortunate that the ex-Labour chancellor should appear…to be an ardent supporter of Mr Montagu Norman. It will be little less than a disaster if in this struggle Labour support is accorded to the reactionary elements in the City.“
Socialist Review (September 1927), quoted in Robert Skidelsky, Oswald Mosley (Papermacs, 1981), p. 152.
„[Fascism] was an explosion against intolerable conditions, against remediable wrongs which the old world failed to remedy. It was a movement to secure national renaissance by people who felt themselves threatened with decline into decadence and death and were determined to live, and live greatly.“
Excerpt from My Life by Oswald Mosley (1968), Ch.16.
„The ranks of the City are now divided. The advanced section, headed by Mr McKenna and Mr Keynes, face the orthodox and reactionary ranks which are led by Mr Montagu Norman and the heads of the Treasury. To the uninitiated it…seems a little unfortunate that the ex-Labour chancellor should appear…to be an ardent supporter of Mr Montagu Norman. It will be little less than a disaster if in this struggle Labour support is accorded to the reactionary elements in the City.“
Socialist Review (September 1927), quoted in Robert Skidelsky, Oswald Mosley (Papermacs, 1981), p. 152.
„Если ты любишь свою страну, ты националист, а если ты любишь своих людей, то ты социалист.“
„We have lost the good old British spirit. Instead we have American journalism and black-shirted buffoons making a cheap imitation of ice-cream sellers.“
In 1927 after his Labour Party meeting in Cambridge was broken-up by pro-Fascist undergraduates. The mention of "ice-cream sellers" was a reference to Italian immigrants who had opened ice-cream parlours.
„С фашизмом народ впервые получит свободу, которой сегодня не имеет. Какая польза от права голоса, если люди никогда не получают то, за что голосуют? Или как сбудутся их чаяния, когда из-за всевозможных помех за целый год через Парламент проходят лишь два законопроекта? Для народа свобода начинается с реализации программы, за которую он голосовал. Но для этого правительство должно иметь реальную власть. Предоставив правительству эту власть, фашизм станет не концом свободы, а её возрождением.“
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