What s up dog шутка
Обновлено: 17.03.2025
A joke that was good the first time you heard it, but then got shitty after the seventh time you heard it.
“Dude, it smells like updog in here.”
“Nothing much how about you?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”
by What_A_Dayyyy July 17, 2018
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UPDOG (Ultimate Paralyzation of Damaged Organ Genetics) is a process in the BOFA (Body Oscillation / Fatal Area) in which DNA is modified into having LIGMA symptoms in the genetics. This is only a stage 1 on the BOFA power level, however a person will suffer from intense addiction to Fortnite, get free Xbox Live or PlayStation Plus, and the ability to gain a free copy of the Save The World mode at birth. Though most of these symptoms sound positive, one negative symptoms will occur, a UPDOG victim will forever stay a virgin. It is unable to change that fact. Some popular examples of people with UPDOG include: TSM_Myth, every 12 year old, Ninja, Runescape players, and most likely you.
Person 1: Updog
Person 2: What’s Updog
Person 1: It’s when you get a free stuff from Epic for having special genes
Person 2: At least I’m not a virgin
The exact origin of the joke is unclear. On December 6th, 2000, Ars Technica Forums [4] member Col. Forbin submitted a variation of the prank to a thread titled "jokes that make you groan and/or wanna smack your forehead."
Следующий анекдот
A joke that was good the first time you heard it, but then got shitty after the seventh time you heard it.
“Dude, it smells like updog in here.”
“Nothing much how about you?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”
by What_A_Dayyyy July 17, 2018
Get the Updog neck gaiter and mug.
UPDOG (Ultimate Paralyzation of Damaged Organ Genetics) is a process in the BOFA (Body Oscillation / Fatal Area) in which DNA is modified into having LIGMA symptoms in the genetics. This is only a stage 1 on the BOFA power level, however a person will suffer from intense addiction to Fortnite, get free Xbox Live or PlayStation Plus, and the ability to gain a free copy of the Save The World mode at birth. Though most of these symptoms sound positive, one negative symptoms will occur, a UPDOG victim will forever stay a virgin. It is unable to change that fact. Some popular examples of people with UPDOG include: TSM_Myth, every 12 year old, Ninja, Runescape players, and most likely you.
Person 1: Updog
Person 2: What’s Updog
Person 1: It’s when you get a free stuff from Epic for having special genes
Person 2: At least I’m not a virgin
Следующий анекдот
Кстати советую всем изучающим язык посмотреть сериал офис (1 сезон очень неудачный имхо можно начать со 2го) в оригинале (если хромает "слушание" языка с английскими субтитрами - сложных слов и выражений мало, но юмор мне очень нравится - даже вот такие как я написал выше)
Сижу с книжкой, в которой поэма Пушкина "Евгений Онегин" и избранные стихотворения на английском языке. и в слезах пытаюсь навооброжать себе похожее обсуждение шуток из "Нашей Раши" на форуме американских студентов изучающих русский язык. короче. маза есть, я от хохота продольные мышечные волокна брюшного пресса потянул.
On May 1st, 2003, Urban Dictionary [1] user hairy chonch submitted an entry for "up dog," defining it as a "corny joke." On January 19th, 2006, Season 2 Episode 13 of The Office was broadcast, which features a variation of the joke during the show's opening skit (shown below).
On February 13th, 2011, League of Legends Forums [5] member renticletape submitted a post joking that "Updog is way too powerful" in the MOBA game. On April 10th, 2013, Redditor youre_a_big_guy submitted several multi-pane Game of Thrones image macros featuring various updog jokes (shown below). Prior to being archived, the post gained over 3,000 votes (88% upvoted) and 240 comments on /r/gameofthrones. [3]
On December 19th, 2014, BuzzFeed [6] published a listicle titled "The 21 Greatest Updogs of 2014," highlighting various social media posts referencing the joke. That month, the parody communications platform Updog.pw [2] was launched. On August 6th, 2015, the GameGrumps uploaded a animated skit about the joke (shown below). Within nine months, the video received upwards of 3.2 million views and 2,800 comments.
Следующий анекдот
"Updog" is a made-up term based on a wordplay of the colloquial expression "what's up, dog?" that is commonly used as a practical joke to elicit the question "what's updog?" from someone, to which the prankster typically responds with the punchline "Nothing. What’s up with you?"






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