Sunset цитаты на английском

Обновлено: 14.02.2025

FaceBook post by Paulo Coelho from Aug 26, 2011

"The Harvard Biographical Dictionary of Music". Book by Don Michael Randel, 1996.

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“The past is not one separate place. It is many, many places, and they are always ready to rise into the present. [I]t is all related. It is all the accumulation of time. It builds up and builds up and can catch you violently off guard at any moment. The past resides inside the present, repeating, hiccupping, reminding you of all the -stuff that no longer is.- It bleed out from road signs and plaques on park benches and songs and surnames and faces and the covers of books. Sometimes just the sight of a tree or a sunset can smack you with the power of every tree or sunset you have ever seen and there is no way to protect yourself. There is no possible way of living in a world without books or trees or sunsets. There just isn't.

“Lo extraño de las puestas de Sol
es que en realidad
no queremos que se ponga el Sol.

“माँ सरस्वती से प्रार्थना है कि आज से हर सूर्योदय एक नई उमंग, नया उत्साह, नई ऊर्जा ले कर आये और आपकी हर सुबह नई उम्मीदों और अवसरों से भरी रहे। माँ सरस्वती से ये भी प्रार्थना है की आज से हर सूर्यास्त एक नई चेतना, सुखद नए अनुभव और आत्मसंवरण के लिये नई प्रेरणा ले कर आये। आपकी हर शाम चैन, राहत और शीतलता भरी रहे। आप सदैव स्वस्थ रहें।

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Sunsets are not only beautiful, but they also have so much meaning. They signify endings, change, and transformation; they remind us that change is part of life and everything has an ending.

While the sunrise brings hope for the new day, the sunset brings a sense of peace that everything is going to be alright. It serves as a promise of a bright and light-filled new daytime.

You should take every opportunity to watch a sunset, as gazing may also have a number of psychological benefits. Studies show that slowing down to enjoy a sunset may boost well-being, increase prosociality and enhance life satisfaction.

Below is our collection of inspirational, wise, and beautiful sunset quotes, sayings, and proverbs, collected from a variety of sources over the years

Remember to also read our collection of beautiful sunshine quotes for more inspiration.

Sunset Quotes That Will Signal Change Inside You

4. “Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.” ― Rabindranath Tagore

6. “Sunset shows that LIFE is too beautiful to hold on to the past so Move on to the Present.” ― Jennifer Aquillo

10. “To leave out beautiful sunsets is the secret of good taste.” ― Dejan Stojanovic

Sunset quotes that will change your perspective

12. “There can’t possibly be anything more beautiful than Seaside Beach at sunset.” ― Bryn McCarren

15. “Sunset is a wonderful opportunity for us to appreciate all the great things the sun gives us!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan

20. When the sun has set, no candle can replace it.” ― George R.R. Martin

Sunset quotes to help you live a meaningful life

Have you seen these inspirational rain quotes to lift your spirits?

22. “If I can put one touch of rosy sunset into the life of any man or woman, I shall feel that I have worked with God.” ― G.K. Chesterton

24. “Sunrise is the start of something beautiful: the day. Sunset is the start of something beautiful: the night.” ― Juansen Dizon

29. “As long as the sun does not set in your mind, darkness will be nothing but a weak shadow in your life!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan

Sunset quotes to motivate you

You might also like these inspirational waves quotes for surfers & beach lovers.

31. “The more clouds you have in your sky, the more colorful sunset it will be.” ― Sajal Sazzad

32. “One day, all your worries will set like the sun does and deserved happiness will come gushing like waves at the beach do. All you need to make sure id that your trips to beach never end.” ― Jasleen Kaur Gumber

35. “Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer the goal.” ― Elbert Hubbard

36. “A sunset is the sun’s fiery kiss to the night.” ― Crystal Woods

40. “Believe in yourself and you can change a sunset into a new dawn.” ― Anthony T. Hincks

Sunset quotes to brighten your mood

42. “Never waste any amount of time doing anything important when there is a sunset outside that you should be sitting under!” ― C. JoyBell C.

43. “Never turn your back to the sunset, because you owe the sun a thanking for lighting you all day!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan

49. “Let the sea breeze blow your hair, let the sunset bring tranquility to your heart, let the distant places you travel allow you to explore yourself.” ― Somya Kedia

Sunset quotes to uplift you

51. “Every sunset is different, because every day sun is different, clouds are different, space is different, reflections are different, mountains are different, fogs are different, and above all, we are different!”― Mehmet Murat ildan

52. “The most beautiful sunset is when you have it with your beloved one and the most beautiful sunrise is quite the same.”― Galina Nelson

53. “May every sunrise hold more promise and every sunset hold more peace…”― Umair Siddiqui

54. “Sunset is the opening music of the night.”― Mehmet Murat ildan

56. “Admire the efforts of a failure like you admire the beauty of a sunset.”― Amit Kalantri

57. “Watching them was like watching the sunset and the sunrise, equally beautiful in different ways.”― Shannon A. Thompson

58. “The sun was now in its death throes, bruising the sky a coiling purple and orange.”― Harlan Coben

59. “Every end of the day is a great movie and the Sun above is surely the leading actor in this film!”― Mehmet Murat ildan

Sunset quotes to live by

61. “I like that time is marked by each sunrise and sunset whether or not you actually see it.” ― Catherine Opie

62. “If you are in a beautiful place where you can enjoy sunrise and sunset, then you are living like a lord.” ― Nathan Phillips

63. “Sunsets are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully.” – Kristen Butler

64. “Sunsets are so beautiful that they almost seem as if we were looking through the gates of Heaven.” ― John Lubbock

65. “Sunsets are just little glimpses of the Golden streets of Heaven.” ― Unknown

66. “Now she’s lit by the warm orange spreading from the horizon as not-quite-day, becomes not-quite-night.”― David Levithan

67. “The sky, at sunset, looked like a carnivorous flower.”― Roberto Bolaño

68. “This is my favorite time of the day. Light and dark touch for a few moments. […] I used to wish dusk would last longer, but its quickness seems to add to making it special.”― Regina McBride

69. “The sun is setting in a burnt orange sky; the cliffs are black silhouettes; the sea, liquid silver.”― Laura Treacy Bentley

70. “Every sunset is a journey, a journey to remember the memories of the past!”― Mehmet Murat ildan

Sunset quotes to elevate your mind

71. “Call for the grandest of all earthly spectacles, what is that? It is the sun going to his rest.”― Thomas de Quincey

72. “The sky was a bruised red shot with black, almost exactly the colors of a tattoo. Sunset had two minutes left to live.”― Denis Johnson

74. “A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.”― Claude Debussy

75. “Watching the sun set is like watching a beautiful kid die for a good cause.”― Darnell Lamont Walker

76. “Sunset is the most spiritual moment where human race meets the extraordinary spirit of the universe!”― Mehmet Murat ildan

78. “A sunset is the end of a day now passed. Yet, for some reason we get caught in the reality of the descending dark verses the anticipation of a rising dawn.”― Craig D. Lounsbrough

79. “In silence the three of them looked at the sunset and thought about God.”― Maud Hart Lovelace

80. “Nightfall was approaching, the light pouring away past the world’s horizon in a gradually darkening cascade.”― Obie Williams

Awesome sunset quotes

81. “The man stopped talking and was looking at the sunset.
But what does someone who hates and loves want with a sunset?”― Alberto Caeiro

82. “He glanced at the sun which, old professional that it was, chose that moment to drop below the horizon.”― Terry Pratchett

83. “Sometimes the sunset is so beautiful, I think it might be the very last one.”― Nitya Prakash

85. “It is almost impossible to watch a sunset and not dream.”― Bern Williams

88. “There is nothing more musical than a sunset.” – Claude Debussy

90. “Sunsets are my escape into the reality I want to continuously live.” – Rachel Roy

Meaningful sunset quotes

92. “Softly the evening came with the sunset.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

94. “It’s not just a sunset; it’s a moonrise too.” – P. C. Cast

98. “Allow failure to teach you a supreme lesson: Each sunset is the beginning of a very, very bright and powerful sunrise.” – Sri Chinmoy

100. “When the sun is setting, leave whatever you are doing and watch it.” – Mehmet Murat Ildan

Beautiful sunset quotes

102. “A sunrise or sunset can be ablaze with brilliance and arouse all the passion, all the yearning, in the soul of the beholder.” – Mary Balogh

104. “Sunset is so marvellous that even the sun itself watches it every day in the reflections of the infinite oceans!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan

Sunset quotes to encourage you

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Sunset quotes to lift your mood

Sunset quotes that will make you smile

126. “Sunset is a moment where all emotions are experienced: Melancholy, amazement, intoxication, casuistry, admiration, love, sadness…”― Mehmet Murat ildan

127. “She goes down like the sunset & brings the sweetest night creatures howling out of me.”― Curtis Tyrone Jones

128. “The sun was a fiery furnace of gold, but finally it set in the west and the cosmos glittered like a million burning embers, briefly reminding Awa of poetry readings under starry skies in Timbuktu.”― Rehan Khan

129. “Ripples of sunset dance towards our feet, swirling into the colours from the graffiti, reflected on brown water.”― Lili Wilkinson

130. “Meanwhile the sunsets are mad orange fools raging in the gloom….”― Jack Kerouac

131. “The sun still lives his silent vows to the moon, by bowing to kiss her feet whenever she walks in the room.”― Curtis Tyrone Jones

132. “Whether sunrise or sunset, it heralds a new opportunity to dream…”― Virginia Alison

134. “As the sun sinks
It casts that silver bridge
Across the lake”― Richard L. Ratliff

135. “I feel blindfolded at sunset.”― Jennifer Elisabeth

More sunset quotes

136. “They sipped until the sun, as golden as syrupy as the bourbon, slipped into the sea.”― Delia Owens

137. “The sky of the color of ashes in the east and embers in the west.”― Stephen King, It

138. “Then I pivoted, turned, climbed astride Bessie and rod off into the sunset, soul-o.”― Debi Tolbert Duggar

139. “They ran to the museums for paintings. I ran to the roof for sunsets.”― Darnell Lamont Walker

140. “You were right about the stars, each one is a setting sun.”― Jeff Tweedy

142. “The horizon changes but the sun does not.”― Joyce Rachelle

143. “The most beautiful sunset is the one which suddenly appears in front of you while you are walking pensively!”― Mehmet Murat ildan

144. “From sunrise to sunset to sunrise, there is a lifetime of beauty, charm and elegance.”― Sandeep N. Tripathi

145. “The Sun is never alone as the light remains with him always. Even when he goes down sinking…sinking, the light drowns with him.”― Munia Khan

Remember to also read these beautiful moon quotes to illuminate your life.

Did you enjoy these sunset quotes?

Nothing epitomizes the beauty of nature more than a glorious sunset on a clear day. Though many people take sunsets for granted, you should take every opportunity to appreciate them.

Which of these quotes was your favorite? Do you have any other inspirational quotes to add? Feel free to share with us in the comment section below.

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В суете мы можем переставать замечать красоту того, что нас окружает. В летнюю пору, мы воспринимаем солнце, как нечто привычное, тогда как зимой – это редкое явление и мы ждем его как праздник.

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Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. – Смех – это солнце, которое гонит зиму с лица человека. Виктор Гюго, французский писатель.

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