Загадки про новый год на английском языке

Обновлено: 05.10.2024

Загадки про зиму

It’s blue by night,
By day it’s white.
It is cold and not dry,
It falls from the sky.(Snow.)

I come with cold and snow.
But you like me and know. (Winter.)

As beautiful as the setting sun,
As delicate as the morning dew;
An angel’s dusting from the stars
that can turn the Earth into
A frosted moon.
What am I? (Snow)

A precious stone, as clear as diamond.
Seek it out whilst the sun’s near the horizon.
Though you can walk on water with its power,
Try to keep it, and it’ll vanish ere an hour. (Ice)

What do snowmen eat for breakfast?

Without hands it can paint,
Without teeth it can bite. (Frost)

It cannot be drowned in the water
And it is not burnt in the fire.
What is it? (Ice)

Следующая загадка

What is Snowmen in May?


(A puddle!)

What kind of candle burns longer, a red candle or a green candle?


(Neither! Candles always burn shorter!)


(A list of everything you want!)

What do elves learn in school?


[The Elf-abet!]

What was so good about the neurotic doll the girl was given for Christmas?


[It was already wound up.]


[Its true, Comet cleans sinks!]

How many reindeer does Santa Have.


(named below)

Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen


(the one with the red nose)

Mom, can I have a dog for Christmas?


[No, you can have turkey like everyone else.]

What nationality is Santa Claus?


[North Polish.]

What do you call a cat on the beach at Christmastime?


[Sandy Claws!]

What kind of bird can write?


[A PENguin.]

Why did Santa spell Christmas N-O-E?


Who is never hungry at Christmas?


[The turkey, he is always stuffed.]

What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus?




[Santa Clues!]

Следующая загадка

I come with cold and snow.
But you like me and know.

It's blue by night,
By day it's white.
It is cold and not dry,
It falls from the sky.

As beautiful as the setting sun,
As delicate as the morning dew;
An angel's dusting from the stars
that can turn the Earth into
A frosted moon.
What am I?

My life can be measured in hours,
I live by being devoured.
Thin I am fast, Fat I am slow
The wind is always my foe.

Tool of thief, toy of queen.
Always used to be unseen.
Sign of joy, sign of sorrow.
Giving all likeness borrowed.

Fat and gay, on a winter day,
He came here with us to stay.
But day by day he grew and thined,
And so we brought his younger brother in.

(A calendar) - Календарь

This is the season when fruit is sweet,
This is the season when school-friends meet.

This is the season when vegetables grow,
I come to the garden and make water flow.

Higher than a house, higher than a tree -
Oh, what can that be?

Until I am measured
I am not known,
Yet how you miss me
When I have flown.

An arm points north, east, south, then west.
Ever in circles, never pausing to rest.
It passes its brother twenty three times,
As the sun passes by and the moon starts to climb.

A precious stone, as clear as diamond.
Seek it out whilst the sun's near the horizon.
Though you can walk on water with its power,
Try to keep it, and it'll vanish ere an hour.

Англо-русский словарь онлайн

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Следующая загадка

I am purple, yellow, red, and green
The King cannot reach me and neither can the Queen.
I show my colours after the rain
And only when the sun comes out again

Я фиолетовая, желтая, красная и зеленая
Меня не могут достать ни король, ни королева.
Я открываю свои цвета после дождя
И только тогда, когда выйдет солнце.

A rainbow - Радуга

What is in the middle of Paris?
Париж - что находится посреди него?

The letter R - Буква Р

What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in a thousand years?

Что бывает один раз в минуте, два раза в моменте, и никогда в тысяче лет?

The letter M - Буква M

Clean, but not water,
White, but not snow,
Sweet, but not ice-cream,
What is it?

Чист, но не вода,
Бел, но не снег,
Сладок, но не мороженое,
Что это?

Sugar - Сахар

What is found over your head but under your hat?
Что находится над головой, но под шляпой?

Your hair - ваши волосы

What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?

Что всегда бежит, но не идет, часто урчит, но не говорит, имеет ложе, но не спит, имеет уста, но не говорит?

A river - Река

There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?

Есть зеленый дом. Внутри него белый дом. Внутри белого дома - красный дом. Внутри красного дома много детишек. Что это?

Watermelon - Арбуз

What flares up quickly and does some good
But a moment later, it’s just a small piece of wood?

Вспыхивает быстро, хорошо горя
Но кусок деревяшки моментом спустя.

A match - Спичка

The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?

Чем больше этого есть, тем меньше ты видишь. Что это?

Darkness - Темнота

What English word has three consecutive double letters?

Какое английское слово имеет три раза подряд двойные буквы?

Bookkeeper - Бухгалтер

I am round like an apple
Flat as a chip
I have eyes
But I can’t see one bit

Я круглая как яблоко, плоское, как монета, имею глаза, но не вижу.

A button - Пуговица

Look at my face and you see somebody
Look at my back and you see nobody.

Посмотри на мое лицо и увидишь кого-то. Посмотри на спину и не увидишь никого.

A mirror - Зеркало

What's black when you get it, red when you use it, and white when you're all through with it?
Что черное, когда ты его получаешь, красное, когда используешь и белое после?

* * *
We have legs but cannot walk.
У нас есть ножки, но гулять мы не можем.

Tables and chairs - Столы и стулья

You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?

Ты выбрасываешь то, что снаружи и готовишь то, что внутри. Потом ешь то, что снаружи и выбрасываешь то, что внутри. Что ты ешь?

An ear of corn - Кукурузный початок

I love your dog and ride on his back
I travel for miles but don’t leave a track.

Я люблю твою собаку и катаюсь на ее спине. Я путешествую километрами, но не схожу с пути.

A flea - Блоха

I am always hungry,
I must always be fed,
The finger I touch,
Will soon turn red

Я всегда голоден и меня надо всегда кормить. Палец, до которого я дотронусь становится красным.

Lighter than what
I am made of,
More of me is hidden
Than is seen.

Легче чем то, из чего я сделан. Большая часть меня скрыта, а меньшая видна.

Iceberg - Айсберг

All about, but cannot be seen,
Can be captured, cannot be held,
No throat, but can be heard.

Повсюду, но не виден. Можно поймать, но не удержать. Не имеет горла, но можно услышать.

Wind - Ветер

My life can be measured in hours,
I serve by being devoured.
Thin, I am quick
Fat, I am slow
Wind is my foe.

Моя жизнь может быть измерена часами. Я служу и меня поглощают. Тонкая я быстра, толстая я медленная. Ветер мой враг.

A candle - Свеча

Why is a wise man like a pin?
Почему умный человек похож на булавку?

He has a head and comes to a point - У него есть голова и он попадает в точку

It cannot be seen, it weighs nothing, but when put into a barrel, it makes it lighter. What is it?

Это нельзя увидеть и это нисколько не вести. Но положенное в бочку, делает ее легче. Что это?

A hole - Дырка

Англо-русский словарь онлайн

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