Загадки на времена года на английском

Обновлено: 28.09.2024

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Викторина «Природа и времена года».

Цели: тренировка лексических навыков по темам «Природа» и «Времена года»; совершенствование навыков аудирования и монологической речи; активизация фонетических и грамматических навыков.

Оборудование: картинки по темам «Природа» и «Времена года»; жетоны в форме листочков; рисунки и фотографии для рассказов «Любимое время года».

Ходмероприятия :

Good morning, my dear boys and girls!

Today we shall have a competition on the topics “Nature” and “Seasons». You will play games, sing songs and recite poems. If you do my task well, you will get a “Leaf”.

Учитель приветствует детей и сообщает им о проведении викторины по темам «Природа» и « Времена года». Ученики, выполнившие успешно задание, получают жетоны в форме листочков. Победителем викторины является ученик, получивший наибольшее количество жетонов.

The first task for you is to ask and answer the questions. If you are ready, ask your classmates to answer your questions.

За каждый правильный вопрос и ответ ученик получает один жетон.

Примерныевопросы :

1) Are there 30 days in November?

2) What month comes after February?

3) Is it cold in summer?

4) What are the names of the winter?

5) How many seasons are there in Great Britain?

6) What is the hottest season of the year?

7) How many months are there in a year?

-I want you to look at the blackboard. You can see 6 pictures on it. I shall describe one picture and you will name its number.

За каждый правильный ответ ученик получает 2 жетона.

Примерныйрассказ :

The weather is sunny and hot. You can see some clouds in the sky. It is not windy. It is not rainy. There are some trees in the picture. The leaves on the trees are green. You can see many flowers in the field. They are red, yellow and blue. There is a river in the field. It is not wide. Some pupils are swimming in the river.

-Now it is time to listen to the stories about your favourite seasons. If you brought some pictures, use them to illustrate your story. Tell us about your favourite season and prove it is the best one.

Ученики по очереди выходят к доске, вывешивают на доске заранее подготовленные рисунки и фотографии и представляют свои рассказы о любимых временах года. Учитель оценивает грамматическую правильность предложений, логичность рассказа и артистичность рассказчика. Максимальное количество жетонов за данный вид задания -3 жетона. Ученик может получить ещё один жетон за подготовленный рисунок.

Примерныйрассказ :

Winter is a nice season. A lot of people like winter because it is wonderful in the country. Forests and fields are white with snow. In winter you can have a very good time. Children enjoy skating, skiing, playing snow balls and sledging. Winter is a time for fun! In the middle of winter all people celebrate a merry New Year and Christmas. I think that winter is a beautiful season.

-Now it is time to listen to my poems and name the season.

Жетон получает ученик, быстро и правильно отгадавший загадку.

Загадки о временах года:

This is the season

When fruit is sweet,

This is the season

When school-friends meet. (Autumn)

This is the season

When children ski

And Grandfather Frost

Brings the New Year Tree. (Winter)

This is the season

When snowdrops bloom

When nobody likes

To stay in the room.

This is the season

When birds make their nests,

This is the season

We all like best. (Spring)

This is the season

When vegetables grow,

I come to the garden

And make water flow. (Summer)

This is the season

When nights are short

And children have plenty

Of fun and sport.

With a merry song

On a sunny day. (Summer)

-Now it is your turn to recite the poems about nature and seasons. Who is ready to start?

За каждый представленный номер ребёнок может получить до 2 жетонов.

Примерныестихотворения :

Ten red apples on a tree,

Five for you and five for me.

I can shake the apple tree

And the apples fall, you see!

Blue is the sea,

Green is the grass,

White are the clouds,

As they slowly pass.

Black are the crowds,

Brown are the trees,

Red are the sails

Of the ship in the breeze.

Little brook! Little brook!

You have such a happy look,

Such a very merry manner,

As you swerve and curve and crook.

And you ripple, one and one.

Reach each other’s hands and run

Like laughing children in the sun.

Autumn, autumn, autumn,

The summer is over,

The trees are bare,

There is mist in the garden

And frost in the air.

Winter, winter, winter!

The snow is falling,

The wind is blowing,

The ground is white,

All day and all night.

In the winter time we go

Walking in the fields of snow,

Where there is no grass at all,

Where the top of every wall,

Every fence and every tree

Is as white and white can be.

Spring, spring, spring!

The trees are green,

Blue skies are seen,

All the birds sing.

Summer, summer, summer!

The sun is shining,

The flowers are blooming,

The sky is blue,

The rains are few.

You have learnt many poems about the seasons and nature. Now we shall check up if you can write the names of the seasons. You will go to the blackboard one by one. At first we shall remember the names of winter months, then the names of spring, summer and autumn months.

За правильно написанное слово ученик получает 1 жетон.

Подведение итогов викторины, награждение:

Thank you for your work. I can see you like nature and know many poems and songs about it. Now it is time to finish our work. It is interesting to know who the winner is today.

… and … are the best pupils. Let’s clap our hands. Will you stand up, please? Let’s recite our poem.

Следующая загадка

Month of the year / Месяца года

Month of the year / Месяца года

1 … bring the snow,
Makes out feet and fingers glow. (January)

2 … snows again
And sometimes it brings us rain. (February)

3 … brings sunny days and winds
So we know that spring begins. (March)

4 … brings the primrose sweet,
We see daisies at our feet. (April)

5 … brings flowers, joy and grass
And the holidays for us. (May)

6 … brings lilies and roses.
Fills the children`s hands with posies. (June)

7 Hot … brings apples and cherries
And a lot of other berries. (July)

8 … brings us golden corn,
Then the harvest home is borne. (August)

9 Warm … brings us school,
Days are shorter, nights are cool. (September)

10 Fresh … brings much fruit
Then to gather them is good. (October)

11 Red … brings us joy,
Fun for every girl and boy. (November)

12 Cold … brings us skating,
For the New Year we are waiting. (December)

Следующая загадка

season / время года

season / время года

This is the season when fruit is sweet,
This is the season when school-friends meet.

This is the season when vegetables grow,
I come to the garden and make water flow.

I come with cold and snow.
But you like me and know.

White the swan is hatching.

Lives — lies, will die — runs.

The weather is cold. Usually it snows.
The days are short and the nights are long.
You can see snow everywhere.
The rivers and lakes freeze and we can go skating and skiing.

The wind is blowing,
The snow is falling.
When all is white,
Short day and long night.

It is a very nice season.
The weather is fine, it is warm.
There are many green trees in the streets,
in the parks and in the yards.
Sometimes it rains, but as usual the sun shines brightly.
The birds return from the hot countries and make their nests.

Blue sky is seen,
The trees are green.
The world looks new and gay,
Because grey winter’s gone away.

The flowers are blooming,
The sun is shining.
The rains are few,
The sky is blue.

It is cool. The weather is changeable. It often rains.
The days become shorter and the nights become longer.
The birds prepare to fly to the South.
One can see yellow, red, brown leaves everywhere.
It is time for gathering harvest.

There’s mist in the garden,
The summer is over.
The trees are bare
And frost in the air.

Следующая загадка

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