Heroes of hammerwatch загадки

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

по моему мнению, в игре присутствует небольшой дисбаланс в классах персонажей. Наиболее уязвимы классы с ближнем радиусом атаки, т.к. к монстрам приходится подходить вплотную, а некоторые из них атакуют на расстоянии. Здоровье не восстанавливается само по себе, по этому персонажи с малым радиусом чаще попадают под раздачу.

  • Паладин - атакует вплотную взмахом молота всех врагов рядом с направлением атаки. Взмахи быстры и мощны, передышка между ударами минимальна. Это дает возможность паладину атаковать вплотную всех. Основную опасность представляют любые отдаленные атаки и окружение. Способности - быстро бегать, нанося при этом урон. Отлично подходит для ведения основного боя. Базовое здоровье - 75, мана - 25.
  • Визард - маг, стреляет на малое расстояние файрболом, который взрывается и наносит урон по сплешу. Отлично подходит для выманивания врагов из укрытий, или атаки за стенки. Способность - огненное дыхание, наносит большой урон в заданном направлении на малое расстояние. Уязвим при окружении со всех сторон и очень малое количество здоровья. Базовое здоровье - 25 Единиц, при этом 75 единиц маны.
  • Рейнджер - универсальный стрелок. Стрелы летят далеко и проникают сквозь врагов. Идеально подходит для выманивания спящих монстров на прямых расстояниях. Отлично подходит для уничтожения монстров через озера и другие пустоши. Урон зависит от радиуса, стрелы на большом расстоянии наносят все меньше повреждений. В большинстве случаем - с безопасного расстояния - можно наносить небольшой урон зданиям, пушкам и даже боссам. В качестве способности - рейнджер ставит бомбы, которые взрываются и это обеспечивает хорошее прикрытие на близкие расстояния. Второстепенная способность - крутиться вокруг себя, делая частые выстрелы. Третья способность - станить врагов вокруг себя на некоторое время. Все это делает рейнджера универсальным уникальным классом, пройти игру которым не составит большого труда. Базовое число жизней и маны - 50.
  • Варлок - Воин ближнего боя, обладающий магией. Прямая атака - удар мечом. Наносит много повреждений единичному врагу. Вспомогательная магия - испускать шар, который на некотором расстоянии наносит значительный урон. Отличный воин ближнего боя. 100 базовых ХП и 50 маны делают его более живучим.

Выбор всегда остается за вами. В командных играх - можно всячески комбинировать силы, дополняя друг друга.

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Castle Hammerwatch [ ]

Guide by Act [ ]

Secret Achievement Rooms [ ]

Achievement Room "The Heist"

  • "Harvesting": Act 1, Floor 3
  • "The Heist": Act 2, Floor 4
  • "The Grisly Combination": Act 2, Floor 6
  • "Earth & Void": Act 3, Floor 8
  • "Midway": Act 4, Floor 10
  • "Doomed Space Marine": Act 4, Floor 12

Presents [ ]

Main article: Presents

Presents are a very rare item that serve no purpose in the campaign other than to collect progress for an achievement in Steam.

Strange Planks [ ]

Main article: Strange Planks

Throughout the Castle Hammerwatch campaign, strange planks can be found in secret areas. They serve no purpose until the end of the campaign, when you will need all of them in order to properly complete the game.

Bonus Levels [ ]

Bonus levels can be unlocked by triggering multiple buttons. These levels contain a lot of bonus level monsters, as well as many coins.


Breakable and hidden walls

Look for these breakable walls and secret corridors throughout your adventures to find items and treasure!

Act 1, The Mines

Act 2, The Prison

Act 3, The Armory

Act 4, The Archives

Act 5, The Chambers

Secret Rooms

You can find one of three different things behind cracked wall secret rooms:

  • A chest and some gold
  • RNG button, 3 types, each generating a random reward:
    • A button in the middle of a 5 x 5 grid
    • A button in the middle of a 5 x 5 grid with

    • Each spot on the floor has a 50% chance to pop up in the time before generating the reward.

    Some of the smaller RNG rooms don't always give an item, however the largest one (pictured on the right) can give all item types, with commons appearing on the bottom, uncommons on the right, rares at the top, and epic or legendary on the left.

    • A legendary item can be obtained when all but 4 (or less) of the buttons are activated. Epic at 5 or 6 away.

    For the Full 5 x 5 grid, the probability of the various rarity of items is as follows (rounded to 2 decimal places):

    Legendary 0.08%
    Epic 1.06%
    Rare 6.45%
    Uncommon 65.36%
    Common 26.99%

    Следующая загадка

    Prefabrications (or prefabs for short) are structures such as puzzles, traps, secrets, or simply even large rooms, that are pre-assembled and slightly randomized to make the random map generation more simple. These make up every generated map (the three floors of each act, minus the boss room). Any repeated structure can easily be identified as a prefab.


    Puzzles will be spread throughout your adventure. Solve them to claim prizes from gold to keys to chests containing powerful items!
    There are several different types, some are self-explanatory, but a few don't let blind guessing through.
    The most common puzzles involve spike traps and projectiles. These are easily solvable given a little pattern recognition skill, then there are the other types which can become a mini-game in their own right.

    Spoiler Alert! If you do not wish have these puzzles revealed and explained, stop here.

    Lightning Run

    Lightning Puzzle.jpg

    Should you see a 3 x 3 pattern of squares on the floor with lightning bolts, congratulations, you have met the lightning run!
    From the moment you step on the blank tile, the timer starts. Race to the next unlit tile as many times as you can before the timer finishes.
    As you touch the unlit tiles, the 5 tiles on the left hand side of the 3 x 3 grid will start light up one by one. This indicates the level of prize you will receive.
    The highest prize is tough to achieve as there is little margin for error.
    Having high movement speed will be a great advantage here. A tip is that the next unlit tile must be 1 away from the previous unlit tile, and can be diagonally from the previous one.

    • Silver locked chest
    • Bronze locked chest
    • Unlocked chest
    • Bronze key
    • Apple

    The locked chests need keys, so if you don't have any, try not to complete the puzzle to the highest level or you will miss out on your reward!

    Lights Out

    Lights Out.jpg

    This little head-scratcher can be difficult for those who are inexperienced with the puzzle and often lead to reduced rewards.
    Brute force will not get you through this puzzle with a good reward!
    It consists of a 3 x 3 grid, with panels that are either lit up or dark. There is also a treasure spawn panel to the right.
    Each time you step on a panel, it and all the adjacent panels will change state: if they were off, they are now on. If they were on, they are now off.
    The objective is to have all the panels lit up.
    You are allowed to make a few mistakes and still get the best reward, but only 3 or 4.

    There is also a 5 x 5 version of this puzzle in the Archives that can appear extremely rarely.

    • Silver locked chest
    • Bronze locked chest
    • Unlocked chest
    • Bronze key
    • Food or gem pickup(?)
    • Ace Key (perfect)
    • Gold locked chest
    • Silver locked chest
    • Bronze locked chest
    • ?
    • Apple

    Symbol Memory

    Symbol Memory.jpg

    This puzzle has you test your memory. Once you press the button 5 different symbols will appear in the 3 x 3 grid randomly, but there will always be 3 Λ's, 2 O's, 2 X's, 1 Y and 1 Z.
    Each symbol type will light up in the order you should press them. You have unlimited(?) time to complete this puzzle, but you cannot reset it and try again.
    If you feel like this puzzle is too troublesome taking a screenshot will allow you to easily solve it.

    • Silver locked chest
    • Silver Key
    • Bronze locked chest
    • Unlocked chest
    • Bronze Key(?)
    • Apple

    Guess The Order


    This puzzle tasks you with guessing the order to press the 4 buttons. Each wrong guess will drop a bunch of bombs in the room and explode shortly after.
    You are allowed 3 wrong guesses while still being eligible for the best reward.
    There are no hints for this "puzzle" on the floor or in the puzzle itself, being based purely on RNG. Guessing is your only option.
    Even if you guess wrong every time, so long as you don't repeat failed attempts you will beat the puzzle in 7 attempts (6 fails and 1 win).

    • Silver locked chest
    • Bronze locked chest
    • Unlocked chest
    • Bronze Key

    Remember the Path


    This is a 5 x 5 puzzle that appears in the Archives where, once you press the button a path will be lit up tile by tile and it's your job to remember and repeat it.
    You are timed upon stepping onto a tile so doing the puzzle slowly will not fly. The path can loop back on itself and if you misstep once you lose.

    Следующая загадка

    6 мар. 2018 в 12:47 What is the simple solution for the 3x3 tile-flipping puzzle?

    I know how it mechanically works, it's a really common puzzle in video games, I'm just an idiot and can never figure out solutions for it other than randomly walking all over tiles for half an hour, which wouldn't be fun in this game. And I can't figure out the proper words to Google it.

    The puzzle where there's a 3x3 grid that you step on lit or unlit tiles to swap their on/off status, and also the ones adjacent to them.

    Click edit, select which ones are lit up, hit solve and step on all the flagged squares. It also has a 5x5 option for the act 4 varieant.

    6 мар. 2018 в 12:52 Search up lights out puzzle solver 6 мар. 2018 в 12:53

    Click edit, select which ones are lit up, hit solve and step on all the flagged squares. It also has a 5x5 option for the act 4 varieant.

    6 мар. 2018 в 13:01 Thanks both of you! 6 мар. 2018 в 18:25

    I use an alternative method to solving these puzzles, so I don't have to tab out. It requires memorization of 2 patterns, and the rest is braindead.

    For this explanation, I will be referring to the grid by numbers, in this order:

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    Start off by manually solving the puzzle from top-to-bottom, left-to-right, one light at a time. If any light is not lit, you simply step on the tile below it to flip it. So, if 1 is not lit, you simply step on 4 to flip 1. For 2, you would step on 5. This enables you to solve the top row on it's own. You then repeat this process for the middle row, by stepping on the tiles in the bottom row. This process will take only a second or two, and you will end up with the top six lights of 1 2 3 4 5 6 all lit up.

    For the second step, you need only memorize two patterns. The first pattern is the one which allows you to flip a single corner light without effecting any other lights on the board. The second pattern is the one which allows you to flip a single edge light without effecting any other lights on the board. Using these two patterns, you can then successfully solve the final row, and the puzzle.

    To flip a tile in position O, you would step on the tiles marked by an X:

    Corner 1 Center Corner (Mirror) . . . X X . . . . X X X . . . . X X . . . . . X . . . . X . . . . X . . O . . X . X . O . . . . . . O X . X

    Remembering these two patterns will let you solve 100% of the 3x3 tile puzzles you encounter in-game in just a few seconds with ease.

    Следующая загадка

    There are many kinds of secrets scattered around the map in the campaigns of Hammerwatch. They can be activated by triggering certain objects, such as pushing a button, breaking a secret wall or entering a secret tunnel that isn't indicated on the map. These secrets often comes with treasures, such as coins or planks, while at other times they may only include monsters or traps.


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