Дмитрий быков стихи о бедности путина

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

Он беден, да. В России плохо служить кумиром и столпом. С его же именем эпоха войдет в учебники потом. Случись кому-то, час неровен, давать ответ за общий грех — он будет тут один виновен, и заклеймен один за всех. Уже сейчас вполне понятно — и предсказуемо вполне, — какие пролежни и пятна тогда увидят на стране; кому пенять на это станем? Лё мизерабль, пардон май френч. Бедней считался только Сталин, ваще имевший только френч, но окружение страшнее. Разожрались за сорок лет. Те были просто тонкошеи — у этих шеи вовсе нет.

Who can I worship here? Who is really dear to everyone? Of all the sovereign declarations, I only cried over one. Sometimes the mind comes for the mind: why endure a tangle of problems, a rebellious Kiev, machinations with gas, it is terrible to say nothing about comparison with anyone ?! Add to the machinations of the evil vodin, the edra rotted legion . Oh, how poor he is, how poor he is. Who is more poor than him? Someone will decide to dissemble and hypocritically say: oh well, his country is in fact . What do you know, a parasite ?! The country is, in fact, the Lord’s, and this strange country is yours, it would seem, today, and the day after tomorrow — whose is it? I don't even think about risking. The country is not a hut in the Crimea: neither sell it like this nor rent it to anyone. Let them giggle mockingly, over this modesty by mocking: an apartment, an old Niva with a Skif trailer . Yes, there are comrades. But, really, it is easy to see who is not blind: such comrades of the mob are a very dubious trailer. Sometimes, like bitches in the thirst for mating, flatterers, the shrill horde languishes in line for the pen, and not for the pen sometimes, but who believes this codele? The collapse will be slightly marked - and everyone who was hanging around will exclaim out loud: "I knew that." Here you do not want to do it - pledge yourself a back. Any of the pretentious traps is always ready to stab in the back . as you taught them yourself . Who did you bring closer? Who is reliable? For whom leprosy did not pass? As Rogozhin said to Myshkin - freaks, prince, little people, prince! With a dear little soul, a brass forehead, a little sucker, a thief and a renegade . Ah, that is really very poor, who is rich with this retinue.

He is poor, yes. In Russia, poorly serve as an idol and pillar. With his name, the era will enter the textbooks later. Happen to someone, the hour is uneven, give an answer for a common sin - he will be alone guilty here, and branded one for all. Already now it is quite clear - and quite predictably - what kind of bedsores and spots will then be seen on the country; who will blame it on? Leo miserable, sorry May french. Only Stalin was considered to be the poorest, he finally had only a French jacket, but the environment is worse. Fired up over forty years. Those were just thin ones - these necks don't have any at all.

. Yes, he is content with little, but while there is only one resource: we have become the main capital, we will never betray. We look at him in love, the word “flattery” is unfamiliar to us, we are the fifth column of it, we neither get up, nor sit, drink or eat without it. From all of Russia, which wasting away under his arm, we are the only ones with him, and he is the only one with us. Others, it is worth the wind to blow, rush headlong into the New World . Well, we cannot think of anything else, and no one else is in our reserved area. Someone with a pig's face calls me Demyan Poor for these experiences of mine, and all right. Let spit after us! We slipped through the Rubicon, and it is honorable for me to be called Poor, to at least partially be like him.
* The ruined Athenian philanthropist, later a misanthrope

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