Rip and tear перевод фразы

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

. but a man wants rest, a man wants peace - a man don't [= doesn't] want to rip and tear around all the time (M. Twain and Ch. Warner, ‘The Gilded Age’, ch. XXVII) —. но человек нуждается в отдыхе, человек нуждается в покое. Не может же он неистовствовать все время.

We just sat there and watched him rip and tear around till he drowned [= was drowned]. (M. Twain, ‘Huckleberry Finn’, ch. X) — Мы просто сидели и смотрели, как сом бился, пока не подох.

2 rip and tear

Макаров: неистовствовать, рвать и метать

3 rip and tear

бесноваться, неистовствовать, рвать и метать

См. также в других словарях:

rip — 1. n. a drinking bout. (See also tear.) □ All four of them went out on a rip. □ Fred had another rip last night. He’s rotten now. 2. n. the loot from a rip off. □ I want my share of the rip, now! … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

rip — Ⅰ. rip [1] ► VERB (ripped, ripping) 1) tear or pull forcibly away from something or someone. 2) tear. 3) move forcefully and rapidly. 4) (rip off) informal cheat (someone), especially financially … English terms dictionary

rip — rip1 [rip] vt. ripped, ripping [LME rippen, prob. < or akin to Fl, to tear < IE * reub : see RUB] 1. a) to cut or tear apart roughly or vigorously b) to remove by or as by so cutting or tearing: with off, out, away, etc. c) to make (a hole … English World dictionary

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