Push up daisies история фразы

Обновлено: 23.03.2025

Igor has been pushing up the daisies for many years now. — Игорь умер много лет назад.

Другая фраза, заставляющая вспомнить кладбище, - to put someone to bed with a shovel

He was put to bed with a shovel about eight years ago. — Он умер около восьми лет назад.

3 pushing up daisies

adj infml

If you talk to me like that again, you'll be pushing up daisies — Если ты будешь говорить со мной в таком тоне, ты быстро отправишься на тот свет

I'll be pushing up daisies before this problem is solved — Я быстрее коньки отброшу, прежде чем они решат эту проблему

And where are all these brave fellows who were going to change the world? Pushing up the daisies? — А где все эти бравые молодые люди, которые собирались изменить мир? Откинули копыта?

4 push up daisies

Fraser was singing to himself the same tune he had sung every evening since his last leave: What will we care for The why and the wherefore When you and I Are pushing up the daisies? (Gr. Greene, ‘The Heart of the Matter’, book I, part I, ch. II) — Фрезер мурлыкал песенку, которую он пел каждый вечер, с тех пор как вернулся из отпуска: Нам, признаться, дела нет До чужих тревог и бед. Если мы с тобой - юнцы - Сами отдаем концы.

См. также в других словарях:

pushing up the daisies — If someone is said to be pushing up the daisies, they are dead … The small dictionary of idiomes

pushing up (the) daisies — informal dead and buried. → daisy … English new terms dictionary

pushing up the daisies — ► pushing up (the) daisies informal dead and buried. Main Entry: ↑daisy … English terms dictionary

pushing up the daisies — (slang) Dead (and buried) • • • Main Entry: ↑daisy … Useful english dictionary

pushing up the daisies — If someone is said to be pushing up the daisies, they are dead. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** To say that someone is pushing up the daisies means that they are dead. Old Johnny Barnes? He s been pushing up the daisies for over 10 … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

Pushing up the daisies — If someone is said to be pushing up the daisies, they are dead … Dictionary of English idioms

be pushing up the daisies — be pushing up (the) daisies humorous to be dead. It won t affect me anyway. I ll be pushing up the daisies long before it happens … New idioms dictionary

be pushing up (the) daisies — humorous phrase to be dead Thesaurus: deadsynonym Main entry: daisy … Useful english dictionary

(be) pushing up (the) daisies — be ˌpushing up (the) ˈdaisies idiom (old fashioned, humorous) to be dead and in a grave Main entry: ↑pushidiom … Useful english dictionary

push\ up\ the\ daisies — v. phr. slang To be dead and buried. I ll be around when you re pushing up daisies. Don t play with guns or you may push up the daisies … Словарь американских идиом

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