Как переводится фраза a round oath
Обновлено: 22.03.2025
Eliminating the opportunity to swear an oath on one's own holy text may also have the effect of diminishing the credibility of that person's testimony.
This so-called oath of heresy is a stereotypical aspect of the buckriders myth.
The oath of loyalty would be taken as the image was burned and scattered, thus symbolising the annihilation of traitors.
Soldiers commemorated fallen comrades, and might swear an oath on the "manes" (deified spirits) of dead brothers-in-arms.
If the oath was ignored, the consecration could not take place.
English Как использовать "oath-breaker" в предложении
People who are on the receiving end of an unfulfilled promise find it hard to trust the oath-breaker again.
«oath of allegiance» - перевод на русский
oath of allegiance
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Earlier in the day, they were sworn in to parliament after taking the
oath of allegiance
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He said the doctors' action would trample on all ethical values and bastardize the
oath of allegiance
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The 325 members swore the
oath of allegiance
, but the session was then suspended until further notice.
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«oath of citizenship» - перевод на русский
oath of citizenship
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Friends and family of the naturalization candidates surround them in the room, capturing the
oath of citizenship
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Harper recently described as "offensive" the notion that a person would cover their face with a niqab while swearing the
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