Good for you перевод фразы

Обновлено: 06.09.2024

good for you — good for (you) I am pleased about someone s success or good luck. “I told him I wasn t going to get involved.” “Good for you.” “He s started jogging again.” “Good for him.” Usage notes: usually said as a reaction to what someone has said … New idioms dictionary

good for you — good work, at a boy, good on you When Dad saw my high marks, he said, Good for you, Nick … English idioms

good for you — adjective promoting health; healthful (Freq. 1) a healthy diet clean healthy air plenty of healthy sleep healthy and normal outlets for youthful energy the salubrious mountain air and water C.B.Davis carrots are good for you … Useful english dictionary

good for you — 1. adjective healthy Eating fruit is good for you. Ant: bad for you 2. interjection An exclamation of encouragement or congratulation … Wiktionary

good for you! — ► good for (or on) you! well done! Main Entry: ↑good … English terms dictionary

good for you — way to go!, congratulations! (expression of good wishes); so what! (expression of sarcasm) … English contemporary dictionary

good for you (him, etc.)! — Well done! … A concise dictionary of English slang

Makin' Love Is Good for You — Studio album by B.B. King Released 2000 … Wikipedia

if you know what's good for you — if you know what’s good for you spoken phrase used for warning someone that they should do something if they do not want something bad to happen to them Thesaurus: ways of warning or advising someonesynonym Main entry: good * * * if you know what … Useful english dictionary

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