Фразы миража apex legends

Обновлено: 27.03.2025

Mirage is a Legend that is locked from the base game. He can be unlocked by using digital currency; either 12,000 or 750; or by buying the Champion Edition.

Mirage is an Offensive Legend who can distract and confuse enemies. His tactical ability Psyche Out deploys a controllable holographic decoy of himself. His passive ability Now You See Me. cloaks Mirage while reviving a teammate or using a Respawn Beacon. His ultimate ability Life of the Party deploys a team of decoys around him that can mirror the real Mirage's movements and actions.


Abilities [ ]

Psyche Out [ ]

Tactical Q / / /
Psyche Out
Description Send out a holographic decoy to confuse the enemy. Press the utility action button to control the decoy.
Cooldown 15 seconds
  • When used, a hologram duplicate of Mirage is sent in a straight line to wherever the real Mirage targeted.
    • When spawned, the decoy will replicate whether Mirage was walking, running, or crouching, and if used in midair will have the same momentum as Mirage. It cannot climb walls or ride zip lines.
    • Upon reaching the targeted location, the decoy stands still and performs the 'inspect weapon' animation unless the player takes control of it.

    Now You See Me. [ ]

    Now You See Me.
    Description Automatically cloak when using Respawn Beacon s and reviving teammates. Spawn a decoy and cloak when downed.
    Cooldown ?
    • When downed, Mirage spawns a decoy that falls to its knees and dramatically pretends to be dying.
    • He also turns invisible for 5 seconds, allowing for a quick escape.
    • When reviving a teammate and using a Respawn Beacon, Mirage and the teammate will become invisible.
    • Mirage’s Holo emitters are visible to players who are less than 5 meters away while cloaked.
    • Mirage will also flicker if he’s using this ability outside the Ring.

    Life of the Party [ ]

    Ultimate Z / + / + / +
    Life of the Party
    Description Mirage deploys a team of controllable decoys to distract enemies.
    Charge time 1 minute
    • When activated, Mirage summons 5 decoys around him that mimic his movements.
    • Turns invisible for 1 second before deploying decoys. During this time, his holo emitters will be visible to players who are less than 5 meters away.
    • Afterwards, Mirage will blink in and out of cloak for 1 second.
    • The decoys have 45 HP.

    Mirage is the kind of guy who likes to stand out. The youngest of four brothers, he perfected the art of fooling around to get attention. The one thing he took seriously was Holo-Pilot technology: introduced to the illusion-creating tech by his famed engineer mother Evelyn Witt, he pored over the mechanisms and learned all he could about them. Even when his brothers went missing during the Frontier War, Mirage and his mother continued to develop holo devices, and the work brought them closer.

    Cosmetic items [ ]

    Skins [ ]

    There are a total of 69 Legend skins for Mirage; 19 Legendary , 10 Epic , 25 Rare and 16 Common .

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