Фразы марио из игры

Обновлено: 08.05.2024

Luigi: I just hope this crazy plan of yours works! Mario: My crazy plans always work! Luigi: Now we'll never get back to Brooklyn. Mario: Take it easy, Luigi, things could be worse! Luigi: We're trapped in a dungeon, about to be executed! How could things get any worse? Mario: Well for one thing, the roof could fall until it flattens us like a pizza. [The ceiling stars lowering] Toad: Very uncool, dudes; the ceiling is lowering! Mario: Or the room could fill with water until we all drown like rats! [The room starts filling with water] Peach: We've gotta get out of here! Mario: Hey, I could think of another way things could be worse! Luigi: Mario, please! Don't say another word! Luigi: See? We're here ahead of time. We got a-half an hour till chow. Mario: Half an hour!? I could starve by then! Luigi: What's [Tricycle] gonna do with that net, Mario? Mario: He's not going fishing'; that's for sure, Luigi! Bowers: Know what I'm gonna do with you butteries? Mario: Say you're sorry and let us go? Luigi: 200 years [in prison]!? Whatever we gonna do!? Mario: Don't worry, because I doubt we're gonna live 200 years, Luigi! Luigi: Hey Mario! You sure you know what you're doing? Mario: Sure, I'm doing 60 miles an hour! Peach: Guys, you've been tricked! This race was one of Koo pa's traps! Toad: Yeah, the bill collect after my mushroom hide was just a phony! Luigi: You mean I risked my neck for nothing!? Mario: You mean I wasted my tomato sauce. Mario: Luigi, do you like pancakes? Luigi: Yeah, I love 'em. Why? Mario: Because if we don't think of something fast, that's what we're going to be squashed into! Luigi: Mario, have I ever told you that you drive me crazy? Mario: That's great! Dirk drives his brother crazy too! Luigi: Ah, there we go, the valves are tightened. Mario: Tightened? I thought we were loosening them! Bowers: A circus isn't a circus without a dinosaur-taming act! Mario: Uh, how about a chipmunk-taming act instead? Bowers: And who's gonna stop me? Your plumber pals ran out on you, remember? Mario: Wrong again, lizard-breath! Luigi: I thought we were gonna sneak up on him, Mario. Mario: I forgot.

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