Фразы героев овервотч на английском

Обновлено: 04.10.2024

Et c'est comme ça.

À la vie, à la mort.

English: To life, to death.

Araignée du matin, chagrin. Araignée du soir, cauchemar.

English: Morning spider, grief. Evening spider, nightmare.

English: Merry Christmas.

English: Always the hunters.

Tout le plaisir est pour moi.

English: The pleasure is mine.

Interactions [ ]

  • Widowmaker: You were once a legend, but what are you now? Just a shell of a woman.
  • Ana: I take it you don't want my autograph, then?
  • Ana: Gérard was a fool to love someone like you.
  • Widowmaker: You don't know anything about him.
  • Ana: Seems I was wrong about you Amélie.
  • Widowmaker: I thought you'd have gotten used to that feeling by now.
  • Ashe: That rifle is a fine piece of work. Looks a little unwieldy, though.
  • Widowmaker: Perhaps in the hands of an amateur.
  • Baptiste: One shot, one kill.
  • Widowmaker: You know what happens to those who mock me.
  • Widowmaker: Brave of you to show your face after what happened in Monte Cristi.
  • Baptiste: Well. It is a pretty good face.
  • Widowmaker: Hello Baptiste. Think you can hide from Talon forever?
  • Baptiste: You can send your people to find me. But I'll find them first.
  • Widowmaker: This is no place for children.
  • D.Va: Who are you calling a child?
  • Doomfist: Watch my back out there, Lacroix.
  • Widowmaker: Tell me what needs to be done and I will do it.
  • Widowmaker:Talon could restore your family's empire.
  • Hanzo: But at what cost?
  • Hanzo: I would wager on my bow against your rifle any day.
  • Widowmaker: That would be the last mistake you ever made.
  • Widowmaker: You're making too much noise.
  • Lúcio: It's not noise, it's music!
  • Widowmaker: Very Well. You're making too much music.
  • Moira: How are you feeling, Lacroix?
  • Widowmaker: I don't feel. That's the point, isn't it?
  • Widowmaker: Our foes make such a nuisance of themselves.
  • Moira: Is that an emotion I detect, Lacroix?
  • Reaper: Looks like we're working together again.
  • Widowmaker: Let's hope it goes better than the time at the museum.
  • Widowmaker: I don't understand how you can trust Sombra.
  • Reaper: I don't. But Sombra has her uses, and I know what she's been up to.
  • Widowmaker: All the armor in the world can't save you from a well-placed bullet.
  • Reinhardt: How do you think your fancy jumpsuit would fare against my hammer?
  • Sigma: I saw you at Luna's cabaret the other evening. Would you care to go together sometime?
  • Widowmaker: I prefer to attend events alone.
  • Sigma: Apologies, I wouldn't wish to intrude.
  • Sombra: Ah, my favorite spider. I wonder what sort of web you're spinning now.
  • Widowmaker: It would be a shame if something happened to you on our next mission. A real pity.
  • Widowmaker: Tiens, tiens. [Well, well.] It looks like we will be working together.
  • Tracer: Don't think I'm happy about that!
  • Tracer: What'cha lookin' at?
  • Widowmaker: An annoyance.
  • Widowmaker: Does it bother you, knowing that you could have saved Mondatta's life?
  • Tracer: We are all responsible for the choices we've made.
  • Widowmaker: So predictable. Even when you reverse time you always make the same decisions.
  • Tracer: Don’t be so sure about that.

Map-Specific [ ]

L'amour est cruel, et je suis plus cruel, car je ne suis jamais satisfait.

English: Love is cruel, and I am crueler, for I'm never satisfied.

Si l'amour est un jeu, j'aime gagner, même si je te fais pleurer.

English: If love's a game, I like to win, even if I make you cry.

Skin-Specific [ ]

Skin Quote Audio
Huntress or Comtesse (Infra-Sight) No one can hide from the huntress. Link ▶️
(Elimination) The huntress gets her prey. Link ▶️
Côte d'Azur (In Volskaya Industries or Nepal) I still don't feel the cold. Link ▶️

Event-Specific [ ]

Event Quote Audio
Halloween Terror (During setup) This time of year, the spiders come out to play. Link ▶️
Winter Wonderland (During setup) New year's resolutions? *chuckles* . How precious! Link ▶️

Datamined [ ]

Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states.

Please move quotes that do exist in game to their appropriate sections above.

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