Фразы для учителя английского языка на уроке

Обновлено: 05.10.2024

Classroom English или фразы учителя на уроке английского языка

Вы начинающий учитель английского языка и хотите проводить уроки английского языка на английском? Тогда говорите больше фраз на английском языке! Ведь считается, что вести уроки английского языка нужно только на английском для полного погружения в атмосферу изучаемого языка. Ниже представлены фразы, так называемые Classroom English. Фразы подразделены на ситуации, виды речевой деятельности и другие полезные выражения для учителя английского языка.

Classroom English или фразы для учителей английского языка

I. Типичные ситуации на уроке английского

  1. Знакомство с новым классом (Getting Acquainted)
  2. Про новеньких (About Newcomers)
  3. Про опоздавших (About Latecomers)
  4. Про отсутствующих (Marking the Register/ Absentees)
  5. Про заболевших (Illnesses)
  6. Фразы в начале урока (Beginning a Lesson)
  7. Проверка домашнего задания (Checking Homework)
  8. Введение новой лексики (Introducing New Words)
  9. Просьбы (Requests)
  10. При нарушение дисциплины (Bringing the class to order)
  11. Похвала, критика (Praises, Encouragement, Criticism)
  12. Фразы в конце урока (At the End of the Lesson)
  13. Фразы на перемене (During the break)
Изучите Фразы на английском в типичных ситуациях

II. Фразы на английском по видам деятельности

Изучите Фразы на английском по видам деятельности

III. Дополнительные полезные слова на уроке английского

  • Названия кабинетов в школе (Names of the Classrooms)
  • Разное (and some more…)

Фразы в типичных ситуациях на уроке английского:

1. Знакомство с новым классом (Getting Acquainted):

  1. Let me introduce myself. My name is…
  2. I am your new English teacher.
  3. Now I’d like you to give me your names.
  4. Introduce yourself, please.

2. Про новеньких (About Newcomers):

  1. There are two newcomers in your class.
  2. Would you like to introduce yourself?
  3. What was your last school?
  4. Which textbook did you use?
  5. I’d like you to give me your names.
  6. Introduce yourself.

3. Про опоздавших (About Latecomers):

  1. Where have you been until now?
  2. What’s your excuse?
  3. Didn’t your alarm clock go off?
  4. You have been late twice this week. Give me your record book. I’ll make a note for your parents.
  5. Don’t be late next time./ Try not to be late next time!
  6. Have you brought the doctor’s note/ a note from your parents?

4. Про отсутствующих (Marking the Register/ Absentees):

  1. Now I’ll call the register.
  2. Is there anyone missing/absent/away today?
  3. Who is missing/absent /away?
  4. And where is Maslova? Is she coming?
  5. Do you have any idea where she is?
  6. Why isn’t she at school?
  7. Who is her friend?
  8. Do you know when she will be back at school?
  9. Could you take her homework?

5. Про заболевших (Illnesses):

  1. And what about Masha? Is she still in hospital or has she come home?
  2. Is she getting better?
  3. Are you unwell?
  4. Olya, will you take Lena to the sick room?
  5. Oh, Dima, so you are back at school.
  6. You are behind in my subject.
  7. Are you unwell?
  8. You’d better go to the sick room.

6. Фразы в начале урока (Beginning a Lesson):

  1. We are beginning our lesson.
Ученики могут повторить хором: The bell has gone. The lesson has begun.
  1. The topic of our lesson today is…..
  2. To begin with, we have to….
  3. Where did we leave off last time? (остановились)
  4. First, I’ll give your exercise-books out.
  5. All right, class, let’s get down to work.
  6. Take (get) out your books.
  7. Last time we were talking about…. Today we will be talking about….
  8. I expect you already know something about….
  9. Does anybody know….?
  10. Can anyone explain….?
  11. Describe briefly….

7. Проверка домашнего задания (Checking Homework):

8. Введение новой лексики (Introducing New Words):

9. Просьбы (Requests):

  1. Rub out this word. Сотри это слово.
  2. Rub off this part of the blackboard. Сотри эту часть доски.
  3. Wipe off the table with a clean cloth./ Wipe the water, please.
  4. Wash the duster.
  5. Raise the chairs before you go.
  6. Collect the homework, please.
  7. Give out the exercise-books.
  8. Hand over your homework to students at the first desks.
  9. Put the chalk on the ledge.
  10. Turn to me, please.

10. Нарушение дисциплины (Bringing the class to order):

  1. Can we have a little less noise, please?
  2. Will you go and sit down in your place, Alyosha? Copy it down (from the blackboard).
  3. You aren’t supposed to be sitting there. Come to the front.
  4. No more talking.
  5. Is everybody ready to start?
  6. Pay attention, will you?
  7. Listen carefully.
  8. Face me, will you?
  9. Don’t look aside. Не отвлекайся.
  10. Have patience. will you?
  11. Spit out your chewing gum.
  12. Don’t roll a pencil.
  13. Stop dropping remarks.
  14. Watch your tongue.
  15. Clean up after yourself.
  16. How can you account for your behaviour?

11. Похвала, критика (Praises, Encouragement, Criticism):

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