Cruisin for a bruisin перевод фразы
Обновлено: 24.03.2025
You are cruising for a bruising, you know that? — Ты можешь запросто схлопотать себе по морде, понял?
2 cruising for a bruising
Американизм: Искать приключения на свою головуСм. также в других словарях:
cruising for a bruising — AND cruisin’ for a bruisin’ in. asking for trouble. □ You are cruising for a bruising, you know that? □ Who’s cruisin for a bruisin? … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
cruising for a bruising — inviting a fight, asking for it The new kid was cruisin for a bruisin insulting everybody … English idioms
cruising for a bruising — informal heading or looking for trouble … Useful english dictionary
cruising for a bruising — Vrb phrs. Acting in a manner that will get one into trouble, or a fight. Orig. U.S … English slang and colloquialisms
spoil for a fight — try to begin a fight, chip on his shoulder, cruising for a bruising Bud was spoiling for a fight with me. He said, You re too chicken to fight, ain t you? … English idioms
macho — [“matfo] 1. mod. masculine; virile. (From Spanish. Used as a derogation by feminists.) □ Does the world really need one more macho man? □ He’s hardly macho. □ You know that bright eyed macho type. 2. n. a masculine or virile male … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Nick Morris — For the Australian wheelchair basketball player, see Nicholas Morris. Nick Morris is a film maker who began his career in the 1980s with music videos for The Final Countdown by Europe, Kyrie by Mr. Mister and Every Time You Go Away by Paul Young … Wikipedia
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