Chivalry medieval warfare фразы

Обновлено: 04.11.2024

Avoiding rookie mistakes 101

от SgtSlaughter

Hello everyone, this guide is meant for people who are familiar with the basic concepts of combat (windup time, combos, blocking) but still find themselves dieing a lot from seemingly unblockable attacks or lost 1v1 fights. I have been playing quite.

A Guide to Advanced and Obscure Mechanics in Chivalry: How to gain an edge over everyone else.

от aria

This guide covers: Matrixing, Dragging, Forcing a parry, Going around a parry, Spin Attacks, and Advanced parrying. My experience from hundreds of hours of Chivalry is incorporated into this guide, and it will make you a much better player if you take the .

[RU] How to CMW

от 45.Caliber

How to Thank Brothers


An important manuscript to the benefits of thanking your brothers in the face of overwhelming negativity.

Chivalry: An In-Depth Beginner's Guide to the Arsenal [COMPLETE]

от King Careless

New to Chivalry? Need to know what your new, shiny blade does? Looking for your new favorite weapon? In this guide I tell you what weapons are good, what not to use, and how to use them. Please give feedback! I am always looking to improve my work.

All Taunts, Respects and Insults!

от Lebensauger

That's a pretty big sword! Are you compensating for something? Huh.

Advanced Combat Mechanics

от Andrew

A guide how to accelerate your attacks, dodge arrows and swords, sprint faster, explained Health stats, weapon damage system, etc. Pretty much explains the game mechanics which would take alot time to learn on your own. .

Фехтование в Chivalry для чайников

от Cpt.RoyalPirate

Это пособие предназначено для тех, кто только начал играть в игру, и для тех, кто хочет играть лучше. В любом случае в этом писании я расскажу о некоторых моментах игры, понимание которых даст вам понятие об этой игре с уникальной боевой системой. .

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