Show me the money цитата
Обновлено: 21.12.2024
Хватит, мистер Президент. Покажи мне деньги.
Show me the money we discussed and I'll tell you what I think.
Покажи мне деньги, про которые рассказала и я скажу, что думаю.
Just show me the money, and you can go.
Просто покажи деньги и иди.
Show me the money, show me the money.
Before you touch, show me the money.
Прежде чем мы начнем, покажите деньги.
No. "Show me the money."
I've done enough judging in Show Me the Money.
Я был судьей в «Покажи мне деньги».
But this guy isn't yelling, "Show me the money!"
Но вот человек, который не кричит: "Покажи мне деньги!"
MARK: "Show me the money, Mark."
If I was doing Jerry Maguire, I'd say, "Show me the money."
Если бы я загадал "Джерр и Магуайер", я бы сказал, "Покажи мне деньги".
Show me the money.
Хочешь вести переговоры, покажи мне деньги.
Show me the money, kid.
Покажи мне деньги, парень.
Show me the money, honey!
Покажи мне деньги, милая!
If you're so virtuous, show me the money.
Если вы такие добродетельные, докажите это (покажите денежки).
They're rich, so show me the money.
Они богаты, так покажи мне свои деньги.
As you Americans say, show me the money.
Как говорят американцы, деньги вперед.
Well, since we're quoting Jerry Maguire, all I want is for you to show me the money.
Хорошо, раз уж мы цитируем "Джерри Магуайера", я лишь хочу, чтобы ты показал мне деньги.
"Show me the money and watch the fun."
Покажите мне деньги и увидите представление.
He was the winner of Show Me the Money 6.
Принял участие в Show Me The Money 6 в качестве продюсера.
Any advice as the winner of Show Me the Money?
Как победитель в шоу, дашь ему совет?
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Я постарался собрать дл вас подборку из таких фраз, которые вы могли слышать не только в русском переводе, но и на языке оригинала. Поэтому ниже вы сможете найти фразы, по праву считающиеся лучшими в истории американского кино, на двух языках:
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Следующая цитата
cliché Popularized by the 1996 film Jerry Maguire.
1. Provide financial proof (of something). You want to join our poker game? Well, show me the money! So, you're interested in buying my rare antique set, huh? Show me the money, and then we can talk.
2. Show me the results of what you are claiming or promising. You keep saying that you're hard at work on this app, but I have yet to see anything! Come on, show me the money! We know you've got what it takes to sell these units, Tom, but you've got to show us the money!
See also: money, show
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
show me the money
Prove that you will keep your promises, financial or otherwise. This term dates from the second half of the 1900s and probably originated in poker or another gambling game. It has been widely used in professional sports, where athletes negotiate for more money before agreeing to sign with a team. But it has also been transferred to numerous other venues. A New York Times report indicated that President Barack Obama told BP, the company responsible for a massive oil spill, “Show me the money,” suggesting that BP should put billions in escrow to pay for claims (June 13, 2010). Similarly, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution ran an article saying, “Last month UPS executives proudly detailed the profitable quarter that drove the company cash trove above $4 billion. Wall Street’s response: ‘Show me the money’” (Russell Grantham and Michael E. Kanell, August 16, 2010).
See also: money, show
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer
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Следующая цитата
Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) is a sports agent. He has the ability to show his clients some money—you might even say the money. Rod Tidwell (Cuba Gooding, Jr.) isn't thrilled with Jerry's performance as his agent, and he wants Jerry to convince him to stay on as a client. He has a simple way for Jerry to convince him to stay: "Show me the money."
It's not just about money, though.
It's 95% about money and 5% about making Jerry prove that he'll pretty much do whatever Rod tells him to do. Desperate to keep his client, Jerry, too, screams out "Show me the money!"
And so, a cinematic moment ripe for parody was born.
Additional Notable References
Where you've heard it
Those are all valid reasons why someone might yell at you to show them the money.
Pretentious Factor
If you were to drop this quote at a dinner party, would you get an in-unison "awww" or would everyone roll their eyes and never invite you back? Here it is, on a scale of 1-10.
"Show me the money!" got overused so fast, everyone was screaming "Stop showing me the money!" by the end of the month.
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