Ляпис лазурит вселенная стивена цитаты

Обновлено: 03.05.2024

Мультфильм повествует о Стивене — пухлом пареньке, совсем недавно попавшем в число группы интергалактических воителей, каждый из которых символизирует свой камень. Гранат, Аметист и Жемчуг заключёны в их телах и дают своим хозяевам магические силы. Воители, как мы и привыкли, будут бороться с космическим злом повсеместно.

Разве есть что-то ценнее, чем мир и любовь на Земле?

Добавил ликуша 21.05.18
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— Эти дефективные самоцветы такие тупые!
— Хэй, они не тупые, они просто мыслят иначе!

Добавил ликуша 21.05.18
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Всё, что я когда-либо делала, я делала ради неё; теперь она мертва, а я ещё здесь.

Добавил ликуша 23.05.18
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Добавила Lady Who 04.07.17
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Теперь они великолепны! Теперь они идеальны! Теперь они — я!

Добавил Шезуханька 27.01.19
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Ты не два человека и не один человек. Ты — опыт. Так постарайся, чтобы это был положительный опыт.

Пояснение к цитате: обращаясь к слиянию Стивена и Конни Добавила Lady Who 04.07.17
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Иногда ты должен делать то, что не хочешь!

Добавил ликуша 15.05.18
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Я не такая храбрая, как твои друзья, Стивен.

Добавил ликуша 21.05.18
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Если снова попытаешь смыть себя в унитаз, не выйдет. Я пыталась.

Добавила Lady Who 04.07.17
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Да-а. вот именно это и называется «не пара».

Пояснение к цитате: Яшма заставила Лазурит слиться с ней, но та в ответ заточила слияние на дне океана Добавила Lady Who 04.07.17
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— Вы что тут вытворяете?! Вы развалили развалины!
— Упс.
— Кажется, не видать нам призов.

Добавила Lady Who 04.07.17
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— Я видела, как другие Самоцветы сливаются. Но не думала, что ты вот так. исчезаешь.
— Это вообще не так! Каждый раз, когда я сливалась с другими, это оставалась я, только. больше и. У меня никогда не было третьего глаза.
— У меня никогда не было больше одного.

Пояснение к цитате: обсуждают своё слияние Добавила Lady Who 29.11.17
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Роза любила всё, что её окружало. Даже этот безобразный мох.

Добавила user_232263439 24.03.18
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— Как себя чувствуешь?
— Большой.

Пояснение к цитате: После того как Перидот извинилась перед Амитист, её спросил Стивен. Добавила Yana24052007 30.09.18
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— Моё видение будущего позволило мне наблюдать за реками возможностей, разрешая мне вникать в возможные реальности, к которым наши действия нас подталкивают. Но это не значит, что я могу всё предсказать. Что меня интересует — эти чрезвычайно маловероятные реальности, настолько оторванные от естественного хода событий, что я не могу их отследить. Когда мы действуем необычным образом, мы создаём новые непредвиденные тропинки, и попадаем в эти лужицы невероятностей.
— О, значит ты хочешь делать то, что обычно не делаешь, чтобы узнать, что случится?
— Я не ожидала, что ты это поймёшь.


У Ляпис треснутый самоцвет, а палитра обладает темными оттенками синего и голубого цвета. Глаза выглядят как стекло, или-же зеркала.

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На данный момент входит в состав Кристальных самоцветов .


На ляпис светло-синий топ и такая же юбка ниже колена, из-за дизайна одежды синий ромб рассечен на уровне чуть выше живота. с «Mirror Gem»



На Ляпис был синий топ без бретелек и спинки с обращенным вверх темно-синим треугольником, который завязывался на синей поясной ленте на ее плечах. Она также была одета в плавную кобальтово-синюю юбку с темно-синим треугольником, обращенным вниз, и без обуви. До того, как Стивен исцелил свой треснутый драгоценный камень, у Ляпис были светоотражающие глаза без зрачков.


Ляпис была дружелюбна и заботлива к Стивену, в то же время относясь с недоверчивостью и даже некоторой злостью к остальным Кристальным самоцветам, полагая, что они больше заботятся о Земле, чем о собственной расе, вероятно, из-за того, что Кристальные самоцветы не выпустили её из зеркала. Она также недоверчива к Яшме.

Будучи освобождённой из зеркала, она проявила своё желание наконец-то вернуться домой: создала космический лифт, использовав океан, тем самым Ляпис показала своё безразличие к планете. Вероятно, это отношение было создано многолетним заточением на Земле или же просто усталостью или даже измученностью. И все же Ляпис показала себя самоотверженной и заботящейся о благополучии Стивена, пожертвовав собой ради него. Она также изображается как мученик, верная Стивену и готовая страдать, если это нужно для его защиты от Яшмы или какой-либо опасности (например, Малахит).

Она также очень упряма и не решается принимать помощь от других, если она не имеет другого выбора. В «Jail Break» она отказывается от помощи Стивена в освобождении, а в «Chille Tid» не хочет выдавать своё местоположение Кристальным самоцветам для их же блага.

После разделения в «Super Watermelon Island» Ляпис Лазурит изменяется. Она понимает, что крайне мало знает о Земле, которая постоянно меняется и не похожа на Родной мир. Как показано, она может быть злопамятной, когда с нею только заговорила Перидот. В её характере проявляется безразличие, как видно с её поведением на игре в бейсбол. В «Alone at Sea» она начала осознавать вину за свои прошлые проступки, что граничит с ненавистью к себе. Ляпис также довольно противоречивая фигура: она боится быть капитаном яхты, но всё же взяла на себя ответственность отказать Яшме слиться вместе, чтобы не повторить прошлых ошибок.

После того, как Ляпис вернулась на Землю после ее побега на Луну, она стала более открытой и уверенной в себе. Она полна решимости стать Кристальным Самоцветом и защищать Землю как свой дом, поборов свои прежние страхи. После того как ее "пуфает" Жёлтый Алмаз, она регенерирует в свою новую форму, полностью проявляя себя как Кристальный Самоцвет. Но тем не менее, она все ещё может быть очень резкой и местами пессемистичной в отношении вещей и событий, которые её не устраивают.

Сама по себе Ляпис раннее была скованной и несколько раздражительной. Теперь Ляпис не столько скована. Также она стала заметно увереннее и улыбчивее, а также бодрее.

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Цитаты Ляпис Лазурит из «Вселенная Стивена»:

Автор: Мульт-режиссер. Рубрика: Мультфильмы

Цитаты Ляпис Лазурит из «Вселенная Стивена»:

Я Ляпис Лазурит! И вы меня больше не удержите!

Я только хочу домой.

Просто позволь мне сделать это для тебя!

Это забавно. За все время, что я провела здесь, я это едва видела.

Ты ведь знаешь, что последние несколько месяцев я провела в заточении на дне океана?

Это была сплошная тьма. Сырая, холодная и удушающая. Вода все эти месяцы была моей могилой.

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Season 1

Thank you. You didn't—You actually talked to me. You helped me! It's Steven, right?

I'm Lapis. Lapis Lazuli. Are you really a Crystal Gem?

You three knew I was in there, and you didn't do anything. Did you even wonder who I used to be?!

I'm Lapis Lazuli, and you can't keep me trapped here anymore!

Steven, come with me.
Steven: Where?

Don't trust them, Steven. Goodbye.

You shouldn't be here!

Go away! Before I make you.

You don't understand! Just leave me alone.

Don't you know anything, Steven? Your friends, they don't really care about other Gems. All they care about is the Earth. But I never believed in this place.

I just want to go home.

I'm only using the ocean because my gem is cracked. If I just stretch it far enough. This is never going to work.

Wait, you have healing powers?

Thank you, Steven!
Steven: No prob, Bob.
It's Lapis.

Steven! I hope you're able to hear this. There's a Gem looking for you, she even knew your name. I don't know how! I didn't tell her, I swear! She's on her way to Earth, and she's not alone. Steven, Homeworld is not the way it used to be. Everything here is so advanced! I can't even understand it. There's no way anything on Earth can stand up to it. Please, don't put up a fight, It'll only lead to devastation--

He's just a human! He isn't a threat at all! He's not one of them!

No! I don't want your help. Things are bad enough as it is. I've already made too much trouble. Once we get back to Homeworld they're going to decide what to do with us.

Steven, whatever you're doing just stop. If we do everything they say they might go easy on us.

Steven: But they're. mean! They hurt my friends, they hurt my face! They've got you here in prison!
That's why we can't fight them.

I'm done being everyone's prisoner! Now you're MY prisoner! And I'm never letting you go!

Let's stay on this miserable planet, together!

Season 2

What? No! Steven, I'm trying to concentrate! How are you here?

Steven! Why do you keep coming back?! I can't get distracted, I've got to hold us down with the weight of your planet's ocean!

Can't you see? I can't stop, not for a second. Don't look for me. I don't want your help!

Just let me do this for you!

No! I'm not Lapis anymore. We're Malachite now.

Season 3

Steven: You're. leaving.
I have to, Steven. I don't belong on Earth, not with the Crystal Gems. I never have.

Steven: I feel like I only get to see you when something horrible's going on.
That's just how it is with me.

I was leaving, then I realized I've got nowhere to go. Who knows what they would do to me back home after what I did to Jasper? I can't go back to Homeworld and I can't stay here.

Steven: Ready Freddy?
My name's Lapis.

You okay like this?

So, what does happen in Empire City?
Steven: Well, let's see. If you lived here, you could get a cool apartment, and be a single gem taking on the big city. You'll have a fun job at a local coffee shop and come home to a wacky roommate-
I have no idea what you're talking about.

Hey, what's that shadowy place over there?
Steven: Oh, that's Jersey.
Is it populated by machines?
Steven: No, those are cars. They make a lot of smog though. You'd like it in Jersey. The people here seem to hate the Earth, too.

Eh, it's alright, I guess I can see why you like it.

This is where I was abandoned.

It was thousands of years ago. I was only meant to visit for a short time, but I got caught in the middle of a war. It was awful!

I tried to run but. I was picked up by a Homeworld soldier and confused for a Crystal Gem and used as a tool. They'd ask me, "Show us your base!", "Where is your leader?" I didn't know. I couldn't say I'm not one of them. It soon became clear that there was no hope in stopping the rebellion. All of the Homeworld Gems fled, and in all the panic of escaping Earth, I was left behind. And there I stayed. Freedom in my sight, but out of reach for ages. Until I was found.

For a moment, I really felt like things were different, but they're not. No matter where I go, I'm trapped.

It's funny. For all the time I spent on Earth, I barely saw any of it.

What are you doing here?!

No, it's not! It's mine! Right, Steven?

I really thought I would be living alone here.

I don't care about paint cans, that's not the problem.

It's her. She's the problem! I can't stand the thought of having to look at her every day. She's the one who dragged me back to Earth.

Steven, I don't think this is gonna work.

Steven: You can't see through those, right?
Actually, yes. But it's very blurry.

You do realize that I spent the last few months trapped under the ocean, right?

It was an endless, crushing darkness. Wet and bleak and suffocating. Water was the tomb I lived in for those months.

Yeah. I'm kind of taking a break from water right now. But thanks. for the lake.

Don't worry, Steven. It's not your fault.

I don't want your garbage.

I want you, to leave!

Why do you trust her, Steven?

Peridot. are you okay?

This plan sucks.

Steven: What's going on? What are they doing?

Don't put me in charge! Oh, sorry. I mean, y-you shouldn't trust me with the boat.

Greg: Lapis, you can still wear the hat, if you want.
Thanks, but I'm not putting that on my body.

I'm really trying to enjoy it out here, but. I can't stop thinking about being fused as Malachite, how I used all my strength to hold her down in the ocean, and how I was always battling against Jasper to keep her bound to me.

That's not it. I. I miss her.

I'm terrible! I did horrible things! I-I broke your dad's leg. I stole Earth's ocean! Go on! Tell me I'm wrong!

I was terrible to you. I liked taking everything out on you. I needed to. I-I hated you. It was bad!

What we had wasn't healthy. I never want to feel like I felt with you. Never again! So just go!

Steven: Eh, sorry, Dad. But hey, the ocean's really beautiful from up here.
Yeah. It is.

Peridot: Lapis, fly us in!
. No.

I've been calling it meep morp.

Here's my meep morp. This is a baseball bat. It reminds me of when I played baseball. This is the leaf Steven gave me. It reminds me of the time. Steven gave me a leaf.

They showed up on their little ship acting very angry, so I put them in time-out.

Leggy, come on down!

Season 4

It's only just come into existence, and it already doesn't like us.

We're not leaving our home.

We're very sorry for your marriage.

Peridot: Didn't we save the earth? We should have access to everything on it by right!
Or at least get a discount.

Why don't you put that corn in a mirror for thousands of years and then see how it feels about the table. It would. really hate the table!

Connie: You almost drowned me when you tried to steal the ocean's water?
I almost drowned a lot of people.

Steven would have had a better speech.

We're both thousands of years older than you.

Even if she wants to be here, she doesn't know what she's getting into. Life on Earth is really confusing. It took me a long time to get used to it. I'm still getting used to it.

This planet has weather which can be confusing and alarming. It's sunny now, but it can always rain later.

It's where I like to sleep. I don't have to do it, but I like to do it. You know.

That one is really hard to explain. You lie down somewhere and close your eyes. And think about nothing or everything. But it might take you a little while to feel comfortable enough to-

But we were just enemies! Don't you remember? Why don't you get mad?!

No. Something is seriously wrong with me. It took me so long to learn to like this planet.

Navy just loves everyone and everything right away. She has no guard, no fear. I just don't get it. Why is it so easy for her, when it was so hard for me?

You dirty, little.

I was right! No one could be that well-adjusted!

Season 5

It's so good to see you! I'm glad you're okay.

Peridot, We have to leave earth now!

This is different! Steven is important, and our transgressions are piling up! They're going to take their anger out on this planet, just like they did before. I can't. I won't let myself get caught up in another war.

There's no need to get so emotional!

We'll find some remote spot in the universe to hide out in. The Diamonds will never find us.

Peridot: Wait. We can't leave. What about all our crops?
Ugh. The vegetables will have to deal.

Peridot, what are you trying to say?
Peridot: It's just if something happens on Earth, I want to be here for it!
But -- no! Why are you telling me this now?!
Peridot: Because we're about to leave!
Isn't that the worst time?

Then why didn't you tell me sooner?
Peridot: Well, there are many things I should say, but they would upset you, so in general, I don't say those things.
Peridot, that's lying!

There, now we can bring our whole life with us. You, me and all of our things!

I am not getting caught in the middle of another war.

Steven: I can't believe it! It's so good to see you again!
Oh, really?
Steven: What's going on? I thought you'd be halfway across the galaxy by now. Aren't you worried about the diamonds coming to attack?
I got. distracted.

Promise you won't judge me?

This orb is an observation device. The Diamonds used them to watch activity on their colonies from afar.

Steven: You're spying on us?
Well, I wouldn't call it spying, because that would make me feel bad.

I couldn't stand not knowing what was going on. I'm so terrified of the Diamonds coming to Earth, but I got just outside the Milky Way, and I. felt so lonely.
Steven: So why didn't you just come back?
I want to. But I just can't. Not after the way I left. What would Peridot say? What if the Diamonds show up? What if something bad happens?

♪ It all became so lovely.
Those bluest skies above me.
Those funny feelings I had never felt before I met you.
I thought I'd stay a while.
I tried to learn to smile.
So many colors I had never even known.
Maybe I'd find myself sitting on that distant shore.
Maybe I'm not alone.
Then I see the colors fading.
Gentleness of light escaping.
Shadows of my fear invading.
Have I seen this all before?
I know that there's something residing.
That terror deep inside me.
I couldn't understand how you could be so bold.
Maybe I'd find myself smiling on that distant shore.
Maybe I'm not alone.♪

I might have overreacted about the Diamonds.
Steven: You really think they're coming?
I don't even know anymore. I've done so much because I was afraid. I left Peridot behind. I took the barn. And her morps.

I was so sure the Diamonds would destroy my new home, that I did it myself. It's like I'm back inside The Mirror, except I put myself here.
Steven: Oh, the Moon's not so bad.
Are you kidding?! The Moon sucks. There's nothing here. Maybe I'm tired of running away. Maybe I'd rather be with everyone and be in danger than be safe and. alone.

I don't know. If I went back now, there's no way things could go back to how they were.

Steven: When you go back, we should hang out more.
Hmmm. when. I go back.

Steven? Are you okay? Were you dreaming?
Steven: I-I saw the Diamonds.
What?! What are you talking about?
Steven: I dreamt about them. They were right here in this room.
What does that mean?! Are they coming?
Steven: I-I don't know.
Wh-What if they are?! What if they're close?! Why else would you see them?! Steven?

Steven: Where are you going?
As far from Earth as I can. I'm leaving. You should be used to that by now.

I don't know what I was thinking! I-I'm not like you and your friends, Steven! I can't just let go of what happened to me. I can't go through that again.
Steven: Would you rather be alone?
I'm sorry.

I couldn't stay away. If they're gonna punish me like a Crystal Gem, I might as well be one.

Blue Diamond: What?
I've felt worse.

Knock her off this beach!

What else have you got?! I've only just begun to fight!

That felt great.

Steven Universe: The Movie

Peridot: Which means Little Homeworld is 83.7% complete.
Only 83.7%? We'd better get cracking!

Wow. Quick turnaround.
Peridot: No kidding. It took me months to stop trying to kill Steven.
Bismuth: I say it took me a day- day and a half?
I'm still on the fence.

Well, what do we have that's deadly and dangerous laying around?

Steven Universe Future

Wow, Steven. It took you a whole five seconds to make a new friend. You're getting rusty. You know, I never used to notice creatures like this. Before Earth and you, I used to terraform planets without thinking twice. I wonder what I destroyed. Life like this is so precious.

You've just got to force them to stop. This is going to be a fight. They're not nice like me.

Steven: They just don't understand that they're doing harm. Y-you get it. What made it click for you?
A cycle of horrible torture. But other than that, living in nature, getting creative.

I understand you don't see the beauty of this, but you will. There was a time when I couldn't see it either, but I learned to appreciate organic life.

I get it. This stuff won't make you feel good right away. Maybe, it never will. But, it will help you navigate your new way of feeling. If you don't like dancing, you could try expressing yourself through song.

♫ Ooo-ooo-oooh, Why so bluuu-uu-uuue, So many shades of sorrow got mixed into my hue. And each new moment just astounds me. So much I wanna do. I finally feel my colors shining through. ♫

If we had done this my way, we would've been done from the start.


Mean Lapis: After that ridiculous show of strength, we'll do anything you say!
That wasn't strength! That was weakness. Restraint takes strength. PATIENCE takes strength! . Ugh. I don't have the strength to deal with you.

I wish I hadn't done that. It's just. they reminded me so much of myself. It's infuriating.

This is working? You hear us? Steven!

Listen to me, Steven. You can’t run away from yourself. Wherever you go, you’ll be there. Trust me, I know.

What the? 142 pieces? 60 crayons? 24 oil pastels? It even has watercolors?!


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