Клод леви стросс цитаты

Обновлено: 21.03.2025

Фига (figa — порт.) — это, безусловно, символическое изображение совокупления.

Ни одно общество не является совершенным.

Цивилизация, основанная на принципе и идее повышенного мнения о себе, является гнилой с самого своего рождения.

Образ не может быть идеей, но может играть роль знака или, точнее, сосуществовать с идеей в знаке.

Мир начался без человека и закончится без него.

Каждый новый шаг на пути прогресса дает новую надежду и связан с преодолением новых трудностей.

Великим декларациям прав человека также присущи и сила, и бессилие в провозглашении идеала, слишком часто предаваемого забвению, ввиду того, что человек реализует свою природу не в недрах абстрактного человечества, а внутри традиционных культур, где и наиболее революционные изменения оставляют целые полосы незатронутыми, а сами получают объяснение как функция ситуации, строго определенной во времени и пространстве.

Клод Леви-Стросс, из книги «Раса и история»

Меня влечет лес. Я нахожу в нем то же очарование, что и в горах, но он более спокоен и приветлив. Лес не имеет такой протяженности, как большие горные цепи, он быстро смыкается и заключает в себе микровселенную, которая изолирует человека так же надежно, как и пустынные пространства. Целый мир трав, цветов, грибов и насекомых ведет там независимую жизнь, в которую мы можем быть приняты лишь в том случае, если проявим терпение и смирение. Пройдя по лесу несколько десятков метров, забываешь о внешнем мире, одна вселенная сменяется другой, менее приятной для взгляда, но более привлекательной для слуха и обоняния. Возрождаются считавшиеся исчезнувшими блага: тишина, свежесть, покой. Близость с растительным миром дарует то, в чем нам ныне отказывает море и за что горы заставляют платить слишком высокую цену.

„Мир начался без человека и закончится без него.“

„While I complain of being able to glimpse no more than the shadow of the past, I may be insensitive to reality as it is taking shape at this very moment, since I have not reached the stage of development at which I would be capable of perceiving it.“

Источник: Tristes Tropiques (1955), Chapter 4 : The Quest for Power, p. 43
Контексте: While I complain of being able to glimpse no more than the shadow of the past, I may be insensitive to reality as it is taking shape at this very moment, since I have not reached the stage of development at which I would be capable of perceiving it. A few hundred years hence, in this same place, another traveller, as despairing as myself, will mourn the disappearance of what I might have seen, but failed to see.

„Our system is the height of absurdity, since we treat the culprit both as a child, so as to have the right to punish him, and as an adult, in order to deny him consolation; and we believe we have made great spiritual progress because, instead of eating a few of our fellow-men, we subject them to physical and moral mutilation.“

„The idea behind structuralism is that there are things we may not know but we can learn how they are related to each other.“

„Adventure has no place in the anthropologists profession; it is merely one of those unavoidable drawbacks, which detract from his effective work through the incidental loss of weeks or months“

Источник: Tristes Tropiques (1955), Ch. 1 : Setting Out, p. 17
Контексте: I hate travelling and explorers. Yet here I am proposing to tell the story of my expeditions. But how long it has taken me to make up my mind to do so! It is now fifteen years since I left Brazil for the last time and all during this period I have often planned to undertake the present work but on each occasion a sort of shame and repugnance prevented me from making a start. Why, I asked myself, should I give a detailed account of so many trivial circumstances and insignificant happenings? Adventure has no place in the anthropologists profession; it is merely one of those unavoidable drawbacks, which detract from his effective work through the incidental loss of weeks or months; there are hours of inaction when the informant is not available; periods of hunger, exhaustion, sickness perhaps; and always the thousand and one dreary tasks which eat away the days to no purpose and reduce dangerous living in the heart of the virgin forest to an imitation of military service … The fact that so much effort and expenditure has to be wasted on reaching the object of our studies bestows no value on that aspect of our profession, and should be seen rather as its negative side. The truths which we seek so far afield only become valid when we have separated them from this dross.

Следующая цитата

Клод Леви́-Стросс — французский этнолог, социолог, этнограф, философ и культуролог, создатель собственного научного направления в этнологии — структурной антропологии и теории инцеста , исследователь систем родства, мифологии и фольклора.

„The idea behind structuralism is that there are things we may not know but we can learn how they are related to each other.“

„The truths which we seek so far afield only become valid when we have separated them from this dross.“

Источник: Tristes Tropiques (1955), Ch. 1 : Setting Out, p. 17
Контексте: I hate travelling and explorers. Yet here I am proposing to tell the story of my expeditions. But how long it has taken me to make up my mind to do so! It is now fifteen years since I left Brazil for the last time and all during this period I have often planned to undertake the present work but on each occasion a sort of shame and repugnance prevented me from making a start. Why, I asked myself, should I give a detailed account of so many trivial circumstances and insignificant happenings? Adventure has no place in the anthropologists profession; it is merely one of those unavoidable drawbacks, which detract from his effective work through the incidental loss of weeks or months; there are hours of inaction when the informant is not available; periods of hunger, exhaustion, sickness perhaps; and always the thousand and one dreary tasks which eat away the days to no purpose and reduce dangerous living in the heart of the virgin forest to an imitation of military service … The fact that so much effort and expenditure has to be wasted on reaching the object of our studies bestows no value on that aspect of our profession, and should be seen rather as its negative side. The truths which we seek so far afield only become valid when we have separated them from this dross.

„Мир начался без человека и закончится без него.“

„Not only does a journey transport us over enormous distances, it also causes us to move a few degrees up or down in the social scale.“

Источник: Tristes Tropiques (1955), Chapter 9 : Guanabara, p. 86
Контексте: Not only does a journey transport us over enormous distances, it also causes us to move a few degrees up or down in the social scale. It displaces us physically and also — for better or for worse — takes us out of our class context, so that the colour and flavour of certain places cannot be dissociated from the always unexpected social level on which we find ourselves in experiencing them.

„Our system is the height of absurdity, since we treat the culprit both as a child, so as to have the right to punish him, and as an adult, in order to deny him consolation; and we believe we have made great spiritual progress because, instead of eating a few of our fellow-men, we subject them to physical and moral mutilation.“

„Образ не может быть идеей, но может играть роль знака или, точнее, сосуществовать с идеей в знаке.“

„While I complain of being able to glimpse no more than the shadow of the past, I may be insensitive to reality as it is taking shape at this very moment, since I have not reached the stage of development at which I would be capable of perceiving it.“

Источник: Tristes Tropiques (1955), Chapter 4 : The Quest for Power, p. 43
Контексте: While I complain of being able to glimpse no more than the shadow of the past, I may be insensitive to reality as it is taking shape at this very moment, since I have not reached the stage of development at which I would be capable of perceiving it. A few hundred years hence, in this same place, another traveller, as despairing as myself, will mourn the disappearance of what I might have seen, but failed to see.

„Образ не может быть идеей, но может играть роль знака или, точнее, сосуществовать с идеей в знаке.“

Следующая цитата

Клод Леви́-Стросс — французский этнолог, социолог, этнограф, философ и культуролог, создатель собственного научного направления в этнологии — структурной антропологии и теории инцеста , исследователь систем родства, мифологии и фольклора.

„I hate travelling and explorers.“

Источник: Tristes Tropiques (1955), Ch. 1 : Setting Out, p. 17
Контексте: I hate travelling and explorers. Yet here I am proposing to tell the story of my expeditions. But how long it has taken me to make up my mind to do so! It is now fifteen years since I left Brazil for the last time and all during this period I have often planned to undertake the present work but on each occasion a sort of shame and repugnance prevented me from making a start. Why, I asked myself, should I give a detailed account of so many trivial circumstances and insignificant happenings? Adventure has no place in the anthropologists profession; it is merely one of those unavoidable drawbacks, which detract from his effective work through the incidental loss of weeks or months; there are hours of inaction when the informant is not available; periods of hunger, exhaustion, sickness perhaps; and always the thousand and one dreary tasks which eat away the days to no purpose and reduce dangerous living in the heart of the virgin forest to an imitation of military service … The fact that so much effort and expenditure has to be wasted on reaching the object of our studies bestows no value on that aspect of our profession, and should be seen rather as its negative side. The truths which we seek so far afield only become valid when we have separated them from this dross.

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„The police are not entrusted with a mission which differentiates them from those they serve.“

Источник: Tristes Tropiques (1955), Chapter 37 : The Apotheosis of Augustus, p. 378
Контексте: The police are not entrusted with a mission which differentiates them from those they serve. Being unconcerned with ultimate purposes, they are inseparable from the persons and interests of their masters, and shine with their reflected glory.

„Фига (figa — порт.) — это, безусловно, символическое изображение совокупления.“

figa (португальский) - кукиш, шиш.

„Adventure has no place in the anthropologists profession; it is merely one of those unavoidable drawbacks, which detract from his effective work through the incidental loss of weeks or months“

Источник: Tristes Tropiques (1955), Ch. 1 : Setting Out, p. 17
Контексте: I hate travelling and explorers. Yet here I am proposing to tell the story of my expeditions. But how long it has taken me to make up my mind to do so! It is now fifteen years since I left Brazil for the last time and all during this period I have often planned to undertake the present work but on each occasion a sort of shame and repugnance prevented me from making a start. Why, I asked myself, should I give a detailed account of so many trivial circumstances and insignificant happenings? Adventure has no place in the anthropologists profession; it is merely one of those unavoidable drawbacks, which detract from his effective work through the incidental loss of weeks or months; there are hours of inaction when the informant is not available; periods of hunger, exhaustion, sickness perhaps; and always the thousand and one dreary tasks which eat away the days to no purpose and reduce dangerous living in the heart of the virgin forest to an imitation of military service … The fact that so much effort and expenditure has to be wasted on reaching the object of our studies bestows no value on that aspect of our profession, and should be seen rather as its negative side. The truths which we seek so far afield only become valid when we have separated them from this dross.

„The police are not entrusted with a mission which differentiates them from those they serve.“

Источник: Tristes Tropiques (1955), Chapter 37 : The Apotheosis of Augustus, p. 378
Контексте: The police are not entrusted with a mission which differentiates them from those they serve. Being unconcerned with ultimate purposes, they are inseparable from the persons and interests of their masters, and shine with their reflected glory.

„Ни одно общество не является совершенным.“

Цитаты Клод Леви-Стросс

„Фига (figa — порт.) — это, безусловно, символическое изображение совокупления.“

figa (португальский) - кукиш, шиш.

Следующая цитата

Клод Леви́-Стросс — французский этнограф, социолог и культуролог, создатель школы структурализма в этнологии, теории «инцеста», исследователь систем родства, мифологии и фольклора.

„Цивилизация, основанная на принципе и идее повышенного мнения о себе, является гнилой с самого своего рождения.“

„Цивилизация, основанная на принципе и идее повышенного мнения о себе, является гнилой с самого своего рождения.“

„Not only does a journey transport us over enormous distances, it also causes us to move a few degrees up or down in the social scale.“

Источник: Tristes Tropiques (1955), Chapter 9 : Guanabara, p. 86
Контексте: Not only does a journey transport us over enormous distances, it also causes us to move a few degrees up or down in the social scale. It displaces us physically and also — for better or for worse — takes us out of our class context, so that the colour and flavour of certain places cannot be dissociated from the always unexpected social level on which we find ourselves in experiencing them.

„Ни одно общество не является совершенным.“

„The truths which we seek so far afield only become valid when we have separated them from this dross.“

Источник: Tristes Tropiques (1955), Ch. 1 : Setting Out, p. 17
Контексте: I hate travelling and explorers. Yet here I am proposing to tell the story of my expeditions. But how long it has taken me to make up my mind to do so! It is now fifteen years since I left Brazil for the last time and all during this period I have often planned to undertake the present work but on each occasion a sort of shame and repugnance prevented me from making a start. Why, I asked myself, should I give a detailed account of so many trivial circumstances and insignificant happenings? Adventure has no place in the anthropologists profession; it is merely one of those unavoidable drawbacks, which detract from his effective work through the incidental loss of weeks or months; there are hours of inaction when the informant is not available; periods of hunger, exhaustion, sickness perhaps; and always the thousand and one dreary tasks which eat away the days to no purpose and reduce dangerous living in the heart of the virgin forest to an imitation of military service … The fact that so much effort and expenditure has to be wasted on reaching the object of our studies bestows no value on that aspect of our profession, and should be seen rather as its negative side. The truths which we seek so far afield only become valid when we have separated them from this dross.

„I hate travelling and explorers.“

Источник: Tristes Tropiques (1955), Ch. 1 : Setting Out, p. 17
Контексте: I hate travelling and explorers. Yet here I am proposing to tell the story of my expeditions. But how long it has taken me to make up my mind to do so! It is now fifteen years since I left Brazil for the last time and all during this period I have often planned to undertake the present work but on each occasion a sort of shame and repugnance prevented me from making a start. Why, I asked myself, should I give a detailed account of so many trivial circumstances and insignificant happenings? Adventure has no place in the anthropologists profession; it is merely one of those unavoidable drawbacks, which detract from his effective work through the incidental loss of weeks or months; there are hours of inaction when the informant is not available; periods of hunger, exhaustion, sickness perhaps; and always the thousand and one dreary tasks which eat away the days to no purpose and reduce dangerous living in the heart of the virgin forest to an imitation of military service … The fact that so much effort and expenditure has to be wasted on reaching the object of our studies bestows no value on that aspect of our profession, and should be seen rather as its negative side. The truths which we seek so far afield only become valid when we have separated them from this dross.

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Цитаты Клод Леви-Стросс

„Каждый новый шаг на пути прогресса дает новую надежду и связан с преодолением новых трудностей.“

„Каждый новый шаг на пути прогресса дает новую надежду и связан с преодолением новых трудностей.“

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