Фредерик уинслоу тейлор цитаты
Обновлено: 21.03.2025
действующий президент Российской Федерации 1952
Эдгар Аллан По 62
американский писатель, поэт, литературный критик и редактор 1809 - 1849
Генрих Гиммлер 78
один из главных политических и военных деятелей Третьего ре… 1900 - 1945
„I can say, without the slightest hesitation, that the science of handing pig-iron is so great that the man who is fit to handle pig-iron as his daily work cannot possibly understand the science“
Источник: Testimony of Frederick W. Taylor. 1912, p. 110.
Контексте: I ordinarily begin with a description of the pig-iron handler. For some reason, I don’t know exactly why, this illustration has been talked about a great deal, so much, in fact, that some people seem to think that the whole of scientific management consists in handling pig-iron. The only reason that I ever gave this illustration, however, was that pig-iron handling is the simplest kind of human effort; I know of nothing that is quite so simple as handling pig-iron. A man simply stoops down and with his hands picks up a piece of iron, and then walks a short distance and drops it on the ground. Now, it doesn’t look as if there was very much room for the development of a science; it doesn’t seem as if there was much room here for the scientific selection of the man nor for his progressive training, nor for cooperation between the two sides; but, I can say, without the slightest hesitation, that the science of handing pig-iron is so great that the man who is fit to handle pig-iron as his daily work cannot possibly understand the science; the man who is physically able to handle pig-iron and is sufficiently phlegmatic and stupid to choose this for his occupation is rarely able to comprehend the science of handling pig-iron; and this in ability of the man who is fit to do the work to understand the science of doing his work becomes more and more evident as the work becomes more complicated, all the way up the scale. I assert, without the slightest hesitation, that the high-class mechanic has a far smaller chance of ever thoroughly understanding the science of his work than the pig-iron handler has of understanding the science of his work, and I am going to try and prove to your satisfaction, gentlemen, that the man who is fit to work at any particular trade is unable to understand the science of that trade without the kindly help and cooperation of men of a totally different type of education, men whose education is not necessarily higher but a different type from his own.
„I can say, without the slightest hesitation, that the science of handing pig-iron is so great that the man who is fit to handle pig-iron as his daily work cannot possibly understand the science“
Источник: Testimony of Frederick W. Taylor. 1912, p. 110.
Контексте: I ordinarily begin with a description of the pig-iron handler. For some reason, I don’t know exactly why, this illustration has been talked about a great deal, so much, in fact, that some people seem to think that the whole of scientific management consists in handling pig-iron. The only reason that I ever gave this illustration, however, was that pig-iron handling is the simplest kind of human effort; I know of nothing that is quite so simple as handling pig-iron. A man simply stoops down and with his hands picks up a piece of iron, and then walks a short distance and drops it on the ground. Now, it doesn’t look as if there was very much room for the development of a science; it doesn’t seem as if there was much room here for the scientific selection of the man nor for his progressive training, nor for cooperation between the two sides; but, I can say, without the slightest hesitation, that the science of handing pig-iron is so great that the man who is fit to handle pig-iron as his daily work cannot possibly understand the science; the man who is physically able to handle pig-iron and is sufficiently phlegmatic and stupid to choose this for his occupation is rarely able to comprehend the science of handling pig-iron; and this in ability of the man who is fit to do the work to understand the science of doing his work becomes more and more evident as the work becomes more complicated, all the way up the scale. I assert, without the slightest hesitation, that the high-class mechanic has a far smaller chance of ever thoroughly understanding the science of his work than the pig-iron handler has of understanding the science of his work, and I am going to try and prove to your satisfaction, gentlemen, that the man who is fit to work at any particular trade is unable to understand the science of that trade without the kindly help and cooperation of men of a totally different type of education, men whose education is not necessarily higher but a different type from his own.
Следующая цитата
Источник: Principles of Scientific Management, 1911, p. 64.
„In the past the man has been first; in the future the system must be first. This in no sense, however, implies that great men are not needed. On the contrary, the first object of any good system must be that of developing first-class men; and under systematic management the best man rises to the top more certainly and more rapidly than ever before.“
Источник: Principles of Scientific Management, 1911, p. 7: Introduction.
Следующая цитата
Точный учет рабочего времени, вместе с инструментами и методами, необходимыми для надлежащего осуществления этого учета.
Система функциональных мастеров-специалистов и ее преимущества, по сравнению со старомодным единым мастером. Стандартизация всех орудий и инструментов, употребляемых во всех отдельных отраслях работы, а также всех элементарных рабочих операций или движений в каждом отдельном роде работы.
Желательность учреждения распределительного бюро.
«Принцип исключения» в организации управления.
Употребление счетных линеек и иных подобных инструментов, сберегающих время.
Введение инструкционных карточек для рабочих.
Идея урока в организации управления, в соединении с установлением крупных премий за успешное выполнение урока.
«Дифференциальная оплата» труда.
Введение мнемонических систем для классификации как готовых изделий, так равно и орудий, употребляемых в производстве.
Введение системы общего распорядка хода работ.
Современная система калькуляции себестоимости и т. д., и т. п.
Это, однако, только элементы или детали механизма научного управления. Последнее, по сущности своей, заключается в известной философии, которая, как указано выше, сводится к единству четырех великих основных принципов управления[Первый. Выработка истинных научных основ производства. Второй. Научный подбор рабочих. Третий. Их научное обучение и тренировка. Четвертый. Тесное дружественное сотрудничество между администрацией и рабочими.]:
Если же элементы этого механизма, как, например, учет времени, система функциональных мастеров и т. д., используются вне всякой связи с истинной философией управления, результаты во многих случаях оказываются прямо гибельными. К несчастью, даже люди, глубоко сочувствующие принципам научного управления, — если они пытаются с излишней быстротой осуществить переход от старой системы к новой, не слушая предостережений тех, кто имеет многолетний опыт в проведении подобной реорганизации, — очень часто встречаются с серьезными затруднениями, а иногда и со стачками рабочих, влекущими за собой неудачу всего начинания.
„In the past the man has been first; in the future the system must be first. This in no sense, however, implies that great men are not needed. On the contrary, the first object of any good system must be that of developing first-class men; and under systematic management the best man rises to the top more certainly and more rapidly than ever before.“
Источник: Principles of Scientific Management, 1911, p. 7: Introduction.
Следующая цитата
Источник: Principles of Scientific Management, 1911, p. 64.
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