Джордано бруно цитаты и афоризмы
Обновлено: 23.03.2025
Джордано Бруно (настоящее имя Филиппо , прозвище — Бруно Ноланец ; 1548 — 1600) — итальянский монах-доминиканец, философ-пантеист и поэт. Признан выдающимся мыслителем эпохи Возрождения и великим представителем эзотеризма. Из-за своей склонности к чтению сочинений, считавшихся католической церковью подозрительными, и по причине высказываемых сомнений относительно пресуществления и непорочного зачатия Девы Марии, а также своего неортодоксального подхода к трактованию Троицы, навлёк на себя подозрения в ереси и был вынужден покинуть орден доминиканцев и скитаться по Европе: жил в Швейцарии, Франции, Англии и Германии. Вернувшись в Италию , был арестован в Венеции и выдан инквизиционному суду в Риме. Он отказался отречься от своих учений и после семилетнего тюремного заключения был сожжён на костре как еретик и нарушитель монашеского обета. В 1889 году на месте казни в Риме ему был воздвигнут памятник.
Одно из множества выставленных против него обвинений — учение Бруно о бесконечности вселенной и множестве миров. Противник схоластики и схоластического Аристотеля, Бруно находился под влиянием элейских, новоплатоновских, а отчасти и эпикурейских идей. Его миросозерцание пантеистическое: Бог и вселенная одно и то же бытие; вселенная бесконечна в пространстве и времени; она совершенна, так как в ней пребывает Бог. Простые, неразложимые элементы всего существующего — монады; они не возникают, не исчезают, а только соединяются и разъединяются; это метафизические единицы, психические и в то же время материальные точки. Душа — особая монада; Бог — монада монад.
Бруно выступил против господствовавшей в его время аристотеле-птолемеевской системы устройства мира, противопоставив ей систему Коперника, которую он расширил, сделав из неё философские выводы и указав на такие отдельные факты, которые ныне признаны наукой несомненными: о том, что звёзды — это далёкие солнца, о существовании неизвестных в его время небесных тел в пределах нашей Солнечной системы, о том, что во Вселенной существует бесчисленное количество тел, подобных нашему Солнцу. Славе его деятельности способствовали, прежде других, немецкие философы Ф. Г. Якоби и Шеллинг.
„Но от чего я вовсе отчаиваюсь, это когда вижу неких бессмысленных и глупых кумиропоклонников, которые… подражают изысканности культа Египта; и ищут божество, о котором не имеют никоею понятия, в извержениях, мертвых и неодухотворенных телах; тем самым они глумятся не только над теми божественными, прозорливыми блюстителями, но также и над нами; и что еще хуже, при этом торжествуют, видя, что их безумные обычаи уважаются… Пусть не гнетет это тебя, Мом, сказала Изида, потому что суждена роком превратность сумерек и света. Однако худо то, ответил Мом, что они убеждены, что свет там, где они.“
«Изгнание торжествующего зверя», трактат (1584)
Цитата позже была использована как эпиграф к 120 главе романа Умберто Эко «Маятник Фуко» (1988).
„Капля дробит камень не силой, но частым падением, так и человек делается мудрым не силою, но часто повторяющимся чтением.“
«Подсвечник», комедия (1582)
„It does not grow corrupt. because there is nothing else into which it could change, given that it is itself all things.“
As translated by Paul Harrison <!-- Fifth dialogue ?-->
Cause, Principle, and Unity (1584)
Контексте: The Universe is one, infinite, immobile. The absolute potential is one, the act is one, the form or soul is one, the material or body is one, the thing is one, the being in one, one is the maximum and the best. It is not generated, because there is no other being it could desire or hope for, since it comprises all being. It does not grow corrupt. because there is nothing else into which it could change, given that it is itself all things. It cannot diminish or grow, since it is infinite.
„In it are an infinity of worlds of the same kind as our own.“
<!-- V Singer p. 59 -->
On the Infinite Universe and Worlds (1584)
Контексте: It is then unnecessary to investigate whether there be beyond the heaven Space, Void or Time. For there is a single general space, a single vast immensity which we may freely call Void; in it are innumerable globes like this one on which we live and grow. This space we declare to be infinite, since neither reason, convenience, possibility, sense-perception nor nature assign to it a limit. In it are an infinity of worlds of the same kind as our own.
„Cause, Principle, and One eternal
From whom being, life, and movement are suspended,
And which extends itself in length, breadth, and depth,
To whatever is in Heaven, on Earth, and Hell“
"Of Love" as translated in The Infinite in Giordano Bruno : With a Translation of His Dialogue, Concerning the Cause, Principle, and One (1978) by Sidney Thomas Greenburg, p. 89
Variant translation:
Cause, Principle and One, the Sempiterne,
On whom all being, motion, life, depend.
From whom, in length, breadth, depth, their paths extend
As far as heaven, earth, hell their faces turn :
With sense, with mind, with reason, I discern
That not, rule, reckoning, may not comprehend
That power and bulk and multitude which tend
Beyond all lower, middle, and superne. <p> Blind error, ruthless time, ungentle doom,
Deaf envy, villain madness, zeal unwise,
Hard heart, unholy craft, bold deeds begun,
Shall never fill for one the air with gloom,
Or ever thrust a veil before these eyes,
Or ever hide from me my glorious sun.
As quoted in "Giordano Bruno" by Thomas Davidson, The Index Vol. VI. No. 36 (4 March 1886), p. 429
Cause, Principle, and Unity (1584)
Контексте: Cause, Principle, and One eternal
From whom being, life, and movement are suspended,
And which extends itself in length, breadth, and depth,
To whatever is in Heaven, on Earth, and Hell;
With sense, with reason, with mind, I discern,
That there is no act, measure, nor calculation, which can comprehend
That force, that vastness and that number,
Which exceeds whatever is inferior, middle, and highest;
Blind error, avaricious time, adverse fortune,
Deaf envy, vile madness, jealous iniquity,
Crude heart, perverse spirit, insane audacity,
Will not be sufficient to obscure the air for me,
Will not place the veil before my eyes,
Will never bring it about that I shall not
Contemplate my beautiful Sun.
„Heroic love is the property of those superior natures who are called insane (insano) not because they do not know (no sanno), but because they over-know (soprasanno).“
„Our philosophy… reduceth to a single origin and relateth to a single end, and maketh contraries to coincide so that there is one primal foundation both of origin and of end.“
As translated by Dorothea Waley Singer (1950) <!-- p. 84 -->
De immenso (1591)
Контексте: Our philosophy… reduceth to a single origin and relateth to a single end, and maketh contraries to coincide so that there is one primal foundation both of origin and of end. From this coincidence of contraries, we deduce that ultimately it is divinely true that contraries are within contraries; wherefore it is not difficult to compass the knowledge that each thing is within every other.
Следующая цитата
«О героическом энтузиазме», трактат (1585)
Se non e vero, e ben trovato.
„The universal Intellect is the intimate, most real, peculiar and powerful part of the soul of the world.“
Cause, Principle, and Unity (1584)
Контексте: The universal Intellect is the intimate, most real, peculiar and powerful part of the soul of the world. This is the single whole which filleth the whole, illumineth the universe and directeth nature to the production of natural things, as our intellect with the congruous production of natural kinds.
„To the extent that one communicates with Nature, so one ascends to Divinity through Nature.“
As translated by Arthur Imerti (1964)
The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast (1584)
Контексте: Animals and plants are living effects of Nature; this Nature. is none other than God in things. Diverse living things represent diverse divinities and diverse powers, which, besides the absolute being they possess, obtain the being communicated to all things according to their capacity and measure. Whence all of God is in all things (although not totally, but in some more abundantly and in others less) … Think thus, of the sun in the crocus, in the narcissus, in the heliotrope, in the rooster, in the lion…. To the extent that one communicates with Nature, so one ascends to Divinity through Nature.
„Blind error, avaricious time, adverse fortune,
Deaf envy, vile madness, jealous iniquity,
Crude heart, perverse spirit, insane audacity,
Will not be sufficient to obscure the air for me,
Will not place the veil before my eyes,
Will never bring it about that I shall not
Contemplate my beautiful Sun.“
"Of Love" as translated in The Infinite in Giordano Bruno : With a Translation of His Dialogue, Concerning the Cause, Principle, and One (1978) by Sidney Thomas Greenburg, p. 89
Variant translation:
Cause, Principle and One, the Sempiterne,
On whom all being, motion, life, depend.
From whom, in length, breadth, depth, their paths extend
As far as heaven, earth, hell their faces turn :
With sense, with mind, with reason, I discern
That not, rule, reckoning, may not comprehend
That power and bulk and multitude which tend
Beyond all lower, middle, and superne. <p> Blind error, ruthless time, ungentle doom,
Deaf envy, villain madness, zeal unwise,
Hard heart, unholy craft, bold deeds begun,
Shall never fill for one the air with gloom,
Or ever thrust a veil before these eyes,
Or ever hide from me my glorious sun.
As quoted in "Giordano Bruno" by Thomas Davidson, The Index Vol. VI. No. 36 (4 March 1886), p. 429
Cause, Principle, and Unity (1584)
Контексте: Cause, Principle, and One eternal
From whom being, life, and movement are suspended,
And which extends itself in length, breadth, and depth,
To whatever is in Heaven, on Earth, and Hell;
With sense, with reason, with mind, I discern,
That there is no act, measure, nor calculation, which can comprehend
That force, that vastness and that number,
Which exceeds whatever is inferior, middle, and highest;
Blind error, avaricious time, adverse fortune,
Deaf envy, vile madness, jealous iniquity,
Crude heart, perverse spirit, insane audacity,
Will not be sufficient to obscure the air for me,
Will not place the veil before my eyes,
Will never bring it about that I shall not
Contemplate my beautiful Sun.
„Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.“
Следующая цитата
As quoted in Elements of Pantheism (2004) by Paul A. Harrison
Контексте: Nature is none other than God in things. Animals and plants are living effects of Nature; Whence all of God is in all things. Think thus, of the sun in the crocus, in the narcissus, in the heliotrope, in the rooster, in the lion.
„Thus is the excellence of God magnified and the greatness of his kingdom made manifest; He is glorified not in one, but in countless suns; not in a single earth, a single world, but in a thousand thousand, I say in an infinity of worlds.“
On the Infinite Universe and Worlds (1584)
Контексте: Make then your forecasts, my lords Astrologers, with your slavish physicians, by means of those astrolabes with which you seek to discern the fantastic nine moving spheres; in these you finally imprison your own minds, so that you appear to me but as parrots in a cage, while I watch you dancing up and down, turning and hopping within those circles. We know that the Supreme Ruler cannot have a seat so narrow, so miserable a throne, so trivial, so scanty a court, so small and feeble a simulacrum that phantasm can bring to birth, a dream shatter, a delusion restore, a calamity diminish, a misdeed abolish and a thought renew it again, so that indeed with a puff of air it were brimful and with a single gulp it were emptied. On the contrary we recognize a noble image, a marvellous conception, a supreme figure, an exalted shadow, an infinite representation of the represented infinity, a spectacle worthy of the excellence and supremacy of Him who transcendeth understanding, comprehension or grasp. Thus is the excellence of God magnified and the greatness of his kingdom made manifest; He is glorified not in one, but in countless suns; not in a single earth, a single world, but in a thousand thousand, I say in an infinity of worlds.
„The Universe is one, infinite, immobile.“
As translated by Paul Harrison <!-- Fifth dialogue ?-->
Cause, Principle, and Unity (1584)
Контексте: The Universe is one, infinite, immobile. The absolute potential is one, the act is one, the form or soul is one, the material or body is one, the thing is one, the being in one, one is the maximum and the best. It is not generated, because there is no other being it could desire or hope for, since it comprises all being. It does not grow corrupt. because there is nothing else into which it could change, given that it is itself all things. It cannot diminish or grow, since it is infinite.
„Everywhere there is incessant relative change in position throughout the universe, and the observer is always at the centre of things.“
Cause, Principle, and Unity (1584)
Контексте: This entire globe, this star, not being subject to death, and dissolution and annihilation being impossible anywhere in Nature, from time to time renews itself by changing and altering all its parts. There is no absolute up or down, as Aristotle taught; no absolute position in space; but the position of a body is relative to that of other bodies. Everywhere there is incessant relative change in position throughout the universe, and the observer is always at the centre of things.
„If all things are in common among friends, the most precious is Wisdom.“
Следующая цитата
Наука есть наилучший путь для того, чтобы сделать человеческий дух героическим.
Добавил Тристан 15.04.13- Скопировать
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Сжечь — не значит опровергнуть! Грядущие века меня оценят и поймут!
Пояснение к цитате:Слова, сказанные мыслителем перед смертной казнью.
Добавила JANEL 17.02.18- Скопировать
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Подобно тому как любовь не имеет более близкой подруги, чем ревность, так она не имеет и большего врага: совершенно так же ничто не является более враждебным железу, чем ржавчина, которая рождается из него самого.
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Единое, начало и причина,
Откуда бытие, жизнь и движенье,
Земли, небес и ада порожденья,
Все, что уходит вдаль и вширь, в глубины.
Для чувства, разума, ума – картина:
Нет действия, числа и измеренья
Для той громады, мощи, устремленья,
Что вечно превышает все вершины.
Слепой обман, миг краткий, доля злая,
Грязь зависти, пыл бешенства с враждою,
Жестокосердье, злобные желанья
Не в силах, непрерывно нападая,
Глаза мои задернуть пеленою
И солнца скрыть прекрасное сиянье.
Элитропий. Как узники, привыкшие к мраку, освобожденные из глубины темной башни, выходят к свету, так многие, изощрившиеся в вульгарной философии, страшатся, восхищаются и приходят в замешательство, не будучи в силах переносить новое солнце твоих ясных понятий.
Филотей. Недостаток происходит не от света, но от глаз: чем более прекрасным и ярким будет солнце само по себе, тем более ненавистным и особенно неприятным оно будет для глаз ночных сов.
„Divinity reveals herself in all things… everything has Divinity latent within itself.“
As translated by Arthur Imerti (1964)
The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast (1584)
Контексте: Divinity reveals herself in all things. everything has Divinity latent within itself. For she enfolds and imparts herself even unto the smallest beings, and from the smallest beings, according to their capacity. Without her presence nothing would have being, because she is the essence of the existence of the first unto the last being.
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