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Isaac Netero (アイザック=ネテロ, Netero Isaac) was the 12th chairman of the Hunters Association and the chairman over the Hunter Examination Selection Committee. He was one of the oldest and was one of the most powerful Nen practitioners of the Hunter × Hunter series until the introduction of the Chimera Ant King, Meruem.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Low 7-C, higher in his prime, higher with Zero hand. 7-B with Rose Bomb

Name: Isaac Netero

Gender: Male

Age: Older than 110 (Zeno Zoldyck, who is 67, stated that Netero was already old when he was a baby)

Classification: Human, Former Chairman of the Hunter Association, Hunter, Nen User, Martial Artist, Shingen-Ryu Grandmaster

Attack Potency: Small Town level (He is commonly referred to as the most powerful human Nen user in the world; however, Netero claims that he is far past his prime. Was able to push back Neferpitou easily and able to fight and match Pre-Rose Meruem), higher in his prime (He was twice as strong in his prime), higher with Zero Hand (This single attack dealt more damage than the thousands of strikes beforehand, giving large gashes to Meruem). City level (With the Poor Man's Rose. Nearly killed Meruem, who would have died if not for his Royal Guards)

Speed: At least Hypersonic+, likely far higher (Is the fastest human in the world. His punches were stated to far exceed the speed of sound. His attack on Neferpitou lasted less than 0.1 seconds with Pitou not understanding what was going on. Meruem stated that Netero's hand movements far exceeds his speed and in his fight against Meruem dealt thousands of blows in less than a minute)

Lifting Strength: At least Class 100 himself, Class K with the Guanyin Bodhisattva (Meruem was able to escape the Bodhisattva's grasp but with visible difficulty)

Striking Strength: Small Town Class (A single palm strike from the Bodhisattva caused Meruem to spit out blood and created a deep fissure in the ground. Even a non-lethal blow from the Bodhisattva retains enough power to send the opponent flying several kilometers away), higher in his prime

Durability: Small Town level, higher in his prime

Stamina: Immensely High (Can continue fighting even when he lost his left arm and right leg, losing them without flinching. When he was younger, he could complete a series of 10,000 punches in under an hour without collapsing from fatigue. Unfathomably superior to anyone who can pass the Hunter Exam, which involves highly strenuous tests such as running 80 kilometers across different terrains)

Range: Extended Melee Range. Several kilometres with Nen techniques. Tens of kilometres with Rose Bomb.

Standard Equipment: The Rose Bomb implanted in his heart, which will detonate if it stops beating.

Intelligence: Genius. Netero's seemingly nonsensical, whimsical behavior belies an astounding intellect. When preparing to exterminate the Chimera Ants, he had already made way for Gon and Killua to participate before meeting them; indeed, he had previously predicted the two of them and Palm Siberia would join the mission. He confirmed it later on when he sent Morel a text that included instructions for the boys, while also using the same words Morel had used to describe him a moment before. Since Palm was not mentioned, it seems he had even predicted she would not take part in the assault. Upon reaching NGL, he implied he had already considered the possibility of Nen users being "assimilated" by the enemy. If Netero can correctly anticipate other people's actions, he has, on the contrary, proven time and time again to be completely unpredictable. Zeno Zoldyck described him as having the mind of a plant. In spite of his position, he was able to hide the existence of a son even to the Zodiacs, seemingly with the sole exception of Pariston. However, it is in battle that he shows his full mental prowess: also thanks to his experience, his battle instincts are so honed that Meruem described his selection of offensive moves as "flawless", and specified that it is only through having acquired a pattern-recognition ability similar to foresight that he managed to slip through Netero's attacks.

Weaknesses: Zetsu involves keeping one's aura exclusively in the body, it makes a nen user more vulnerable to physical, and nen attacks, because one doesn't have any aura on the outside of one's body to protect oneself. Netero must pray before being able to use 100-type Guanyin Bodhisattva. Zero Hand completely drains his aura, and he is unable to use Nen for a while. The Rose Bomb only detonates if his heart stops.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Nen: Netero is an extremely powerful practitioner of Nen, claiming the title of the most powerful Nen user fifty years before the series. He has control over at least three Nen categories: first, his natural type, Enhancement, which, in conjunction with his astounding martial skills and strong body, make him a dreadful melee fighter; then Emission, which he uses to activate his most vigorous attack; finally, he employs Manipulation to make the Nen statue mimic his movements. It is said that, because of the gentle flow of his aura, one cannot read his next move. While his amount of aura is immense, impressing seasoned Hunters like Morel, who commented it felt like being pierced by needles, Colt stated it is incomparable to that of the three Royal Guards; still, he managed to dispose of Neferpitou in an instant and injure Meruem himself, demonstrating his superior mastery over the art. Netero has also been seen to be a master of "the other Nen" as well. As it turns out, his hostile "Ren" (commonly known as blood-lust) was so powerful that it made Meruem, the strongest of all Chimera ants, feel fear for the first time. A much milder version was also felt when he saw Gon and Killua on the airship going to the second phase of the hunter exam sight. There, he shot his blood lust at them in a fraction of a second before disappearing into another corridor. This show of "Ren" was strong enough to put them on edge for a short while and make them wary of his presence, completely changing the atmosphere.

  • 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva (百ひゃく式しき観かん音のん, Hyakushiki Kannon): Netero emits a multi-armed Nen construct behind himself which takes the form of a gigantic statue of Guanyin. To execute an attack, Netero clasps his hands together in a fluid motion, as if in prayer, after which one of the arms on the statue strikes down upon his target in conjunction with Netero's hand motion. The procedure is repeated before every attack. Due to Netero’s immense speed, the whole process can be carried out in far less than 0.1 seconds, up to thousands of times per minute. A single palm strike from the Bodhisattva was enough to push Neferpitou a considerable distance away without the Chimera Ant fully understanding what had happened. The blows of the statue are so fast that they may appear to originate from another dimension, an impression strengthened by the fact that the strike does not come from Netero’s position. The sheer number of arms makes it so that the possible combinations are so numerous Meruem regarded them as being practically infinite, and it is only by detecting Netero's unconscious bias for one move over another that he managed to best the ability. Due to this, its extreme speed and power, Zeno Zoldyck considers the 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva the chairman’s most dangerous ability.
    • First Hand(壱いち乃の掌て, Ichi no Te): After clasping his hands together, Netero performs a chopping motion, causing the Bodhisattva to strike the target with a chop. When used against Meruem, it caused the King to spit out blood and comment that he could not see the attack coming, creating a deep fissure into the ground.
    • Third Hand (参さん乃の掌て, San no Te): Netero performs a clapping motion and the Bodhisattva copies it, attacking the opponent with a clap.
    • Ninety-Ninth Hand (九十九つくもの掌て, Tsukumo no Te): Netero makes a sign with his hands that looks like the number ninety-nine. Afterward, the multi-armed Bodhisattva hits the opponent with open palms multiple times in an instant to inflict massive damage.
    • Zero Hand (零ゼロの掌て, Zero no Te): This is Netero's last resort, meant to be used only when he cannot utilize any other of Guanyin's abilities. Netero first prays with all his heart. The Bodhisattva then appears behind Netero's enemy and tenderly clasps him within its palms. Netero then focuses every last ounce of his aura in preparation for this final attack, and the Bodhisattva mercilessly howls out an enormous flare of aura in an attempt to destroy the enemy. Netero ages rapidly as a result of his aura being completely drained.

    Rose Bomb: His final joker, he pierces his heart with his fingers and detonates The Poor Man's Rose (a miniature nuclear explosive device attached to his heart).

    Сила и способности

    В своем первом появлении он прыгает с 60-футововой высоты с дирижабля судей Экзамена Охотников без парашюта и не получает никаких повреждений. По собственным словам является самым сильным Нэн-пользователем за последние 50 лет. Говорилось,что он был единственным кто выжил после битвы с Махой Золдриком. Его основной и самой опасной способностью является "Тысячерукая Каннон", которая выглядит как нэн-конструкция со ста руками (каждая рука имеет разные приемы), самая сильная это нулевая рука. Когда статуя стреляет потоком ауры изо рта, после использования нулевой руки, Нетеро заметно стареет из-за истощения ауры. Специально для боя с королем муравьев-химер, Меруемом, Нетеро имплантировал себе бомбу в сердце: когда сердце останавливается, бомба взрывается. Бомба является прототипом атомной бомбы и взрывается в форме розы (из-за чего и получила название "Роза бедняка").

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    Айзек Нетеро

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    Следующая цитата

    - Подводя итог, у нас с тобой идеальное взаимное влечение!

    - Зачем ты. Ты специально так подбираешь слова, чтобы их можно было неправильно понять, да?!

    Ванитас, Жанна

    Все беспечные воспоминания о начале влекут за собой воспоминания о конце. Вещи, что ускользнули от меня. Люди, которых я не смог защитить. Сожаления о том дне, когда я не схватил тебя за руку.

    Ной Архивист

    Это было начало. Это. история о том, как я встретил Ванитаса. и о том, как мы вместе обретали и теряли. и о том, как в конце этого пути. я убил его собственными руками.

    Ной Архивист

    Я действительно. совсем его не понимаю.

    Ной Архивист

    - Ванитас. У меня есть вопрос.

    - Чего? Выкладывай.

    - Что же такое любовь?

    - Ты. Поэтому ты предложил мне потанцевать!? Я думал, у тебя был вопрос, который очень сложно задать, а ты. Я тоже не знаю.

    - А?

    - Но когда я смотрю на Жанну, моё сердце начинает биться чаще, и я не могу перестать дрожать. Я решил, что в моём случае эта реакция и есть "любовь". Ведь так намного интереснее.

    - Твоё сердце быстро стучит, тебя трясёт. Похоже на симптомы простуды.

    - Верно. Это как подхватить простуду.

    - Ванитас. А что тебе нравиться в Жанне?

    - Её строгость. Её красота. Её неуклюжесть. Её хрупкость. Её шикарная грудь. То, как забавно её дразнить. А ещё. Дай-ка подумать. То, что она почти наверняка никогда меня не полюбит.

    - Ты о чём? Разве ты не должен желать, чтобы человек, которого ты любишь, ответил тебе взаимностью?

    - Ничего подобного я не хочу. Я могу любить Жанну. Но она не обязана любить меня в ответ. Мне. был бы абсолютно неинтересен человек, способный влюбиться в меня.

    Ной Архивист, Ванитас

    При таком раскладе. когда я не знаю, носитель ли ты проклятия, я не могу просто сказать "я исцелю тебя". Но. раз так. я пообещаю тебе кое-что. Если это случится, я убью тебя. Обещаю. что убью тебя. Я люблю тебя. Я - тот, кто исполнит любую твою мечту. Это должен быть я. Так что Жанна. тебе не о чем беспокоиться.


    Сражаться с монстрами лучше всего таким же монстрам.

    Следующая цитата

    (アイザック ネテロ, Isaac Netero) – персонаж манги и аниме HUNTERxHUNTER. 12 председатель Ассоциации Охотников. Он принимает окончательное решение на Экзамене Охотников.



    Пожилой суховатый мужчина с седой бородой, усами и пучком волос на макушке бритой налысо головы. Он такой старый, что у него не только отросли длиннющие кисточки бровей, но и мочки ушей отвисли до плеч. Одевается в традиционный азиатский костюм из белого кафтана и шароваров. Под верхней одеждой носит гимнастический костюм из футболки и шортов. Обувается в гета с одной опорой на каждой стопе.


    Мудрый, ироничный старичок с таким богатым опытом, что его уже ничего не пугает, не смущает и не удивляет. Трудности лишь развлекают его, опасность вызывает любопытство, оскорбления лишь подогревают его тщеславие.


    Точный возраст Айзека Нетеро не известен. Однако, по словам Зено Золдика (67 лет), Нетеро был уже стариком, когда Зено был маленьким мальчиком. По молодости Нетеро даже сражался с дедом Зено – Махой Золдиком.

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