Загадки про спорт на английском
Обновлено: 25.12.2024
В отличие от русских загадок, загадки на английском языке не совсем такие, как мы привыкли видеть. Что для детей, что для взрослых – это обычная строчная форма в несколько фраз или предложений. Это своего рода английский юмор, который для русскоязычных очень трудно понять.
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Sport in Great Britain
/ Лексика с транскрипцией, связанная со Спортом. Общая лексика / Лексика с транскрипцией, связанная со Спортом. Виды спорта
There is a chain of numbers; your task is to decode the words using the alphabet and translate them.
Play football (footballer or football player)
Tennis (tennis player)
Go swimming (swimmer)
Jumping (jumper)
Running (runner)
Windsurfing (surfer)
Choose the right answer and decode the main word.
1. How do we call the most important sports event in the world? Tennis tournaments at Wimbledon (n) The World Youth Games (g) The Olympic Games (h) |
2. He decided to revive the Olympic Games at the end of the 19th century? Vladislav Tretyak (a) Pierre de Coubertin (e) Robin the Bobbin (o) |
3. An apple a day keeps … away the doctor (a) the teacher (y) the policemen (i) |
4. They are rich in vitamins crisps (m) fruits and vegetables (l) fast food (r) |
5. The right food keeps you … well (t) ill (k) funny (p) |
6. Never … to keep fit laugh (x) eat (l) smoke (h) |
Put the letters in the words on the topic “Sport” in a logical order.
erccso (soccer);
bongxi (boxing);
ngsurfi (surfing);
rocsaebi (aerobics);
sinent (tennis);
ykeoch (hockey).
Командам дается исходное слово «sport», из которого они должны за 2 минуты составить «цепочку» слов, где последняя буква предыдущего слова является первой буквой последующего.
Например: sport – tennis – surfing – gymnastics – sailing.
Put the words in the logical order. (Предлагается командам выполнить задание на карточках. Каждая команда получает карточку с набором слов для составления предложений (пословиц).
Грамматические упражнения по теме спорт.
Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки. Вставьте глагол в Present Simple. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
Alex 1___________ (to have) many hobbies. The boy 2____________ (to like) doing sports. He 3______________ (to play) soccer. He 4 _______ (to be) a forward in his team. Alex and his friends 5_____________ (to play) baseball. Alex 6___________ (to throw) balls. He 7________ (to be) a pitcher. His friend John 8______________ (to catch) balls. John 9___________ (to be) a catcher. Every summer the friends 10___________ (to wait) for a baseball tournament. The tournament 11 _________ (to be) in June. Sometimes Alex and his friends 12__________ (to go) in for mountaineering. They 13_____________ (to climb) mountains and rocks. It 14________ (to be) a risky but interesting sport. Alex 15__________ (to use) special ropes when he 16_____________ (to climb) a rock.
Упражнение 2. Вставьте подходящие предлоги: for / on / of / at / in / between
Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, корректно образуя степень сравнения прилагательного.
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Загадки на английском Автор Kite На чтение 2 мин Обновлено 2 марта, 2020
Загадки про спорт на английском языке с переводом помогут подготовить интересное занятие и улучшить свои знания. 5 загадок о спорте на английском Вы можете выбрать на этой странице.
Загадки про спорт на английском
What sport can also be eaten?
Какой вид спорта тоже можно есть?
Two people were playing chess and both won. How did this happen?
(They were playing against other opponents)
Два человека играли в шахматы и оба выиграли. Как это случилось?
(Они играли против других противников)
People from what country never fail to complete a marathon?
(The Finnish)
Люди из какой страны никогда не могут пройти марафон?
I am a horse without legs and a body, I jump but never run. What kind of a horse am I?
(A chess piece (horse/knight))
Я лошадь без ног и тела, я прыгаю, но никогда не бегаю. Что я за лошадь?
(Шахматная фигура (конь / рыцарь))
Загадки про виды спорта на английском
What sport has four letters, is played all around the world, and begins with a T?
Какой вид спорта состоит из четырех букв, в него играют по всему миру и начинается с T?
I’m a star sports.
I make a lotof money.
I play for big clubs.
I wear football boots.
Answer: a football player
I am a winter sport.
You need a stick and a flat black puck to play me.
I am a team sport.
My games are very exciting.
When you score a point, it is called a goal.
You wear a helmet and skates when you play me.
I am the world’s most popular sport.
I have 2 different names.
I am a team sport.
Men and women play me.
Every4 years there is the World Cup.
There are many competitions–in each country, in Europe, Asia etc.
I am played at Wimbledon, at the US Open, and the Australian Open.
Men and women play me.
You need a racquet and a yellow ball.
I can be played indoors and outdoors all year long.
Лексические упражнения по теме спорт.
Упражнение 1. Заполните таблицу следующими видами спорта. Решите, какие виды спорта употребляются со словами PLAY, GO и DO.
Football, boxing, golf, karate, skiing, rugby, table tennis, volleyball, basketball, gymnastics, yoga, swimming, hockey, running, judo, soccer, bowling, dancing, cycling, chess
Упражнение 2. Угадайте, какой это вид спорта
- Each team has eleven players. The players of the two teams wear clothes of different colors. Only the goalkeeper can touch the ball with the hands.
- Each team has up to eleven players, but only seven of them can play at the same time. The players have caps on. They mustn’t splash water into the face of opponent.
- Each team has six players on the court. The player can hit the ball with the hand. She/he has to release the ball before hitting it. The players are not allowed to touch the net.
- It is a team sport. Each team has up to ten players, but only five of them can play at the same time. The players must try for a goal within 30 seconds of possessing the ball.
- Each team can have up to seventeen players, but only six can play at the same time. Players wear skates and helmets.
Упражнение 3. Заполните таблицу следующими видами спорта.
golf / basketball / diving / swimming / wrestling / skiing / football / karate / gymnastics / cricket / weight lifting / running / volleyball / horse riding / handball / boxing / tennis / water polo / table tennis / judo
Played/done Individually
Played in pairs
Played in Teams
Упражнение 4. Определите, что это за вид спорта. Подсказки – в рамке.
High-jump / karate / football / basketball / ice-hockey / boxing / golf / skiing / diving / tennis
- The sport of moving over snow on skis.
- The sport of jumping into water or swimming under water.
- The sport of fighting with your hands, wearing thick gloves.
- A game for two teams of eleven players who try to kick a ball into a goal on a field.
- A game for two or four players who hold rackets and hit a small ball over a net.
- A Japanese sport where people fight with their hands and feet.
- A game that two teams play on ice.
- A sport where people jump over a high bar.
- A game that you play by hitting a small ball into holes with a club.
- A game for two teams of five players who try to throw a ball into a high net ring.
Упражнение 5. Соедините виды спорта и места, где занимаются данным видом спорта
2. boxing / wrestling
3. tennis / basketball / volleyball
4. football / hockey / rugby
5. athletics / motor racing
6. ice hockey / skating
Упражнение 6. В каком из этих видов спорта используется данный спортинвентарь.
4. a shuttlecock
D. football / hockey
E. tennis / volleyball
F. hockey / ice hockey
H. tennis / badminton
Упражнение 7. Дополните текст подходящим по смыслу словом из рамки
pools / courts / stadium / rink / athletes / jumping / track / pitches / rings
Nick James is very happy because there is a big sports center near his home. There are football (1) _______, tennis and basketball (2) ________, swimming (3) _______, a sports hall with two boxing (4) ______ and even a skating (5) _______. There is also a separate athletics (6) _______, where 30 000 spectators can watch track events on the (7) _____ and field events, such as (8) ________and throwing, in the grass center. The (9) _______ get ready in modern changing rooms. A huge scoreboard shows the results.
Nick often attends sports events. He also goes swimming three times a week and hopes to succeed in this sport.
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