Загадка с птицами celeste
Обновлено: 25.12.2024
30 янв. 2018 в 6:20 Color puzzle help? (spoilers) On chapter 1 and 6 i have seen this strange color puzzle i just dont understand, in chapter 1 you find a computer that displays the colors(in order) white-purple-blue-red-purple-yellow and repeats and in chaoter 6 you find a room with a number of floating gems colored in the same sequence, it peaked my curiosity and im just getting a little annoyed from not know what they are, and i would appreciate if someone told me. Btw i suck at writing stuff like this give me a bit of a bashing for that too. 30 янв. 2018 в 6:47
You get a crystal heart from both of them. Every chapter has one hidden in it, and you need them to unlock later levels.
in Chapter 1 you don't need any additional info, the computer and the birds are all the hints you need. You've already figured out the order.
Full spoilers: Dash in the same direction as the colored birds in order
in Chapter 6 you do what you did in Chapter 1, with some tweaks to lit all the torches. This one I couldn't figure out on my own, even though I had the right idea but was executing it poorly.
Full spoilers: You mirror horizontal/vertical movements or both to light up the torches
Тёмно-синяя птица, похожая на ворону. По сути, каждая птица Селесты - нагваль этой мистической горы.
Следующая загадка
Chapter 2 [ ]
Another way to get to this crystal heart is to first get onto the second screen, climb up the wall, stand on the left edge of the platform above the second screen, jump to the far left of the platform and then dash left as soon as the player leaves the screen. By doing so, the player lands on the platform on the left and can then continue climbing up towards the crystal heart.
The heart can also be seen (but not obtained) in the 'Awake' Section of Chapter 2, where it is more easy to locate, and a poem lies near it with hints of how to obtain it:
An apparition
Not of this world
But because of it
Lurking out of frame
Awake, my heart is a fortress
In dreams I am vulnerable
Синие сердца
За их нахождение даётся достижение, по одному есть в каждой из основных глав:
: находится на втором чекпоинте. Рядом с декоративным домом есть секретный проход к порхающим птицам и компьютеру (он мигает разными цветами, каждый из которых соответствует одной птице). Когда компьютер мигает серым цветом, каждая птица делает рывок в определённом направлении, для получения сердца нужно сделать рывки в нужную сторону в том же порядке, что и на компьютере. : в самом начале главы нужно использовать возможность восстанавливать рывок при переходе между комнатами и подняться вверх, а потом забрать сердце. : находится на втором чекпоинте. Когда вы нажмёте на "кнопку" для уборки полотенец, не выходите из комнаты, а идите в трубу справа, откуда течёт вода. Далее вернитесь в комнату, где вы встретили Тео, и на потолке вы найдёте ранее закрытый полотенцами проход к сердцу. : в начале второго чекпоинта после комнаты, где впервые появляются стрелки, есть проход под водой с клубникой, а за ним ещё один проход в комнату с белым прямоугольником. Нужно встать на прямоугольник и присесть, через какое-то время вы упадёте вниз и сможете передвигаться по заднему фону, используйте это, чтобы взять сердце. : когда вы получите ключ в тёмной части храма в первом чекпоинте, не открывайте им дверь. Пролетите к двери, а затем полетите назад, где вам нужно с помощью рывка пробить второй квадрат и найти обход двери, далее используйте ключ на двери под большим зеркалом, где вас после небольшого уровня будет ждать сердце. : находится в начале третьего чекпоинта. Когда вы найдёте комнату, в которой есть живая платформа и перо, вы должны использовать его и долететь до выхода из комнаты, но снизу вы найдёте ещё одно перо, далее летите наверх, а потом с помощью другого пера налево в комнату с факелами, там вы должны сделать рывки в определённом порядке:
- Первый факел: вверх, влево, вниз-вправо, вверх-вправо, влево, вверх-влево.
- Второй факел: вверх, вправо, вниз-влево, вверх-влево, вправо, вверх-вправо.
- Третий факел: вниз, влево, вверх-вправо, вниз-вправо, влево, вниз-влево.
- Четвертый факел: вниз, вправо, вверх-влево, вниз-влево, вправо, вниз-вправо.
- First torch: Up, Left, Down-Right, Up-Right, Left, Up-Left
- Second torch: Up, Right, Down-Left, Up-Left, Right, Up-Right
- Third torch: Down, Left, Up-Right, Down-Right, Left, Down-Left
- Fourth torch: Down, Right, Up-Left, Down-Left, Right, Down-Right
- Up (White)
- Left (Purple)
- Down-Right (Blue)
- Up-Right (Red)
- Left (Purple)
- Up-Left (Yellow)
Chapter 5 [ ]
Quiet and falling
Chapter 5's Crystal Heart is located in the second sub-chapter, "Depths". After getting the key above the statue, the player must enter the room beneath the statue to the right, then hop on the nearby bubble and travel to the right. Instead of opening the door at the end of the room, the player must enter a second bubble and travel to the left, then dash up into the center of the second platform on their way back. This moves the player into a third bubble that they can use to travel upwards, leading to a secret path above the door. After making their way through the long hallway to reach the next room and going through that room as normal, the player must now head to the bottom of the following room and dash downwards to break the brown Smashable Wall in the floor. This reveals another locked door that they can use the key on, which leads to the Crystal Heart's room. In order to navigate in the room, one must go along the outer edges of the room, using a set of moving blocks and platforms to get to the Crystal Heart (entitled Quiet and falling).
Chapter 8 [ ]
Heart of the mountain
The Crystal Heart in Chapter 8 is the most straightforward to obtain, as it is easily obtainable after getting past all of the chapter's obstacles. Completing the level simultaneously awards the player with the Crystal Heart (entitled Heart of the mountain).
Обычная цель Птицы - научить игрока новым элементам геймплея, либо предвещать прибытие Старухи (поскольку Птица часто встречается рядом с ней).
Серое сердце
Это сердце находится в конце четвёртого чекпоинта девятой главы, оно фальшивое и на статистику не влияет.
Chapter 6 [ ]
Heavy and frail
Chapter 6's Crystal Heart is located at the beginning of the third sub-chapter, "Hollows". At the start of the sub-chapter, the player must use the Angry Platform to break through the wall below to get to the first Feather. One must then use it to fly up-right, and then dash down to break the Smashable Wall, revealing the second Feather. The player must use that Feather to fly upwards, then climb to the third Feather, and finally use that Feather to fly to the left of the screen, revealing an entrance to a secret room. After going through the room and breaking another Smashable Wall, the player will see a puzzle with a statue, 6 colored crystals, 4 torches and 3 symbols.
Bird Colour Directions (see Chapter 1)
In order to solve the puzzle, one must repeat the pattern required to obtain the first chapter's Crystal Heart; doing so correctly will light up the first torch. The same thing must be done for the rest, but with slight alterations for each following torch: the second torch's pattern must be the first, but mirrored left-right (e.g an up-left on the first torch must be an up-right dash for the second); the third torch's pattern has to be mirrored up-down (e.g. an upwards dash on the first must be a downwards dash for the third), and the fourth one's pattern must be mirrored both up-down and left-right (e.g. an up-left dash on the first must be a down-right dash for the fourth). For a complete list of directions, see below:
After lighting up all 4 torches, the Crystal Heart (entitled Heavy and frail) will be granted on top of the statue.
Chapter 3 [ ]
Scattered and lost
Следующая загадка
Хрустальные сердца находятся во всех главах в трёх видах: синие в основных главах, красные в B-SIDES и жёлтые в C-SIDES.
Синие сердца спрятаны, а красные и жёлтые находятся в конце глав и нужны для их завершения.
Красные и жёлтые сердца
Находятся в конце B-SIDES и C-SIDES, после их взятия глава завершается.
За взятие красных сердец даются достижения.
Chapter 4 [ ]
Eye of the storm
Chapter 4's Crystal Heart is located at the very beginning of the second sub-chapter, "Shrine". To reach the Crystal Heart, the player must cling to the Guided Platform, then navigate it left to avoid hitting the wall, after which the player should move it back to the right. Once the player lands, the player must go to the right, into the lit up area. Once one goes into the next room, the player should see a waterfall pouring into a pool of water. The player must then swim towards the bottom right corner, and keep swimming to the right until the player reaches a hidden area with a strawberry. The player must then dash into the Smashable Wall to the right to break it, after which the player should reach a tall room. One cannot reach the top normally; the player must crouch on top of the room's idiosyncratic white block until the player disappears. The player is now in the background instead of the foreground, thus allowing one to interact with objects in the background (a trick borrowed from Super Mario Bros. 3, which has a similar block with a similar gimmick). This object interaction allows the player to climb to the top of the screen, where the Crystal Heart (entitled Eye of the storm) is located.
Chapter 7 [ ]
To obtain the crystal heart in this chapter, you must find six Jewels hidden in each sub-chapter- a blue star for Reflection at 0M, a blue cube for Forsaken City at 500M, a green oval for Old Site at 1000M, a yellow circle for Celestial Resort at 1500M, a pink diamond for Golden Ridge at 2000M, and a white sphere for Mirror Temple at 2500M. You obtain the crystal heart in the Summit after getting all the Jewels.
Blue Star [ ]
Topaz [ ]
Emerald [ ]
Amber [ ]
1500M's Jewel is at the end of the 7th screen of the subchapter and is probably the easiest one to find. Below the exit upwards into the 8th screen, a broken wall can be seen. Going through there and completing the room that it reveals will allow the player to obtain this Jewel.
Pearl [ ]
Crystal Heart [ ]
At checkpoint 28 at 3000M, the player must dash under the gap in the wall to the player's right, causing the camera to move and reveal the room with the Crystal Heart. If the player has all of the Jewels, they will pop out of the floor, and the Crystal Heart will move to a place where the player can obtain it.
Следующая загадка
Птица (ориг. Bird) - первый персонаж Celeste, встречаемый Мэдлин в её восхождении. Появляется во многих местах игры по ходу действия сюжета.
Chapter 1 [ ]
The Crystal Heart in this chapter can be found in Chapter 1's second sub-chapter, "Crossing". After passing the house, the player must get on the first Conveyor-Belt Platform in the following room and advance to the second as usual; however, on the second Conveyor-Belt Platform, the player must jump left as they're flung into the air and dash upwards to the left of the up sign, revealing a secret passage. The player must then dash to the left from there to get to the room connecting to this screen's top-left corner. After a few screens, the player will arrive at the location of a computer. Here the Crystal Heart puzzle begins.
The computer will flash a sequence of colors; nearby, there will be a number of small, colored birds, each of whom corresponds with a color that the computer flashes. The computer will flash a series of colors intermittently, followed by the birds all moving in different directions. To obtain the heart, one must pay attention to the sequence of colors that the computer flashes, as well as the directions that the birds move in every time the sequence finishes. The player must dash in the direction that each bird corresponds to in the order in the computer's light sequence where that bird's color appears on the computer (in relation to the other colors, not in real time). The direction sequence that the player must perform is:
Performing this series of dashes will cause the birds to form into this chapter's Crystal Heart (entitled Pointless machines) which the player can then obtain.
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