Загадка про дельфина на английском

Обновлено: 25.12.2024

The name of Cinderella has become a household name for a long time. Cinderella we call the girls, who managed to escape from poverty, cruelty , thanks to the loving person. And today we can meet them. But what kind of are they? Cinderella in the fairy tale was very kind , nice ,industrious and modest. She could not say anything against her stepmother, refuse her angry sisters and stand up for herself. She was defence . She was reconciled to her destiny. Cinderella was at the ball, where she found her prince through fairy. And today? To my mind there are a fewer unselfish girls around. Very many try to find their princes on their’s own. Today’s Cinderellas are active and energetic. Sometimes they strive for all in life themselves. They study, work. And most of them strive for that ,what have dreamt about. But the main thing that is disappeared from Cinderellas – tenderness , patience and ability of dreaming.

Probably for this reason we still read fairy tales. We dream. Life without dreams become boring and uninteresting

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Русский :
Вновь играя и шаля
Перед носом корабля
Над водой мелькают спины, -
Мчатся шустрые. ( дельфины)
Again playing and shalya
In front of ship's nose
Over the water play backs,-
Scurrying dolphins.

shadchin2016 1 год назад

Акулы их боятся,
а люди обожают,
любознателен игрив в черном море наш дельфин.А на англиском- sharks are afraid of them, and the people I love, curious playful, black sea our Dolphin. .

Выполните предложения так, чтобы они означают то же самое, что и исходные предложений

1 год назад

1)I’ll send you a text message .. B. While
. I’m on the bus.
2)We’re going to have . D. That wall knocked
. down.
3)I.. A. Get . the windows cleaned about twice a year.
4)Most students did very well. . a few students did very badly.
C. However

1 год назад

Don`t get up during take-off
Don`t go to the toilet during boarding
Don`t jumpDon`t SING
Don`t TOUCH life jackets
Don`t put the bag in the PASS

1 год назад

1)In the past people traveled by sea.
2)The second largest country in the world is Canada.
3)Tourists like ti visit main Ukraive churhes.
4)Nowadays many animals are in danger.
5) People must to protect the environment from pollution.

1 год назад

Conflict Processes few approves, but almost all of them are involved. If competitive processes opponents are just trying to get ahead of each other to be better, then the conflict attempts to impose its will on the enemy, to change his behavior or even eliminate it. In many cases of extreme social conflict of the result is the complete destruction of the enemy. In conflicts with a less violent form of the main purpose of the warring parties is to dismiss opponents of effective competition by limiting their resources, freedom of maneuver in reducing them to the status or prestige. Emerged conflict process is difficult to stop. This is because the nature of the conflict is cumulative, i.e. every aggressive action leads to retaliatory action or retribution, and stronger than the original. Conflict can lead to a slowdown in social, economic, political and spiritual development of society.

2 месяца назад

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Следующая загадка

Акулы их боятся,
а люди обожают,
любознателен игрив в черном море наш дельфин.А на англиском- sharks are afraid of them, and the people I love, curious playful, black sea our Dolphin. .

Екатерина Евгенье. 9 месяцев назад

Русский :
Вновь играя и шаля
Перед носом корабля
Над водой мелькают спины, -
Мчатся шустрые. ( дельфины)
Again playing and shalya
In front of ship's nose
Over the water play backs,-
Scurrying dolphins.


1 год назад

1. Left 2. Dated back 3. Grew 4. Constructed 5. Destroyed С 1 и 2 не очень уверена, но вроде бы так :)

1 год назад

1. Science
2. Art
3. Sport
4. Geography
5. English
6. Maths
7. History
8. Social studies

6 месяцев назад

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Следующая загадка


I am a pet.
I am soft and furry.
I like to sleep and drink milk.
I don’t like mice and dogs.
I say “Meow, meow”.
I am ….(CAT)

Я животное домашнее.
Я мягкая и пушистая.
Я люблю спать и пить молоко.
Мне не нравятся мыши и собаки.
Я говорю: “Мяу-мяу”.

I live on a farm.
I am pink.
I have a little tail.
My nose is called a snout.
And I say “Oink, oink”.
I am …. (PIG)

Я живу на ферме.
Я розовая.
У меня маленький хвостик.
Мой нос называется пятачком.
И я говорю: “Хрю-хрю”.

A lot of spots.
A long, long neck
A funny scarf.
It ‘s a … GIRAFFE.

Много пятнышек,
Длинная, предлинная шея.
Забавный шарф.
Это … ЖИРАФ.

I have 4 legs and a tail.
I am very smart.
I like to play with you.
When I see a cat,
I say “Woof, woof”
I am ….(DOG)

У меня 4 лапы и один хвост.
Я очень умная.
Мне нравиться играть с тобой.
Когда я вижу кошку,
Я говорю: “Гав – гав”.

Зеленый и длинный,
Много зубов,
Красивая улыбка –

I have 4 legs and a long tail.
I like to run fast.
I let you ride
on my back.
I eat hay.
And say “Neigh, neigh”.
I am ….(HORSE)

У меня 4 ноги и длинный хвост.
Я люблю быстро бегать.
Я разрешаю тебе кататься
у меня на спине.
Я ему сено.
И говорю “Иго-го”.

As red as fire,
With a fuzzy tale.
He likes long walks.
It is … A FOX.

Рыжая, как огонь,
С пушистым хвостом
Любит долгие прогулки,
Это … ЛИСА.

I am a big
farm animal.
I can be black, white
or brown.
I like to eat green grass.
I give milk.
I can say “Moo, moo”.
I am …. (COW)

Я большое животное,
живущее на ферме.
Я могу быть черной, белой
или коричневой.
Я люблю есть зеленую траву.
Я даю молоко.
Я говорю: “Му-му”.

A very long nose.
It grows and grows.
Не is huge and likes fun.

Очень длинный, длинный нос,
Все растет, растет,
Сам огромный и любит веселье,
Это … СЛОН.

Likes so much
To toss his mane (трясти гривой).
Eats green grass and macaroni.
Who is it? – It is … A PONY.

Очень любит
Трясти гривой,
Ест зеленую травку и макароны.
Кто это? … ПОНИ.

I have four legs and a tail.
I have no teeth.
I can swim and dive underwater.
I carry my house around with me.
I am a… (TURTLE)

У меня 4 лапки и хвостик.
У меня нет зубов.
Я могу плавать и нырять.
Я всегда нашу свой домик на себе.

So colorful and bright,
Is fond of talking much.
Likes eating carrot
It is … A PARROT.

Очень яркий и цветной,
Любит поболтать.
Ест морковку,

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