Загадка дьявола харуки сагаэ
Обновлено: 25.12.2024
Девушка, которая одевается в стиле томбой и постоянно употребляет хлебные палочки «Pocky». Использует провод в качестве оружия. Была отмечена Токаку Адзумой как сильный противник. Хорошо ладит с Исукэ Инукай и даже обращается к ней «Исукэ-сама», как того хочет последняя.
Третья по счёту покушалась на жизнь Хару Итиносэ с просьбой в качестве победы обеспечить её многодетную семью до конца жизни, даже в случае смерти самой Харуки.
Akuma no Riddle Загадка дьявола
Akuma no Riddle: Shousha wa Dare? Nukiuchi Test Загадка дьявола: Эпизод 13
Akuma no Riddle Загадка дьявола
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@ К. Леви Аккерман , Челси, да еще и Kyouko Sakura Кёко Сакура
@ К. Леви Аккерман , внешность Челси характер Жан-Пьер Польнареффа
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Nio has short blond hair and has big reddish-orange eyes. She is always seen wearing a school uniform just like all the other students outside of the Black Class. Her uniform consists of a black short sleeve blazer with yellow lining and she wears a white long sleeve button up shirt under her blazer with a red short skirt and a big red bow. She also wears high-thigh black socks and black shoes. Hidden under all of her clothing, she has bird-like tattoos that cover most of her body.
Nio is from a clan of legendary assassins known as the Kuzunoha. One of the Kuzunoha supposedly leased her services to Yuri. When she met Yuri Meichi, she was a roughshod child with a very bad vocabulary. She did not even have a name, stating that people simply called her "Chibi" (runt). Yuri is the one who gives her the name Nio, stating she would be "her Nio."
For the next several years, Yuri trains her with a riding crop and educates her language and etiquette, even giving her a uniform. Nio comes to admire Yuri and devotes herself to the Queen Bee. She even goes to get the tattoos typical for Kuzunoha despite having refused before, wanting to get stronger for the sake of serving Yuri. The tattooist who gives her the tattoos remarks that she began to smile as Yuri often does.
Shortly prior the events of the main story, Yuri informs Nio that she will be conducting the year's Black Class. She has Nio serve as the arbitrator. Upon seeing Tokaku's names among the participants, Nio decided she would disguise her name. She ends up changing her last name from "Kuzunoha" to "Hashiri" as an alias to hide her true bloodline relation from Tokaku.
- Nio chose the name "Hashiri" (走り, lit. "Fast", "Always in a hurry") as her fake last name since she would hurry anywhere for the chairwoman's sake
Black Class
Nio claims she is truly a student of Myojo, being the only one in the entire class who wears the school uniform in full. She serves as the judge of the assassination game, expelling students, taking note of their desires, and even spying on them through her tablet. She repeatedly hints to the other assassins of Haru's bloody past, all the while keeping the true meaning of the game a secret, claiming she is an underling who knows nothing.
When all the other assassins are eliminated, she takes Haru and Tokaku to the "true orientation," revealing the true intentions of the game. Afterward, she shows Haru to the graveyard under the school.
Assassination Attempt
She is the tenth assassin to attempt an attack to kill Haru. Unlike the previous assassins, she does not use an advance notice. As Tokaku was about to kill Haru, Nio disguised herself as Tokaku, then pretended to save Haru. The real Tokaku threw a knife at her, but missed, as Nio is shorter than Tokaku. Nio was exposed as the fake, as they fought, then leapt up to try to kill Haru herself, but was stopped when Tokaku stabbed her in the ribcage.
After Black Class
In the final chapter a scene is shown in one panel where Nio's introducing herself towards Myōjō Academy's new Black Class' students and informing them about their task and rules of the Black Class. It is implied she continues to faithfully serve Yuri.
Later, after Haru becomes Queen Bee, Yuri is departing Myoujou, stating there is no need for two Queens in the same hive. Heartbroken, Nio states she will never acknowledge Haru and she can never change the world of assassins. She starts to cry, believing she will never see Yuri again. Yuri assures her that Nio is her property, and thus she will be accompanying her departure. Nio instantly smiles and states she will go anywhere with her. They depart the school's roof by helicopter.
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Haruki Sagae (寒河江 春紀 Sagae Haruki) is one of the main characters of the manga and anime series Akuma no Riddle. She is a former student of the 10th year's Black Class at Myōjō Academy, who was in a competition with the other students who were trying to kill Haru Ichinose, with a reward of anything the successful assassin might wish for. She joined the Black Class because she needed money to support her siblings and her mother, who was hospitalized. The reward she requested for was for her family to be fed for the rest of their lives, even if she had died.
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Информация о героях Загадки истории дьявола/Akuma no Riddle
Главная героиня, цель убийц из Курогуми. Приветлива со всеми учениками и старается подружиться с ними. Обладает повышенной сопротивляемостью к медицинским препаратам, в результате чего снотворное действует на нее хуже чем на остальных. Происходит из огромной семьи, где одним фактом своего существования доставляла неприятности множеству людей. Поэтому с младенчества подвергалась покушениям на свою жизнь. Ради того что бы она дожила до сегодняшнего дня, ее отцу, матери и младшему брату пришлось умереть. При этом мать погибла прямо у нее на глазах. Это повергло девушку в такой шок, что долгое время она не могла ни двигаться, ни говорить. Так как все любили ее улыбку, теперь девушка никогда не плачет. И ввиду числа жертв принесенных ради ее выживания, не считает, что ее жизнь принадлежит ей одной. Хотя она близка с Адзумой, она уклоняется от вопросов о том, кто она такая и почему ради ее убийства был сформирован класс Курогуми.
Хару Итиносэ — вторая главная героиня, 15 лет, цель убийц из Курогуми и тринадцатая ученица. Приветлива со всеми учениками и старается подружиться с ними. Хару обладает повышенной сопротивляемостью к медицинским препаратам, в результате чего снотворное действует на неё хуже, чем на остальных. Её тело покрыто большими шрамами от ключиц до плеч и бёдер, и она чувствует себя неловко, когда кто-то их видит. Происходит из огромной семьи, где одним фактом своего существования доставляла неприятности множеству людей, поэтому с младенчества подвергалась покушениям на свою жизнь. Ради того, чтобы Хару дожила до сегодняшнего дня, её деду, отцу, матери, старшему и младшему братьям пришлось умереть, при этом мать погибла прямо у неё на глазах. Это повергло девочку в такой шок, что долгое время она не могла ни двигаться, ни говорить. Поскольку все любили улыбку Хару, теперь она не даёт волю слезам и, ввиду числа жертв, принесённых ради её выживания, считает, что её жизнь принадлежит не только ей одной. Намерена любой ценой выпуститься из Курогуми живой. Несмотря на дружбу с Адзумой, Хару уклоняется от вопросов о том, кем является по происхождению, и по какой причине ради неё была сформирована группа Курогуми. По словам директрисы, обладает специфичной для представительниц её клана энергетикой "пчелиной королевы", из-за которой, сама того не подозревая, побуждает некоторых людей становиться для неё живым щитом. Не желает быть главой клана и в качестве награды за победу в Курогуми хочет освободиться от этой ноши. Иногда способна постоять за себя в одиночку, используя свою находчивость и базовые навыки выживания. За время учёбы в Чёрном классе так и не затаила обиду ни на одну из своих одноклассниц. Согласно развязке, становится победительницей Курогуми, получает исполнение своего желания и, выпустившись из академии, прогуливается вместе с Токаку под цветущей сакурой.
Haruki has long red hair tied up in a ponytail with barrettes on her bangs and golden-brown eyes.
She wears a beige jacket over her school uniform, which is a white shirt, a red plaid bow, and a skirt, along with white socks and brown shoes. She usually wears a purple hair tie on her right wrist. When committing her assassination of Haru Ichinose, she wore long, dark, armored, fingerless gloves.
Inukai Isuke
While the two were only roommates, Haruki shows herself immediately willing to be subservient to Isuke's whims, addressing her as "Isuke-sama." But when their views diverge, Haruki is not afraid to voice her opposition, saying that she believes family is more important than money, to which Isuke does agree. At the end of the manga, she and Isuke are shown with engagement rings and are girlfriends. As shown multiple times in Koakuma no Riddle, Haruki draws out the tsundere side of Isuke a lot.
Haruki is a tomboyish yet fashionable girl who is always shown eating snacks, especially Pocky (disguised as "Rocky" in the anime). She is also the typical lazy student who sleeps during class. She is always looking for thrills, but is very sensitive about her family's safety. She also has some morals, as shown by her scolding of Takechi when the latter steals Banba's strap.
In addition, she is seen to have a strong will to fight when she wants to achieve a certain goal. This will manifests at its peak when the chips are down, as show when she lost to Tokaku Azuma. Instead of surrendering, she goes as far as to try killing everyone in the room, including herself, in order to succeed.
When Haruki discusses luxury with Isuke after breaking a bottle of her nail polish, she claims that she is barred from a life of luxury due to her family circumstances. It is implied from the manga motif of the caged bird, as well as her ending in the anime, that she does have her own desires beneath her selfless motives.
Haruki and her family
Haruki is the oldest in a family of ten children, including herself, and a sick mother. The only sibling given a name in the series is Fuyuka, who is the second oldest. The father figure is notably absent. Due to the size of their family, they are in dire financial straits often. Her mother is ill and often needs medicine and hospital care, adding to their financial debts. As a result, Haruki dropped out of school from an early age to help support everyone. The first assassination she did paid for a table of smiles in her house.
Black Class
In class, Haruki falls asleep during lectures. However, she does seem rather happy to be a student, as she never went to high school. While enrolled, she keeps in touch with her family. She helps out with the school play in preparation for the Venus Festival unlike some of the less motivated students.
Assassination Attempt
Haruki was the third assassin to attempt an attack on Haru Ichinose who used Tokaku Azuma's name in a memo to call Haru into the gymnasium, where she personally handed Haru the advance notice with her name and attendance number on it. She then started to strangle Haru from behind using her garrote wire. However, Tokaku showed up, cutting the garrote wire from afar with one of her throwing blades, then knocking Haru out of the way. The two assassins then began to fight, Haruki with an iron knuckle glove and Tokaku with throwing blades. The two seemed to be even until Tokaku got serious and overpowered her. The lighting during this scene corresponds with their power struggle, at first one color then turning red when Tokaku has the advantage. Haruki refused to give up, even though she had lost. She then confidently said, "I win" as she cut a wire of a trap she had set, intending to take out the three of them using the lighting fixtures at the top of the gymnasium. However, they all survived, but Haruki was incapacitated with a broken arm. She became the third student to be expelled from the Black Class.
After Black Class
After her expulsion, Haruki is hospitalized for her injuries resulting from her attempt. Isuke comes to see her and even paints her nails. Only three days after her attempt, Haruki hurriedly packs to go home. She tells Isuke that, when she was about to die, all she could think about was her. After kissing Isuke, she bids her farewell and leaves. As she goes back home, she believes Isuke will forget her.
At the end of the story, Haruki is shown working as a construction worker. She is also dating Isuke, who she speaks to frequently on the phone. It is revealed in the Koakuma series that she has given up killing for money entirely. However, she still murdered a man who meant Isuke ill, saying that she will still kill if it means to protect those she loves.
Haruki meets Isuke's parents as part of their dating.
Haruki and Isuke are later seen wearing rings and standing before the grave of Isuke's biological family. Isuke tells Haruki she would never forgive Haruki if she died before Isuke. Haruki assures her that she is strong, to which Isuke retorts that she is still weaker than Isuke.
Skills and Abilities
Tokaku's knife passes through Nio's illusion
Skills and Abilities
Haruki uses a garrote wire to carry out assassinations. It is used to strangle her victims and it is very effective despite the low chance of actually catching a person from behind with it, which is very useful in stealth jobs.
Her physical assassination skills make up for the weapon's weaknesses to a degree. She is shown to have very good physique, and able to carry heavy loads easily. She wears a type of glove with metal plates and angled knuckles, which augment the damage of her punches. Her fighting skills are on a high level as seen when she was engaged in hand-to-hand combat against Tokaku Azuma, who was using throwing knives. While they seemed on equal footing at first, Tokaku got serious and dominated Haruki by the culmination of their fight.
Haruki has decent mental aptitude. While she may not be stellar in schoolwork, she is able to rig traps in advance to lure her prey and ensure her own victory, even at the cost of her own life.
Manga-Anime Differences
In the manga it was revealed in the last chapter that Haruki and Isuke Inukai are dating in the end. In the anime's ending, she was seen with some equivalency exam instructions. Judging by this scene in Episode 12, she may plan to send herself and her siblings to school.
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Харуки стильная девушка, которая всегда есть всякие закуски. Она является типичным ленивым студентом, который спит в классе и ищет острых ощущений. Харуки очень болезненно реагирует на свою семью из-за большого колличества братьев и сестёр
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Анастасия Чехова
Nio's a girl with a twisted and wicked personality. At first glance, Nio appears to be a very cheerful and friendly girl with a gleeful disposition. However, her true self is quite more cruel and sadistic, and she feels pleasure by making others suffer after herself or seeing them suffering. She is very manipulative, and can sway others to help her, only to betray them later on. Throughout the manga, she is shown to be adverse to shows of affection, calling Chitaru and Kirigaya "gross" for kissing multiple times.
However, she is capable of sharing genuine kindness to certain individuals. It is also worth noting that, despite her apparent disgust at love, she is shown to think of it often in chapter 1 of Koakuma no Riddle. She claims she deludes herself into believing it is disgusting and ignoring her true feelings. These feelings are directed towards the Chairwoman, but Nio claims this is in fact devotion that the Chairwoman mistakes for love.
Manga-Anime Differences
In the manga, Nio's attempt to kill Haru fails when she is stabbed from behind, as opposed to the front.
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