Сколько лет судзу сюто из аниме загадка дьявола
Обновлено: 25.12.2024
Suzu Shutō (首藤 涼; Shutō Suzu) is one of the main characters of the manga and anime series Akuma no Riddle. She's a former student of the 10th year's Black Class of Myojo Academy who was in a competition with the other students of that class who are trying to kill Haru Ichinose where the reward is anything what that assassin may want. Her desire, should she have won, was to cure her body's disease which prevented her from aging.
She has light blue short hair and light brown eyes. She wears a black headband on top of her head. Suzu also has a shirt similar to Tokaku's but it is black and instead she wears a pink plaid tie. She wears a pink plaid skirt with it.
In her youth, she wore a bow on the headband and also a kimono.
Skills and Abilities
Suzu's intelligence gives her prior knowledge about the other members of the Black Class, such as Otoya Takechi's status as a serial killer or Sumireko Hanabusa's affiliation with a conglomerate. She claims she has no weapons of her own and she is not confident in her own strength. But her intellect and wit allow her to create elaborate traps, given the time and materials. For example, she commissioned the special bomb collar from Kouko after the latter had already been expelled.
Outside of assassination, Suzu is an excellent shogi player, having picked up the hobby from her days playing with Takeo. She is also a proficient swimmer and has learned over the years how to live out of the public eye, affording her and Kouko shelter after the events of Black Class.
Haru has had a terrible past, with her parents and siblings being killed in front of her eyes while protecting her. As claimed by Yuri, Haru was deemed to possess the queen bee power and hence, was targeted. Haru's mother had held her while protecting, and her bloody hands slipped off Haru after she died, leaving her alone in nothing but shock and despair as she cried out loud. This incident was probably the reason Haru decided she wanted to live.
Haru is shown to celebrate her birthday in a flashback in the last episode. According to the scene, Haru had celebrated her birthday in a dark room, probably for a candle-light party along with her parents and two brothers. They were all happy for her, and wished she lived happily always. They had bought Haru a white cake.
Black Class
Haru attends the black class, trying to flag off a friendly start by giving everyone handmade charms. Although she is very friendly, everyone in the class looks down upon her. Haru simply wishes to graduate and be freed from the world of assassins.
She somehow befriends Tokaku Azuma (Haru's roommate) who helps her survive all the assassination attempts. However, when Haru's queen bee's power is revealed, Tokaku gets mad and refuses to accept herself as a "worker bee", deciding that she too will kill Haru.
Haru was mourning her family's death when Tokaku tells her she will be attempting her death. Nio, dressed as Tokaku, claims that she will protect Haru, and prevents Tokaku from hurting her. When Nio finally faces Tokaku, she is stabbed in the chest and Haru is left alone to face Tokaku. She was quivering because she didn't want to kill a friend, but out of her wish to live, she charges at Tokaku with a knife and loses instantly, getting stabbed in her chest due to lack of professional skills as good as Tokaku's.
Tokaku mourns her death as the ambulance carries her body away. But it is later shown that she survives the attack due into her rib being made of titanium and the knife staying away form her heart by a single inch. Haru graduates alone, and promises her teacher that she will distribute off the other graduation certificates as well.
After Black Class
In the final episode, it is shown Haru had survived her stab wound from earlier on in the episode because her rib was made of titanium and the edge of the knife stayed from her heart by a small fraction. She is the sole graduate of the Black Class and after the graduation ceremony, she meets up with Tokaku to deliver everyone's diplomas.
Следующая загадка
Haru Ichinose (一ノ瀬 晴; Ichinose Haru) is the deuteragonist of the manga and anime series Akuma no Riddle. She is a former student of Myōjō Academy's 10th year's Black Class who served as the this year's Black Class' target for the 12 other assassins. However, after Tokaku Azuma joined sides with Haru it's 11 assassins versus one target and one guardian.
Skills and Abilities
Haru is suspected of having the "Primer" ability, making her a Queen Bee like Yuri Meichi. This ability theoretically allows her to control other people through pheromones. It is never explicitly established if she has this ability.
Aside from the Primer, Haru has resistance against all sorts of drugs. She wakes up prematurely when Isuke drugs her tea. She also tells the other that she has "undying magic" protecting her from death.
Left to her own devices, Haru's strong survival instinct is her best skill. She is able to evade being killed and captured by Takechi, and she is also resourceful to use the environment to her disposal. When being chased by Banba, she is able to elude the other and damage her with school objects. Against Sumireko, Haru uses an eloquent ruse to trick her opponent into a trap with grenades before grabbing her off the roof and kicking her down.
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Седьмая ученица «чёрного класса». Занимается спортом и живёт в одной комнате с Коко Каминагой. Из-за аномалии в организме обладает вечной молодостью, по причине которой не могла выйти замуж за любимого человека и от которой устала уже настолько, что не может назвать своего точного возраста. Участвует в убийстве Хару Итиносэ из-за желания состариться и умереть как обычный человек. Имеет доступ к дорогостоящей технике и мастерски составляет ловушки. Попытку убийства осуществляет в форме игры, построенной на загадках.
Проиграла Хару и Токаку Адзуме; покинула группу «чёрного класса» седьмой. Согласно развязке, смирилась со своей уникальностью и готовится прожить предстоящие годы как можно полнее.
Akuma no Riddle Загадка дьявола
Akuma no Riddle: Shousha wa Dare? Nukiuchi Test Загадка дьявола: Эпизод 13
Akuma no Riddle Загадка дьявола
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Не самый любимый персонаж, но ее история довольно печальна.
Какая же Судзу классная. Так растрогала её история, надеюсь, она найдёт своё счастье.
Suzu was originally born around the time of the Meiji Restoration in Japan. She had a significant other named Takeo. He was one year younger than her and their birthdays were only one day apart. They used to laugh about how people don't stay the same age forever and play shogi together. As Takeo grew older, Suzu realized she stayed the same age. She discovered her body had a special disorder which prevents her from aging. As a result, Takeo got married whilst she remained in a teenager's body. Everyone around her grew old and eventually died while she remained unchanging into the contemporary era.
Black Class
Assassination Attempt
She was the sixth assassin to attempt an attack on Haru after sending out a warning letter.
When the Black Class was in Myojo Academy's pool facility, she placed a bomb with a timer around Haru's neck, which could only be opened with a 4-digit password that can be deciphered by finding four playing cards hidden within the facility. However, the password on the bomb could've only been wrong to a maximum of 2 times with a total of 3 tries. All this was her plan of making the assassination attempt into a fun game.
However, Tokaku wasted no time finding the the 4-digits needed in order to deactivate the bomb but one of the cards that had a digit on it was destroyed before she could see it, only leaving both Haru and her to guess the last digit that was needed in order to deactivate the bomb.
On the last attempt to deactivate the bomb, Tokaku eventually figured out what the last digit is but was stopped by Haru who claimed that she knew what the real number was, Tokaku agrees and entered the password whereupon Suzu surrenders because she lost the game, becoming the sixth student of the Black Class to be expelled.
After Black Class
In the final episode, she visits the grave of her dead loved one for the last time, saying she's going to stop looking at the past and accept her form of immortality.
Следующая загадка
Токаку Адзума обучается в школе для наёмных убийц. Однажды её переводят в специальный класс, где главное задание — убить добродушную Хару Итиносэ. Пытаться убить девушку ученики должны по очереди, предварительно уведомив свою жертву об этом. На убийство каждому из учеников даётся ровно 48 часов. Токаку надо обязательно убить Хару, ибо если убийца не покончит с Итиносэ, то он будет исключён. Но, познакомившись поближе с милашкой Хару, Токаку понимает, что испытывает к ней тёплые чувства и должна защитить её, несмотря ни на что.
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Уникальное аниме. В прямом смысле этого слова.
Поясню. Итак, у нас есть относительно кошерная задумка в виде "12 убийц и 1 жертва" ака "овца в волчьей стае". Которую благополучно превратили в детский сад, поскольку при всей жести на словах "ололо, яд, гранаты, убийцы, маньяки, киборги" - НИКТО не пострадал. Ну, пара царапин не в счет.
Количество "она умерла, но. оказывается нет" -зашкаливает. Половина девок прошла через это. Половина, Карл.
В общем, что касается общего стержня - тут все плохо. Здесь как в недавнем Геноме (про закрытых в рамках), где тоже, вроде как, изначально этакий хорророк в духе Данганронпы, только с альпакой, а не мишкой, но, в результате - клоунада.
Поведенческие паттерны - также пронизаны бредятиной. Ок, вы сочинили причину, по которой вся эта фигня происходит. Фиговую, очень надуманную, но ладно, бывало и хуже. Но как насчет внятного описания мотивов персонажей, а? Собственно, как по мне, если не считать откровенно поехавших причин, самая адекватная - у маньячки.
Протекция от полиции - это, во-первых, гипотетически реально, во-вторых - вполне адекватно (хотя не совсем вписывается в психологию серийных убийц, ну да ладно). Потом пошли "не хочу убивать", "хочу бабла", "хочу постареть, ведь это так плохо - не стареть (перегнуться, ага, ее история самая перекрытая. мужик ее бросил, потому что она - не старела. Покажите мне такого мужика вообще, который предпочтет бабульку рядом с собой, а не молодую девушку)", "хочу отомстить убийце кого-то там левого (а для этого, разумеется, обязательно участвовать в этом балагане, со стороны-то никак не сделать) и, парой "хочу быть с этой тянкой, которую встретила только что, а зачем вписалась в этом участвовать изначально - фиг знает". И да, кто-то может возразить, что "хочу бабла" - это, как бы, вполне адекватная причина. Но прокормить семью, умея убивать и будучи сильной девкой, даже не будучи профессиональным убийцей - можно и так. А уж будучи, как в случае с той, кто хотела дом для "мамы" и "папы" - вообще, я считаю, элементарно.
Короче, с точки зрения сюжета и мотивации - полная фигота.
Почему же это, скажем так, можно посмотреть? Ну, перво-наперво - самая очевидная причина. Персонажи. Их внешность и стили поведения. Каждый (ну, почти, я думаю, кроме совсем уж изощренных) может найти себе в этом тайтле тяночку, которую будет считать если не вайфу, то, хотя бы, очень привлекательной во всех смыслах. 13 тян, плюс директриса, так сказать, на любой вкус и цвет.
Местами - неплохая музыка. Местами - неплохие шутки. Местами - неплохие бои. Ну, в среднем, неплохо.
Так что же в аниме уникального-то, спросите вы. Пожалуй, это одно из тех немногих аниме, спец-выпуск которых ЛУЧШЕ, чем основной сериал. Потому что в нем изобразили всю эту детскую возню без натягивания на эту возню драмы и страданий по поводу и без. Без флешбеков. Без напряженки. Просто посмеяться. Одна беда - ряд моментов будет вообще не в кассу, если не смотреть основной сериал (ну, как в самом начале заклинившая тяночка, например, если не быть в курсе - то с чего бы это она).
Такие вот дела.
Suzu is generally calm, affable, and knowledgeable in many subjects, likely due to her true age. She speaks in a stereotypically older fashion, using the washi pronoun. Her assassination attempt was one of the most intricate, having required months of planning to create the bomb collar and rig the school's new water park to her making. According to Suzu, she is not confident in her physical strength, thus why she challenges Haru to a game.
As Haru and Tokaku play through her scheme, she also cheers them through, showing no ill will. The way she acts shows that she mainly strives for entertainment and amusement rather than strict success. This is supported by her graceful surrender when her plan fails and Haru lives. In Koakuma no Riddle, she claims that the failure of her plan is an answer by Takeo to "live on" despite her sins. Enjoyment also explains why she indulges in more lackadaisical pursuits while at the academy, using bath salts and seemingly enjoying helping during the Venus Festival.
Suzu shows a good deal of concern for certain members of Black Class. She shows interest in Kouko's lifestyle initially as a way to observe a young girl, but later remarks that she cannot help but want to alleviate the other's sadness. When Kouko is expelled, Suzu is notably affected. Suzu also gives advice to Kirigaya when the other is conflicted about her love for Chitaru. It is also her who alerts the other classmates to Takechi's true identity as a serial killer.
For the start of plot, Haru is shown wearing a white shirt with flappy collars under a light brown-yellow sleeveless vest and a black pleated skirt with black footwear. Accompanied by a petite, thin figure, she has messy dark salmon colored hair which are black underneath and sparkling rose red eyes.
Apart from her usual outfit, she is shown to wear fluffy, light colored clothes as her night dress. Though the frame and texture of her skin is tried to be camouflaged by her, she is revealed anyhow to have cuts and scars all over her body.
According to all encounters that were sexually abusive to her, it is revealed that she wears white panties and bra. On the day of Shutou's birthday, when she was taken to the swimming arena, she wore a simple pink and black swimsuit that covered her body modestly. In the OVA, she is seen wearing the same swimsuit.
Haru is shown to be a bright and cheerful girl. As claimed by Tokaku Azuma initially, she is naive and trusting of others even in the face of danger. While it is true she has an optimistic demeanor, this belies her resolve and uncompromising dedication to staying alive. Kouga Yun said Haru is stubborn and obstinate and has an “iron hand in a velvet glove”. As shown multiple times throughout the manga and anime, she is capable of cunning to survive, going as far as using poison flowers on Otoya Takechi and even dropping Sumireko off a roof.
Apart from these attributes, she is very forgiving. Even after Haruki tries to kill her and fails, she merely tells the other that she is forgiven. She is keenly aware of the fact that everyone has their own reasons, and she is thoroughly fixated on her own to survive, because to die would be an insult to all those who laid their lives down for her.
Manga-Anime Differences
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