Outward вендельская крепость загадка

Обновлено: 26.03.2025

28 мар. 2019 в 15:42 Vendavel Fortress

So I'm in Vendavel Fortress and I can see a big chest locked behind a gate. To open it I need to trigger 1 of the 6 pullies in the center of the room.

Which one is it?
It keeps dropping me through the floor when I get it wrong.

OH god .. i was so lucky then .. SO.. facing the chest and you are standing in the middle of the chains


Defeat Scenarios [ ]

Upon first entering the Fortress, the player can talk to Crock, who will send the player to jail if they accept his hospitality. The other warlords, Balira and Rospa can be found further into the Fortress, but require progress in the Vendavel Quest, or the Vendavel Key to access.

Note: Aside from the Vendavel Prisoners, ALL of the NPCs in the Fortress can become aggressive!

In the Prison area:

Ornate Chest [ ]

There is an Ornate Chest on the first main floor, directly ahead after you pass through the first locked gate near Crock.

To access the Ornate Chest, there is a small puzzle involving 6 ropes. You must pull the correct rope in order to unlock the Ornate Chest. Other ropes will cause the floor beneath your feet to disappear, dropping you into Trog Infiltration.

Timer [ ]

This quest has in-game timer of 40 days, which starts counting immediately when you join a faction. If all three Warlords are not dealt with when the timer runs out, Cierzo will be permanently destroyed.

Следующая загадка

Vendavel is a Parallel Quest in Outward.

Следующая загадка

Vendavel Fortress is a marked location in south-western Chersonese along the coast line. The large fortress is home to the Vendavel Warlords Balira, Crock and Rospa, as well as the Kazite Bandits. The entrance to the fortress is in the middle of the visible wall on the coast, and appears to lead onto a beach.

Quest [ ]

The Vendavel Quest can be started by speaking to gate warden Burac Carillon in Cierzo, after beginning a main Faction quest.

Description [ ]

The main area of the fortress is where the player will enter to from the beach. In the first room they will find two Guards to the right blocking the door, as well as the Warlord Crock to the left seated at a table. Without the Vendavel Key (or Vendavel Prison Key if in the prison) the rest of the main fortress area is inaccessible, and the player will either need to defeat Crock, progress through the Vendavel Quest, or be sent to prison in order to see more of the fortress.

Aggression Level [ ]

There is a unique mechanic in the Vendavel Fortress related to the player's choices with combat - a hidden "aggression level". Each time you engage in combat you gain a point or two on this level, and if you reach a level of 5 the entire Fortress (apart from the Prisoners) will become aggressive towards you. Being defeated - whether you are sent to Prison or thrown out the Hole - will reduce your aggression level by 2.


Следующая загадка

В этом руководстве вы найдете информацию обо всех скрытых и секретных сундуках, которые вы могли пропустить в Genshin Impact. Чтобы найти эти сундуки, нужно было решать головоломки, взаимодействовать с объектами, а некоторые просто помещались в неожиданные места, которые вы, вероятно, пропустили при исследовании.

Сундук 1

Вам нужно наступить на три красных цветка, чтобы активировать взрывы. После трех взрывов появится Cryo Whopperflower. Устраните его, чтобы появился сундук.

  • Тип сундука: Изысканный
  • Местоположение: Путевая точка Каньона Брайткраун - Юг

Сундук 2

На вершине каменного столба находится сансеттия. Поднимите его, и появится скрытый сундук.

  • Тип сундука: Обычный
  • Расположение: Утес Старснатч - Запад

Сундук 3

В кустах спрятан сундук.

  • Тип сундука: Обычный
  • Местоположение: озеро Старфелл - восток

Сундук 4

Зажгите костер любым навыком элемента Pyro, чтобы сундук появился.

  • Тип сундука: Изысканный
  • Местоположение: озеро Старфелл - восток

Сундук 5

Зажгите все три факела, чтобы сундук появился. Попробуйте изменить время в игре, если в вашем мире идет дождь.

  • Тип сундука: Изысканный
  • Расположение: Гора Штормоносцев - юг

Сундук 6

Вам нужно уничтожить три деревянных бочки, чтобы появился сундук.

  • Тип сундука: Изысканный
  • Локация: Храм Тысячи Ветров

Сундук 7

Зажгите все четыре факела, чтобы сундук появился. Попробуйте изменить время в игре, если в вашем мире идет дождь.

  • Тип сундука: Изысканный
  • Расположение: Whispering Woods - юго-восток

Сундук 8

На этом крошечном острове есть захороненный сундук. Используйте Mine, чтобы открыть его. Увидеть больше сундуков в Соколином побережье

  • Тип сундука: Изысканный
  • Расположение: Windrise - юго-восток

Сундук 9

Сундук находится на дереве, заберитесь, чтобы получить его.

  • Тип сундука: Обычный
  • Расположение: Wolvendom

Сундук 10

Соберите все четыре моркови на земле и убейте всех появляющихся слизней.

  • Тип сундука: Обычный
  • Расположение: Wolvendom

Сундуки 11 и 12

2 Сундука находится на 2 соседних деревьях.

  • Тип сундука: 2x Обычный
  • Расположение: Wolvendom

Сундук 13

Вам нужно наступить на три красных цветка, чтобы активировать взрывы. После трех взрывов появится Cryo Whopperflower. Устраните его, чтобы появился сундук.

  • Тип сундука: Изысканный
  • Расположение: Wolvendom - Восток

Сундук 14

В камнях есть закопанный сундук. Моя, чтобы получить это.

  • Тип сундука: Изысканный
  • Расположение: деревня Цинджэ - запад

Сундук 15

Удалите объект элемента Dendro на земле с любыми навыками элемента Pyro и мой, чтобы получить его.

  • Тип сундука: Изысканный
  • Расположение: деревня Цинджэ - север

Сундук 16

Посреди 4 бамбуковых деревьев находится сундук. Моя, чтобы получить это.

  • Тип сундука: Изысканный
  • Расположение: деревня Цинджэ - юг

Сундук 17

Здесь, в камне, есть глючный сундук. Просто обойдите его, пока не увидите взаимодействие, открывающее сундук.

Prison [ ]

The Vendavel Prison is an area of the Vendavel Fortress.

  • See the Prison page for more details.

Walkthrough [ ]

Burac Carillon informs the player of the Vendavel threat.

  • For this quest to officially begin, you must have joined a faction
  • It is possible to solve this quest early by simply defeating all 3 Warlords in combat
    • You will need to defeat Crock, take his keys, and then defeat Balira and Rospa.
    • The quest log will not update until you join a faction and return to Burac in Cierzo
    • The timer for this quest will stop if you defeat all 3 Warlords

    Starting Out [ ]

    Eto Akiyuki gives the player a Kazite disguise.

    To begin the quest properly, speak to Burac Carillon by the gates of Cierzo after you have joined a faction. Burac will inform you of the dire threat of the Vendavel, who plan an imminent attack on Cierzo. He asks for your help in preemptively dealing with the Bandits before they are able to raid the city.

    It is recommended to do the following before you go to Vendavel Fortress:

    When you are ready, make your way to the south-west of Chersonese, to the Vendavel Fortress.

    Crock [ ]

    The player speaks to Crock.

    Crock can be found immediately to your left after you enter Vendavel Fortress from the beach.

    From here you have two options: a Combat path, and a Non-Combat path:

    Combat Path:

    1. Speak to Crock and ask him if he would like a drink
    2. Offer him the Gaberry Wine and he will become drunk
    3. Goad him into a fight by choosing the option : "Anyone? Even me?"
      • When you defeat him, you will receive various items along with the Vendavel Key and the Vendavel Prison Key
    4. You can now pass through the door guarded by the two Guards, and skip to the "Balira" section

    Non-Combat Path:

    The Guards near Crock.

    1. Speak to Crock and ask him if he would like a drink
    2. Offer him the Gaberry Wine and he will become drunk
    3. Choose the option to send him to fight Burac ( : "Anyone? Even someone like Burac, the warden of Cierzo?")
      • You will receive a Power Coil and other various items, but no keys.
    4. Equip the Kazite Mask and Makeshift Leather Attire which Eto gave you
    5. Speak to the nearby Guards and choose option 1: "Hi, Nindiria. I am back from scouting Cierzo, let me in, yes?"
      • This will unlock all the doors in the Fortress.
      • If you chose the option about "joining your crew", it will unlock the first door but not the Prison doors. You need to use Eto's disguise for the Prison doors.

    Balira [ ]

    The player speaks to Balira.

    After you pass through the door by the Guards, head to the right up a winding staircase and arrive at an elevator. Climb onto the elevator and pull the lever to ride it up.

    At the top, you will find Balira along with two Guards. Here we have two paths, however unlike Crock, both paths involve some combat.

    Fight Balira:

    1. Speak to Balira, and tell her you are here to kill her, then choose option 2: "Not today!" to begin combat.
      • Balira is a type of Ice Witch. See her page for more details.
    2. Defeat Balira and loot her corpse
      • Optionally defeat the two Bandit Guards as well, or just run back down the elevator
    3. Skip to the "Rospa" section

    Help Balira:

    1. Choose the first option every time you talk to Balira to take the alternative path. She will ask you to take care of the Wendigo who she once called her Husband.
      • Note: this Wendigo does not respawn. If you already killed it you can just talk to her again.
    2. Head to the Corrupted Tombs in Chersonese
    3. Immediately on your left when you enter (from the Ghost Pass side), you will see a Wendigo.
    4. Defeat the Wendigo
    5. Return to Balira and receive a Power Coil and Preservation Backpack

    Rospa [ ]

    The player fights Rospa.

    To deal with Rospa, you'll need access to the Prison area. If you used Eto's disguise to get into the fortress, it will be unlocked, otherwise you can use the Vendavel Prison Key if you chose to defeat either Crock or Balira.

    If you do not yet have a way into the prison, you can either:

    From the main corridor (near where Crock was, and where we went up the stairs to Balira), head down the opposite direction from Balira, down the stairs towards the Prison area.

    Interact with the gate to enter the Prison area, then turn right down the hallway. At the end on your right there will be another Guard and a door, open the door and continue forward to Rospa.

    Speak to Rospa, and once again there are two options:

    Fight Rospa:

    Send Eto to Rospa:

    1. Warning: This will mean Eto becomes permanently unavailable as a trainer!
    2. You can optionally choose to send Eto from Cierzo to Rospa instead, to sacrifice himself.
    3. You will need to return to Eto in Cierzo and convince him to go to Vendavel
    4. After speaking to Eto, return to Rospa to complete this section, and receive a Power Coil along with other items.
      • If you took longer than one day to send Eto, you will only receive the Power Coil, and no other items

    Finishing Up [ ]

    Burac informing the player of their success.

    Once all three Warlords are dealt with, return to Burac (after you have joined a faction) to complete the quest.

    Should you reach the failure timer for this quest, you will notice this quest log in your journal instead, and you have received the "Failure" outcome.

    Outcomes [ ]

    If you defeated the Warlords with combat:

    If you send Crock to Burac:

    • Crock can be found locked in a cage in the room below the Cierzo town hall
    • 3 Gaberry Wine
    • 1 Fur Tent
    • 1 Power Coil
    • 15 silver

    From Rospa, if you sent Eto to him within a day:

    If you took longer than one day to send Eto to Rospa:

    If you helped Balira with the Wendigo:

    • 1 Power Coil
    • 1 Preservation Backpack

    Success [ ]

      does not get destroyed
    • 1 Cierzo Town Key
    • 1 Great Life Potion
    • 1 Great Astral Potion
    • 1 Elite Plate Helm, only if you have joined Blue Chamber!

    There is an Ornate Chest in the room below the Cierzo town hall, which you can now access with the Cierzo Town Key.

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