Cervine means like this ruminant загадка
Обновлено: 25.12.2024
Collection of crowd sourced questions and answers for the Jeopardy game.
Category: ADJECTIVESThis adjective for an empty lot or uninhabited house also refers to an estate that no heir has claimed
Category: ADJECTIVESGoing by a common expression it's mighty close to middlin'
Category: ADJECTIVESIt's used of bizarre behavior or the numbers 37 59 83 etc.
Category: ADJECTIVESIts synonyms include level candid & consecutive
Category: ADJECTIVES13 popes have been Innocent; 14 have been this meaning merciful
Category: ADJECTIVESLipton describes its teas with this 5-letter adjective
Category: ADJECTIVESBest is this form of good also an adjective meaning excellent
Category: ADJECTIVESThey're the 2 common English words ending in ‑gry; despite what you may see online there is no third one
Category: ADJECTIVESAdjective for the blissful smile of one declared by the church to be among the blessed
Category: ADJECTIVESCervine means like this ruminant
Category: ADJECTIVESThis adjective that means of the throat or neck is used colloquially to mean the most vital & vulnerable part
Category: ADJECTIVESThis adjective that means tastelessly flashy dates from the 1500s & may come from the Latin for joy
Category: ADJECTIVESThis 10-letter adjective can mean false spurious of doubtful authorship or uncanonical
Category: ADJECTIVESFrom the Latin for patcher or mender it refers to tailors or their work
Category: ADJECTIVESThis proper adjective refers to the Frankish dynasty which reigned from 751 to 987 A.D.
Category: ADJECTIVES Category: ADJECTIVESAs a noun it's pieces for fastening; as an adjective it's large & robust like some young men
Category: ADJECTIVESIt can refer to a person without mercy or to a Bible missing the book between Judges & Samuel
Category: ADJECTIVESAdjective in the name of Hans the turn-of-the-century calculating horse
Category: ADJECTIVESWhen found before potato it's not a potato; before meats not meats; & before bread not bread
Category: ADJECTIVESIt refers to the behavior of teenagers or of immature adults
Category: ADJECTIVESFatty like some tissue
Category: ADJECTIVESIt means sufficient or good enough & can imply but just barely
Category: ADJECTIVESUnfavorable like some circumstances or the last name of Anthony in a 1933 novel
Category: ADJECTIVESLatin term for a type of argument based on emotion or on another person's character
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Q Alt 1-2. What is the name of this legendary musician?
- Bob Marley
- Prince
- Robert Johnson
- Ray Charles
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Quiz Daily — Проверьте свои знания, правильно ответив на мешанину общих вопросов. Олимпийские игры начались в 8 веке до нашей эры в Греции. Затем, 12 столетий спустя, они были запрещены императором Феодосием I как языческий ритуал. Олимпиада была возрождена в 1894 году, став первой современной Олимпиадой в Греции. Четыре года спустя женщинам впервые разрешили участвовать в играх. Стрит-арт это не то же самое, что граффити. Каждый использует разные средства для выражения своего художественного видения. В то время как оба часто используют общественные места в качестве холста, художники-граффити обычно используют аэрозольную краску, а уличные художники часто используют клей из пшеничной пасты. Этот клей состоит из муки, воды и клея и используется для приклеивания произведения искусства к стене или зданию. Еще много интересного вы узнаете в тесте A Quiz A Day.
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Вопрос 1. Who is Peter Pan’s nemesis?
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Вопрос 1. ( 3 вариант ) What is the name of this legendary musician?
Вопрос 2. The Olympic symbol uses five colors for its rings. Which color is missing: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, and __?
Вопрос 3. Which character below does not belong with the rest?
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Вопрос 9. ( 2 вариант ) Which letters are missing from this word that spells a delicious fruit?
Вопрос 9. ( 3 вариант ) Which letters are missing from this word that spells a delicious fruit?
Вопрос 10. Which coat of arms does not belong?
Вопрос 10. ( 2 вариант ) Which coat of arms does not belong?
Вопрос 10. ( 3 вариант ) Which coat of arms does not belong?
Вопрос 11. Which letter or character does not fit with the rest?
Вопрос 11. ( 2 вариант ) Which letter or character does not fit with the rest?
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Вопрос 12. Three of these images are from Earth, one is from space. Which image was not taken on Earth?
Вопрос 12. ( 2 вариант ) Which part of the human cell is being pointed to in the image?
Вопрос 12. ( 3 вариант ) Which part of the human cell is being pointed to in the image?
Вопрос 12. ( 4 вариант ) Which part of the human cell is being pointed to in the image?
Q Alt 1. What is the deepest geographical location on Earth?
- (A) Death Valley
- (B) Mariana Trench
- (C) Dead Sea
- (D) Caspian Sea
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Q 3. Which character below does not belong with the rest?
Cervine means like this ruminant
A DEERQ 2. The Olympic symbol uses five colors for its rings. Which color is missing: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, and _____?
Q 1. Who is Peter Pan’s nemesis?
- Tinker Bell
- The Lost Boys
- Captain Hook
- Wendy
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