Would you like стих

Обновлено: 23.03.2025

Would you like to dance? The question came as a surprise…
Was that a romance? I still have not realized…
Would you like to dance among those candles on the sky?
Would you like to dance? Would you like to fly?

We came to the park I always liked to see,
The night was so dark, it’s darker can not be
And your tender kiss brought me to paradise.
You said one more time looking at my eyes…

Would you like to dance? The question came as a surprise…
Was that a romance? I still have not realized…
Would you like to dance among those candles on the sky?
Would you like to dance? Would you like to fly?

I used to have boyfriends that made my dreams came true
But no one could dance like it was done by you
We began romance when you have arrived
I adore that dance, that’s why I have survived…

Would you like to dance? The question came as a surprise…
Was that a romance? I still have not realized…
Would you like to dance among those candles on the sky?
Would you like to dance? Would you like to fly?

What a woman wants? Sometimes it’s hard to say!
I would like to dance! That’s what I want today!
You have lit my fire, you have lit my soul.
And your lust, desire – I can feel it all!

Would you like to dance? The question came as a surprise…
Was that a romance? I still have not realized…
Would you like to dance among those candles on the sky?
Would you like to dance? Would you like to fly?

© Copyright: Мирра Л -Английский, 2007
Свидетельство о публикации №107010100151 Рецензии

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