Сравнительная степень прилагательных в стихах

Обновлено: 05.10.2024

Sing, rich, animal, beautiful, hot, cat, grey, book, look, tall, short, build, do, long, warm.

3. Read the following adjectives and translate them into Russian.

На карточках написаны прилагательные на английском языке. Учитель показывает карточку, дети хором произносят слово, а затем переводят по одному.

4. "A Magic Box".

На столе стоит красивая коробка, а в ней рисунки детей или картинки, изображающие прилагательные. Дети по очереди подходят к "Magic Box", достают рисунки и называют соответствующее прилагательное. Интерес к игре большой, так как они видят и свое творчествою.

5. "A Magic Box".

Mime a word from your "Magic Box". Guess this word.

Учащиеся поочередно подходят к "Magic Box" и достают карточки с написанными прилагательными. Затем изображают эти прилагательные при помощи мимики. Дети должны догадаться и назвать прилагательное.

Hungry, cold, tired, thirsty, sad, happy, short, tall, fat, thin.

6. Написать подходящие прилагательные к существительным.

Ears (nice, big, little, strange).

Eyes (big, black, little, green, blue, nice).

7. Put the adjectives into the correct columns. You can find some extra words.

Blue handsome long short free black tall brown beautiful cloudy big thin

8. "Be attentive!"

Учащиеся выполняют задание индивидуально. У кажлого листок с фотографией или рисунком человека или животного. В столбик написаны прилагательные. Надо поставить + там, где прилагательное соответствует рисунку.

9. Выберите прилагательные, соответствующие временам года.

Winter hot windy
Spring cold sunny
Summer rainy stormy
Autumn cloudy rainy

10. Read and translate the following text.

Here's the forecast for the next twenty-four hours:

1. The night will be cloudy but dry.

2. Tomorrow morning there will be rain with strong winds.

3. If you are lucky, you will get some sunshine in the east.

4. And the outlook: it will be warmer and sunny.

11. Complete the drawings.

На доске нарисованы человек или просто лицо (отдельные части лица могут быть не дорисованы). При помощи цветных мелков дети разукрашивают поочередно или дополняют рисунок. Учитель дает предложения на английском языке.

Например: His eyes are green. His hair isn't short. He has a big nose.

12. Match (name) the opposites of the adjectives.

thick busy
round thin
large wide
short fast
light bad
big square
black small
beautiful heavy
good little
old long
happy white
dry ugly
cheap sad
thin wet
interesting expensive
cold new
easy fat
slow boring
narrow warm
free difficult

13. Find adjectives.

pret ful
beauti ty
fam er
bor ous
clev ing

14. Find adjectives.

Налетел сильный ветер и перемешал буквы в словах. Помогите им найти свое место.

gib - big ckthi - thick codl - cold oodg-good

15. "How do you find my . "

Дети показывают рисунок или какую-то вещь и задают вопрос "How do you find. " Ответы могут быть такими:

Good Bad
It's very delicious! It's terrible!
It's very nice! It's really bad!
It's fantastic! It's not very good!
It's great! It's awful!
It's very good! It's not very nice!

16. "I wish you to be. "

В этой игре дети говорят друг другу только хорошие прилагательные. Либо дети поочередно говорят друг другу слова, либо передают друг другу какой-то предмет и при этом произносят прилагательные. Это может быть домашнее задание. Дети с удовольствием ищут в словаре слова, которые им необходимы.

I wish you to be . (good, happy, healthy, kind, clever, helpful, brave, honest, sociable, tolerant, generous).

17. "You are so . "

Пости в каждом классе есть свои "проказники". Мы попробуем при помощи прилагательных сделать их добрее и приветливее. К доске выходит ученик, а к нему поочередно подходят его товарищи, дотрагиваются до него и говорят:

You are so . (easy-going, disciplined, calm, good-natured, really friendly . )



Sunflower Group 1

Sunflower Group 2

Group 1: We are sunflowers.

Group 2: We look like the sun.

Group 1: We grow in a field.

Group 2: We have lots of fun.

Group 1: We are taller than grass.

Group 2: We are shorter than trees.

Group 1: We have many friends.

Group 2: Our best friends are bees.

Group 1: They visit a lot.

Group 2: And then they go home.

Group 1: Even though they leave,

Group 2: We are not alone.

Group 1: We have each other as you can see.

Group 2: We are a happy flower family.

By Carol Pugliano-Vartin

From 25 Just-Right Plays for Emergent Readers


Mercury Mars
Uranus Venus
Jupiter Neptune
Earth Saturn

The Planets: We are the Planets.

The Sun: I am the Sun.

The Planets: We are the Planets.

The Sun: I am the Sun.

All: We are neighbors in space!

The Sun: I am the Sun.

I am the brightest star in the sky!

All of the planets move around me.

Mercury: I am Mercury.

I live the closest to the sun.

The sun keeps me very warm.

Venus: I am Venus.

People call me the "Evening Star" because I look so bright!

Earth: Well, you may be bright, but

I am Earth, the only planet full of life.

Mars: May be so, but you are not

bright red like me! I am Mars!

Jupiter: Make way for me, mighty Jupiter.

I am the biggest planet of them all!

Saturn: I am Saturn, the most beautiful

jewel in the solar system!

Look at all my rings!

Uranus: I am Uranus. I spin sideways.

That makes me different and special.

Neptune: I am Neptune. I am never alone.

I have my little friend Pluto right

beside me all the time!

Pluto: I may be the smallest planet,

but I am also the coldest!

I am Pluto. Brrrrrrr!

The Planets: We are the Planets.

The Sun: I am the Sun,

The Planets: We are the Planets.

The Sun: I am the Sun.

All: We are neighbors in space!

From 25 Just-Right Plays for Emergent Readers

Read and learn these poems.

1. Honey is sweeter than sugar, 2. Go to the East or go to the West-
Coffee is stronger than tea, Your home is always the best!
Juice is better than water,
You can't be smarter than me.
3. My paws are very big and strong. 4. I am big and very strong
My tail is very long. And my trunk is very long!
My mane is fine and thick, 5. A bee is always busy.
And I am very big. Its life is not so easy.
6. Spring is green, 7. It's very cold
Summer is bright, With snow and ice,
Autumn is yellow, But we are very happy,
Winter is bright. Winter is nice.
8. The sun is yellow, 9. Ice is cold but fire is not.
The sky is blue. A circle is round but a square is not.
Now it's summer, A kitten is weak but a horse is strong.
And the holidays too! A day is short but a year is long.
10. There are eight monkeys at the zoo: The fifth monkey is mad,
The first monkey is mind, The sixth monkey is sad,
The second monkey is wild, The seventh monkey is cold,
The third monkey is small, The eighth monkey is old.
The fourth monkey is tall,
11. Dear Mr. Peep, Your hair is fair,
Your knowledge is deep, Your money is there,
Your advise is wise, Your watch is wrong,
Your news is nice. Your will is strong.
12. I am a soldier I'm an old man But together
Straight and strong. Rather bent, We can go
See the way Can you see Much more easily,
I march along. The way I went? fast or slow.

(From "Первое сентября")

13. A hare is kind, 14. I am a cat.
A tiger is wild, I am very fat.
A mouse is small, When I am hungry,
A giraffe is tall. I am very sad.

На собственном опыте я убедилась, что ученики выучат гораздо больше прилагательных при помощи стихов и сценок. Кроме того, уроки пройдут эффективнее, если учитель дает интересный и доступный материал.

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