Мантра гуруджита 182 стиха
Обновлено: 24.03.2025
Перевод короткой и длинной версий прославленной Песни о Гуру
- Gurugītā (long version)
Stanzas 1-60| 61-108 | 109-180 | 181-235 | 236-300 | 301-352 - Gurugītā (long version) ends
Final text - Gurugītā (short version)
"Devanāgarī only" version (signs)
"IAST only" version (transliteration)
Hi, Gabriel Pradīpaka once more. Gurugītā --wrongly-written Gurugita-- is a ancient chant included in the Skandapurāṇa. There are 18 Purāṇa-s (ancient accounts or stories), the one dedicated to Skanda (also known as Kārttikeya, one of the sons of Lord Śiva) being the lengthiest (about 81,000 verses). Purāṇa-s are directly related to the sacred four Veda-s [Go read First Steps (2) and Ṛgveda for more information about Veda-s]. Some complex teachings given in the Veda-s are really difficult to understand for the vast majority of people. By "Veda-s" I am referring in this case to the Mantra, Brāhmaṇa, Āraṇyaka and Upaniṣad sections such as I teach you on First Steps (2). Vedavyāsa, the compiler of the Vedic knowledge understood that most people would find it difficult to grasp some abstruse truths postulated by Veda-s. So, to have that problem resolved, he compiled all Vedic wisdom in the form of accounts or stories, thus giving rise to the eighteen Purāṇa-s. The tradition of giving hard-to-understand knowledge in the form of stories is a well-known strategy to allow people to grasp the meaning in an easier way, as most of them love reading accounts and tales.
These Purāṇa-s deal with five topics: (1) Sarga (creation of the universe), (2) Pratisarga (destruction and renovation) of it, (3) Vaṁśa (genealogy of gods and patriarchs), (4) Manvantara (the periods of the Manu-s), and (5) Vaṁśānucarita (history of the solar and lunar races). Obviously, I cannot describe the gods, patriarchs and Manu-s here as well as the solar and lunar races, because my explanation would be extremely long and somewhat off-topic, I think. In turn, the 18 Purāṇa-s are divided into three branches (Rājasa, Sāttvika and Tāmasa) according to the god of the Hinduist trilogy (Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Śiva) they exalt. Here you are a complete chart summarizing the Purāṇa-s:
Regarding the translations, let me make this point clear: Sanskrit translators generally try to get a previous translation (if there is any) of a scripture in order to use it as a guidance, specially when the topic being dealt with in that scripture is not their specialty. This is not possible sometimes, of course, and the translator has to run the risk to make a mistake because some topics are too complex and words have so many different meanings very often. The same term may mean different things according to the philosophical system which the scripture belongs to. I usually see various translations with some errors in them, not because those translators were negligent but because Sanskrit texts may easily make a translator confused. Just as regarding other languages, there are no "universal Sanskrit translators" who can translate "all" scriptures with equal accuracy. Not at all. For example: in Spanish, even if you are a good translator, you will have problems to translate a medicine treatise if you do not know about the subject. The same thing is true for Sanskrit language. One should be first a specialist in a philosophy if he is going to translate a scripture pertaining to it, and so on.
As regards the short version of Gurugītā, I handwrote the translation many years ago by consulting now and then some previous translations of it in order to avoid so much mistakes as possible, as I am not conversant with the Vedic literature (only Trika or Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir is my specialty, and I am not too good even translating Trika scriptures, let alone Vedic ones). Anyway, I have never translated the long version of Gurugītā and I do not have any previous translations upon which to base my translation. Thus, I will have to translate it from the scratch. well, life is hard sometimes, you know, hehe, but I think that I will cope with it.
Finally, there is also a commentary on this scripture. That is why I will add as few explanatory notes as possible during the running translations of the short and long versions. Enjoy Gurugītā!
Further Information
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