Every week has 7 days прослушать стишок
Обновлено: 22.03.2025
Эври вик хэз сэвэн дэйс,
си хау мэни ю кэн сэй
санди, манди, тьюзди,
вэнзди, фёзди, фрайди,
сэтэди. вотс тудэй?
Эври виик хаз сэвен дэцз,
Сее хау мэни ю кэн сэй.
Сандэй, Мандэй, Тъюздай,
Вэнздэй, Сёздэй, Фрайдэй,
Сэтэрдэй. Вотц тудэй
Источник: голова
You know that football is an outdoor game for two teams of eleven players. But do you know that the goalkeeper is the only person wqho can touch the ball with his hands, hold it and throw it? The other players can only kick or roll the ball. The winner is the team with most goajs at the end of the game. Make yor choice and join the team you like . Support your school!
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