Е бекетова сирень стих

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

В жизни счастье одно
Мне найти суждено,
И то счастье в сирени живёт;
На зеленых ветвях,
На душистых кистях
Мое бедное счастье цветёт.

Music by Sergei Rachmaninov
The words of Ekaterina Beketova

In the morning, at dawn,
On the dewy grass
I'll go for a fresh breath in the morning;
And in the fragrant shadow,
Where the lilac is crowded,
I'll go and look for my happiness .

In life, happiness is one thing
I'm destined to be found,
And that happiness lives in the lilac;
On the green branches,
On scented brushes
My poor happiness blooms.

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