Заполните пропуски в фразах предлогами to for on to in если необходимо a ticket
Обновлено: 23.03.2025
Тест составлен на основе УМК "Радужный английский" О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой для 8 класса.
Цель: определение уровня сформированности ЗУН по английскому языку и соответствие их программным требованиям.
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«Лексико-грамматический контроль 8 класс по теме : Искусство.Театр." 2 четверть»
Form 8.Term II. Variant I.
Найдите соответствующий перевод английским словам.
Box office b.балкон
Opera glasses d. фойе
Balcony f. Театральный бинокль
II. Заполните пропуски в фразах предлогами to, for, onto, in, если необходимо.
1. a ticket … the music hall 6. a ticket … the cinema
2. … the circle 7.to come … the stage
3. a ticket … a film 8. … Row C
4. a ticket … Syktyvkar 9. a ticket … a drama
5. a train … ticket 10. … the box
III. Вставьте пропущенные слова в предложения.
Produce, blood, devoted (2), expensive, received, cruel, thrilled, scenery
1. … is thicker than water.
2. It is … (дразнить) to tease a little child.
3. Sue always tries to buy … watches.
4. Agatha Christy … her early schooling at home.
5. Tom was … to his job.
6. They can`t … good woolen things, that`s why they buy them.
7. The … was always moved.
8. Picasso … his life to art.
9. Generations of European children have … to the novels of J. F. Cooper.
IV. Заполните предложения подходящими по смыслу словами.
Our friends were … by the speech of the professor.
thrilled b) thrills c) thrilling
More … tickets could get you a seat in the gallery or in a box.
expensiver b) expensive c) expensivest
The boys hadn`t got much money. It was … to buy tickets for a show.
possible b) impossible c) unpossibile
The red stone walls are … of the castles.
characteristics b) character c) characteristic
Usually the intervals … the parts of the play.
a) connect b) connects c) connecting
V. Раскрой скобки, употребите глаголы в Past Perfect.
1. Sam (organize) a party.
2. The girls (return) as soon as possible.
3. The people believed that God (make) the world.
4. Harry (consider) the ideas of the film?
5. John and Jack (introduce) me to the professor.
6. The film (not end) yet.
7. Ben (write) about the play? – No, he hadn’t. He was busy.
Form 8. Term II. Variant II
I. Найдите соответствующий перевод английским словам.
1. programme a. оркестровая яма
3. buffet c.галерка
4. curtains d. партер
5. gallery e. программа
6. orchestra pit f. буфет
7. stalls g. сцена
II. Заполните пропуски в фразах предлогами to, for, on, in, если необходимо.
a ticket … Pechora 6. to be … the stage
… the gallery 7. a ticket … a musical
a plane …ticket 8. a ticket … the theatre
a ticket … a play 9. … Row A
… the stalls 10. a ticket … the concert hall
III. Вставьте пропущенные слова в предложения:
Expensive, blood, scenery, devoted (2), received, thrilled, produced, cruel
1. They have … themselves to amusements.
2. Children can be so … to each other.
3. They are … to each other.
4. It runs in his ….
5. It's more … to live in the city than in the country.
6. The famers have … tasty dairy food.
7. In some English theatres there are practically no … on the stage.
8. The guests were … coldly.
9. She was …to receive an invitation.
IV. Заполните предложения подходящими по смыслу словами.
1. Most of the actors have … their lives to the theatre or cinema.
a) devote b) devotes c) devoted
2. It is difficult to watch a play without the ….
a) sceneries b) scenery c) scenerie
3. Our visiting the cinema was really …
a) fantastic b) fantasy c) fantasie
4. There are some public entertainments in our town too.
a) entertainments b) entertainment c) entertains
5. The usher … the theatre programs before the performance.
a) offer b) offers c) offering
V. Раскрой скобки, употребите глаголы в Past Perfect.
1. They (introduce) actors to the audience.
2. Sam (connect) the microphone with the computer.
3. The students (not watch) the show.
4. Sally (offer) to buy tickets for a concert?
5. Gregory (learn) the names of Greek gods.
6. Nick (not read) the programme yet.
7. Mr Ford (paint) the scenery? – No, he hadn’t. He was busy.
Кeys. Form 8. Term II.
2. box office c. касса
4. opera glasses f. театральный бинокль
5.ticket g. билет
1. programme e. программа
2. stage g. сцена
3. buffet f. буфет
4. curtains b.занавес
5. gallery c.галерка
6. orchestra pit a. оркестровая яма
7. stalls d. партер
1. a) thrilled
2. b) expensive
3. b) impossible
4. c) characteristic
5. a) connect
1. c) devoted
2. b) scenery
3. a) fantastic
4. a) entertainments
5. b) offers
1 - Sam had organized a party.
2 - The girls had returned as soon as possible.
3 - The people believed that God had made the world.
4 – Had Harry considered the ideas of the film?
5 - John and Jack had introduced me to the professor.
6 – The film hadn`t ended yet.
7 - Had Ben written about the play? – No, he hadn’t. He was busy.
1 - They had introduced actors to the audience.
2 – Sam had connected the microphone with the computer.
3 - The students hadn`t watched the show.
4 – Had Sally offered to buy tickets for a concert?
5 - Gregory had learned the names of Greek gods.
6 – Nick hadn’t read the programme yet.
7 - Had Mr Ford painted the scenery? – No, he hadn’t. He was busy.
Критерии оценивания
Каждый правильный пункт задания оценивается в один балл, всего в работе 38 балла.
38 - 35 б. – «отлично»
34 – 27б. – «хорошо»
26 - 17 б. – «удовлетворительно»
16 и меньше баллов – «неудовлетворительно».
Проверяемые компетенции:
Распознавание и употребление лексических единиц по теме при помощи перевода слов.
Распознавание и употребление предлогов to, for, on, in, onto с лексическими единицами по теме.
Распознавание и употребление лексических единиц по теме.
Распознавание и употребление лексических единиц при помощи суффиксов –iс, ,-ist, окончаний
-ed, -s, прeфикса im- для образования существительных, прилагательных и глаголов.
Распознавание и употребление причастия II в прошедшем совершенном времени.






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