Выражения по теме sport
Обновлено: 21.03.2025
Тема «Спорт» в рамках подготовки к экзаменам по английскому языку ОГЭ и ЕГЭ довольно объемная. Рассказывая на эту тему, вы можете выбрать следующие пункты для обсуждения:
- Традиционные виды спорта в Великобритании и в России.
- Спорт и здоровье (аргументы).
- Участвовать или смотреть (аргументы).
- Спорт в твоей жизни.
Sports. Список английских выражений для подготовки к ОГЭ / ЕГЭ
Примеры предложений с выражениями по теме «Sports»
- Football has always been the most popular sport among the boys .
- Bicycling, skiing, skating, roller-skating are wide-spread in our country .
- Sports brings people close .
- Summer gives excellent opportunities for swimming, boating, yachting, cycling and many other sports.
- This game (football) is played in all countries of the world.
- Sport makes people more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities.
- It develops not only your body but also your mind .
- People who are against sport say that it can cause injuries .
- Sports is a great chance for people to make a career .
- As for me, I would rather watch than participate because being a loser makes me feel inferior.
Вопросы по теме «Sports»
- What kinds of sport is your family interested in?
- What sport events do you usually watch?
- Do you prefer team or individual sports? Why?
- Do you think sports makes you healthy? Why? Why not?
- What are the most popular sports in Russia?
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