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Обновлено: 22.03.2025

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Charlie Chaplin was the greatest comedian of his generation, and probably of all time. He was born in 1889 in England, 1 _________________.

He travelled to America in 1912 and stayed to work for the Keystone Film Company. Films in those days were silent, so actors had to find characters that could be recognised immediately on the screen. Chaplin’s great character was the little tramp, 2 _________________. Talking films began to appear in the late 1920s, but Chaplin continued to make silent films until the mid-30s.

He was unusual because he not only starred in his films 3 _________________. He even wrote the music for some of his later films. He will long be remembered for bringing enjoyment to millions throughout the world.

When Charlie Chaplin went over to America, there was another comedian on the same boat - Stan Laurel, who was to become famous as one half of Laurel and Hardy. Stan was born in 1890. His mother was an actress, 4 _________________.

His family moved around during his childhood and he spent some time living with his grandparents. He learned a lot from watching the comedians 5 _________________.

Stan first appeared in a film with Oliver Hardy in 1921, 6 _________________. They starred together in dozens of films over the next 30 years until Oliver’s death in 1957. Even today, their films bring pleasure to young and old alike.

B while his father managed a number of theatres

C who appeared in around 70 short films,

D where he first appeared on stage at the age of five

E but also wrote, directed and produced them

F where they first made a film together

G who performed at the theatres run by his father

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