Все фразы гандам танака

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

"So, during the ten minutes Hajime left the venue, the killer murdered Hiyoko and created a closed space?

"Hmm, that scrap of paper. Is that what we found in the baton lighting at the music venue?"

"But it would've taken quite a long time to tape up a hidden body."

"What!? They hid the pillar!?"

"It's as if both crimes were replicas of scenes from the movie. Although, the mutilated tin man was omitted."

"A valid line of reasoning."

"What do you mean?"

"Hmph, if you're going to cry and beg like that, then I guess I'll hear about the condition of Ibuki's body."

"I'll let you sob as much as you want later, just hurry up and tell me before I change my mind."

"An even bigger jerk? Impossible!"

"What's wrong with that?"

"Kehehehe, how light. Your words are so light, as light as the sylph's feather.

"Fuhahaha! Your opponent is out of your league. It is too absurd to try to perplex me so inadequately."

"First and foremost, you claim Ibuki's feet were touching the floor when Hiyoko was killed."

"How can a low class creature with no psychic abilities like you know something like that!?"

"It seems you suffer from a pathetic delusion."

"I am telling you to present your evidence."

"Weak, weak, weak I say!"

"It doesn't even pierce my heart!"

"Fuhahaha! Is that it? A Shepard dressed in his sunday's finest still reeks of lamb, Hajime Hinata!"

"Does that mean you have a rebuttal? Hmph, that's a good line."

"But, are you sure you're sure? If I show you how serious I am, this world might be destroyed, you know!"

"You're so frightened you can't even make a sound, it seems you've realized our difference in status."

"However, the time for conviction starts now! You better entertain me to the fullest!"

"You're saying the blood on Ibuki's feet belongs to Hiyoko?"

"Try to remember the crime scene."

"There was no blood on the floor!"

"You can't step on blood that was never there."

"Kehehehe, just about one minute."

"Did you see a nice nightmare?"

"Hiyoko was taped to the pillar, yes?"

"Then it's possible that the pillar still had blood on it!"

"However, you cannot step on the pillar with your feet!"

"Kehehehe, you should feel proud of yourself."

"It's been nearly 3 years since I had to use 60% of my power."

"D-don't say such foolish things! You don't have proof of that at all."

"It appears that it is wiser to retreat for now."

"Fine then, but regardless of good or evil, there's no deceit in upholding one's convictions."

"What time did Hajime see that video?"

"That's not an alibi!"

"So it's inevitable that an alibi for both before and during the morning announcement would be very important."

"That's the one Hiyoko's body was imitating, right?"

"What are you trying to say? Are you saying the imitation wasn't planned?"

"However, this is getting quite interesting. My four dark devas of destruction is getting riled up."

"She was guided by the will of causality!"

"Though that may not apply to Sonia, since she provided Hiyoko with that information."

"Hmph. Kazuichi, it seems you have quite the fashion sense."

"Would you like me to incinerate your clothes? Perhaps I can do it while you're wearing them!"

"Of course, I already overlooked no less than 10 opportunities to kill you."

"Which means that low-down scoundrel didn't plan on committing imitation murders at first."

"I see. So there was some kind of trick arranged in that video, hmm?"

"But where would you find another stepladder? There was only one step ladder in the music venue."

"Then, there's a possibility that the killer also tampered with the surveillance camera unit!"

"Despite Kazuichi's desperate repair efforts, it seems it could not transmit from the hospital to the motel."

"Or they might have tampered with the camera."

"You fiend! Are you saying you already know who the killer is?"

"So that must mean. "

"I agree. It is truly difficult to believe someone can be killed by such a slow-witted woman."

"Do you still believe this woman is the killer?"

"Hey, what are you trying to say?"

"The Monokuma file complicated this too."

"It never specified hanging or strangulation."

"Thinking we should at least find one method to communicate, we set our sights on the lounge telephone."

"It seems that was a waste of time."

"Nobody could withstand a blow from that pillar!"

"Even if you used 100% of your muscle strength, it would be impossible to use it as a weapon!"

"You mean. Nekomaru killed himself?"

"If the pillar was not lifted. "

"Beating him with it is beyond a dream."

"Then I shall ask you, which way is that?"

"A specific item?"

"That's right. You've seen it clearly."

"Because I, the one who has claimed dominion over evil, am the ultimate weapon!"

"I am he who cuts the insolent catalyst, which flows out from the chaos with the sword of victory!"

"It's only fitting that I deserve to be called the ultimate weapon!"

"You took a picture?"

"It's not? Are you saying that Grape House is merely an illusion spell cast by Monokuma's cursed eye?"

"Same building, different floors?"

"However, if they're different floors within the same building, why was Nekomaru's body in both places?"

"Nekomaru died with a mechanical body."

"It should be possible to construct a dummy from spare parts!"

"However, even if Nekomaru's body wasn't a dummy, it's meaningless if we don't have the important answer!"

"What? Are you saying Nekomaru's body was transported using an elevator?"

"If the room just moves up and down like an elevator, there's no reason for the doors to change!"

"Hmph, there are too many strange things. Was that tower really an elevator?"

"What did you say?"

"Hold on, you're progressing much too quickly. There's still a contraction concerning the building structure."

"You said earlier that Strawberry House and Grape House connected vertically, right?"

"If so, how does the contact elevator supposedly transport us from one house to the other?"

"If that elevator moves vertically. "

"Then, when your back is facing the elevator, both towers should be on the same side!"

"But, does this reflect reality?"

"Inside Grape House, Grape Hall is on your right when your back is to the elevator."

"And inside Strawberry House, Strawberry Hall is on your left when your back is to the elevator."

"Which means, the houses are on opposite sides of the tower!"

"Answer me, fiend! What does this mean?"

"If the two houses are connected vertically. "

"Vertically, not horizontally!"

"Which means your reasoning. "

"Kehehehe, you say such falsehoods, per usual."

"There is no such thing as murder for the sake of hope. Murder is simply murder."

"Forcibly sacrificing others for one's own desires, even one as diabolical as I would avoid such actions!"

"Died from falling?"

"Hmph, don't just make things up when you don't know the method."

"Where in that building would you be able to push someone off in the first place?"

"Fuhahaha! Saying he died from falling is truly incorrect, you should burn in the flames of hell!"

"That must be the threshold of that elevator."

"However, even if they moved the elevator in that manner, Nekomaru would've just moved along with it."

"There would have been no drop for him to fall and die from, yes?"

"What about the oil on the floor?"

"So that's how the pillar shattered, and why oil was spilled all over the place."

"It appears another contradiction has been birthed."

"How were you able to discover Nekomaru died at 7:30 AM, when you went to the tower at 7?"

"His time of death and the time the body was discovered."

"One of those must be an illusion!"

"If there's no possibility that the time was tamered with, then we must doubt that human's testimony."

"Then, maybe it's a misunderstanding?"

"The problem is what time would 7:30 be."

"There's no point in saying that."

""If" does not exist in this world!"

"It was when we were gathered at the Strawberry House lounge."

"What is it, Sonia?"

"However, for what reason did the killer alter our perception of time?"

"How did they use it?"

"Hmph, it's merely the foolish talk of the weak."

"What's wrong with that?"

"If the bell of catastrophe rings throughout the night, it is the universe's providence to stop it."

"Answer me this. Including myself and my four dark devas of destruction, how many ears do we possess?"

"The answer is 10. That's right, I posses 10 ears."

"D-do not panic, the truth shall now commence!"

"At the time, I left my room to go to the bathroom. By coincidence, I heard the alarm."

"That's right, that's all it was. the world is always so simple."

"And yet, I'm being suspected by all of you. it seems it was actually horrible timing on my part."

"In fact, I shall deny the very basis! Your assumption has been wrong from the very begining!"

"Based on your assumption. "

"I hung Nekomaru from the 4th floor of the tower, and made the floor decend to the 1st floor. "

"From there, after returning to Strawberry House, I was present when the alarm at the lounge went off, correct?"

"Although going to and fro is busy enough as it is. How would I be able to travel in between both houses anyway?"

"As I recall, the killer tampered with the Grape House control panel, which shut down the elevator. "

"Plus, the stopped elevator should have been facing the Grape House side."

"If so, the human who used the elevator would have left it at Grape House. "

"However, I was already at Strawberry House, I was present when the alarm in the lounge started ringing. "

"Which means. your assumption is clearly wrong!"

"Fuhaha, have you learned your lesson, pitiful humans!? You cannot overcome this contradiction!"

"That elevator was. "

". the only means of travel between the two houses"

"As long as that elevator was broken. "

"Your assumption collapses!"

"Since I was at Strawberry House at that time. "

"There's no question that the following crime is impossible!"

"How much longer do you plan to lecture me. "

"Why. don't we stop this already. "

". S-Such a method does not exist!"

"However. what if the killer was unaware of the existence of the Final Dead Room. "

"That is merely an illusion you have fabricated from your own suspicion!"

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