No more room in hell фраза

Обновлено: 19.03.2025

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Some information in Categories and Page on NMRiH wiki need to be changed and updated.

When I first saw the information about NMRiH, it was unexpected and shocking how the pages look! and i wanted to share ideas on how to fix it;

  1. It is necessary to change the indexing of some page for t…

So you guys still want to update the fandom page ?

Hey hello everyone who's still here.

I'm a really big fan of NMRIH and it makes me sad to see that the Fandom page never got up to date with the game, so i'm here to ask you if you're all still intere…


Do you guys think NMRiH 2 will live up to expectations. I've seen the pictures of the graphics which look good, but I'm more concerned about how the gameplay itself will turn out on the unreal engine…

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