Матерные фразы на английском

Обновлено: 24.03.2025

- What is the longest word in English?
- Smiles.

- The Master of the house is comfortably installed in an armchair in the library. Suddenly, his butler rips the door open and shouts: "Sir, the Thames is flooding the streets!" The Master looks up calmly and says: "John, please, if you do have something important to tell me, first knock on the door, then enter and inform me, in a quiet and civilised manner. Now please, do so". Three seconds later, the Master hears a knock on the door. "Yes?" John enters the room, water is flowing over his shoes, and he with a gesture announced: "Sir, the Thames".

- There are some people down there, sir.
- Get rid of them.
- But among them is a woman, sir!
- So get rid of them as politely as possible!

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