Май саммер кар фразы

Обновлено: 22.03.2025

"Voit sie hei auttaa minnuu, ku emmie voi tämmösenä mennä kottii. Tarvii päästä johonki nukkummaa." Rough translation: "Could you help me, since I cannot go home like this. I need to get somewhere to sleep." In-game subtitles: "Can you help me, please. I can't go home like this. Can you take me somewhere so I can rest and clear my head?"

After taken to a bed [ ]

"Kiitti iha hirrveesti. kyllä sie oot ihan hyvä tyyppi." Rough translation: "Thank you so much! You are quite a nice dude!" In-game subtitles: "Thank you so much, you are so nice."

Paper note [ ]

"Kiitti ku autoit! Oot kyl hyvä tyyppi!" Rough translation: "Thanks for helping me! You are a nice dude!" In-game subtitles: "Thanks for helping me out! You are such a nice dude."

When meeting her for a date [ ]

None Suski interest parts [ ]

"" Rough translation: "" In-game subtitles: "Oh no. I won't get in to such lousy crappy car. Dude, you gotta fix it first!"

She's seated in bucket seat [ ]

"" Rough translation: "" In-game subtitles: "What is that? I am not going to sit down to that bathtub-like seat. Does not look too comfortable."

Before enter in Satsuma [ ]

"Moro hei!"
"Moikka, mitä sulle kuulluu?"
"Moroo, mitäs sulle kuulluu?" Rough translation: "Hi"
"Well hi"
"Hi, how are you?" In-game subtitles: "Hi you!"

Suggestions for Satsuma [ ]

Without CD player and subwoofers [ ]

"Sulla pitäs olla niinku ihan kunnon äänentoisto tässä!" Rough translation: "You should have a proper sound system in this car!" In-game subtitles: "I am sure you are planning to get some nice speakers for this car?"

Without windows black wrap installed [ ]

"Vähäkö tähä siun autoon sopis iha hiton hienosti semmoset tummennetut lasit!" Rough translation: "Dark tinted windows would fit to your car so darn well!" In-game subtitles: "Dark tinted windows would be absolutely cool in this car!"

When only the original radio is installed [ ]

"Siun pitäs kyllä iha ehottomasti hankkii tähä kunnon cd-soitin!" Rough translation: "You should definitely get a proper CD-player to this car!" In-game subtitles: "I know it is expensive. but a CD-player would be a blast!"

Without leopard covers [ ]

"Miusta leopardisisustus ois niinku nii siisti!" Rough translation: "I think a full leopard-style interior in this car would be so cool!" In-game subtitles: "Maybe you know. It would be pretty cool if this car had a full leopard-style interior."

When on a date [ ]

Picking up with the Ferndale [ ]

"" Rough translation: "" In-game subtitles: "I guess this is not your car?"

When the dirtiness is fully or very high [ ]

"Sie varmaan niinku tiesitkin että suihkutki o keksitty. Kaikki jätkät on just tommosii juntteja täällä junttilassa!" Rough translation: "" In-game subtitles: "Did you know they invented shower, right? All the guys are such hicks in this town full of rednecks."

When the player does not drink any beer [ ]

"Voi vittu, juo ny sieki jottai!"
"Oot sie niinku noin vitun tylsä että sie et juo mittään?"
"Voi vittu, et sie juo mittään!"
"Meinasit sie olla niinku vittu iha selevinpäin?" Rough translation: "Oh fuck, drink you something too!"
"Are you that fucking boring that you drink nothing?"
"Oh fuck, you are not drinking at all!"
"Are you going to be just like fucking sober?" In-game subtitles: "C'mon now, don't be such a pussy. Drink some as well!"

Driving perigously [ ]

"Voi vittu sie oot juntti!"
"Ei vittu mikä juntti hei!" Rough translation: "Oh fuck you are a redneck!"
"No way what a fucking redneck you are!" In-game subtitles: "Stop being such a jerk!"

Bored by dating [ ]

"" Rough translation: "" In-game subtitles: "I am so bored. I rather go hang out with Virpi."

Suggesting dating places [ ]

"Mentäiskö me tonne hyppytorneille tai tanssilavalle hengailemmaan?" Rough translation: "Should be go to the ski hill or to the dance pavilion for hanging out?" In-game subtitles: "Maybe we could go to check the dance hall or ski ramps!"

In the dating place [ ]

"" Rough translation: "" In-game subtitles: "Nice place, maybe you should relax and drink some too."

Suski grabs a beer [ ]

"Ei vittu mie otan ainakin nyt täst!"
"Hei vittu mie ainakin juon ny!" Rough translation: "Fuck at least I take now a beer!"
"Fuck at least I drink now!"

Life story [ ]

Life story 1 [ ]

"Vittu ku mie tajjuu miks mun vanhemmat halluu assuu täällä Peräjärvellä, kun ne käy molemmat kaupungissa töissä. Voi vittu. " Rough translation: "Fuck I don't get why my parents want to live here in Peräjärvi, as they both work in town. Fuck. " In-game subtitles: "I don't get it why my parents want to live in this shit hole. Then they work at the city, and are willing to go there every day!"

Life story 2 [ ]

"Vittu ku miulla on syksyllä toi hotelliravintola-alan harjottelu mutta ku täällä Peräjärvellä oo vittu mittää paikkoja!" Rough translation: "Fuck in the autumn I will have a intern in hotel kitchen but in here Peräjärvi has not fucking any kind of that places!" In-game subtitles: "I need to have a job internship next fall in some restaurant or hotel. Just guess if Peräjärvi has any such opportunities, no!"

Life story 3 [ ]

"" Rough translation: "" In-game subtitles: "Virpi wants to study and then applying for university. I can't understand people that are willing to read stupid books all day long."

Life story 4 [ ]

"" Rough translation: "" In-game subtitles: "The thing we had with Jasu was just nothing. It was really boring. Jasu did not show interest towards anything in his life!"

Driving too fast [ ]

Over 140 km/h 1 [ ]

"Elä vittu aja noi kovvaa, oot sä saatana samanlainen idiootti ku Jasu!" Rough translation: "Do not drive that fucking fast, damn you are idiot just like Jasu!" In-game subtitles: "Slow down a little. you are just as idiot as Jasu. Slow down dude."

Over 140 km/h 2 [ ]

"Okkei nonni, voit sie hei pyssäyttää auton, mie haluun päästä ulos täältä nytte" Rough translation: "Well, that's it. Can you stop the car, I want to get out now," In-game subtitles: "Okay thats it, stop the car already and let me out. Idiot!"

End of date [ ]

In front of Suski's house [ ]

"" Rough translation: "" In-game subtitles: "Okay thanks dude, I live here. Maybe we see some another day."

Bored [ ]

"Morjes vaa, kiitti vittu ei mistää!" Rough translation: "Bye now, thanks for fucking nothing!" In-game subtitles: "Good bye and thanks for nothing!"

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