Kill them with kindness перевод фразы
Обновлено: 26.03.2025
His parents were so glad to see the boy that they almost killed him with kindness. (CDEI) — Родители так были рады видеть сына, что чуть не загубили его своей чрезмерной добротой.
2 kill with kindness
Общая лексика: погубить чрезмерной добротой и баловством3 kindness
См. также в других словарях:
kill with kindness — If you kill someone with kindness, you are very kind, possibly excessively kind, to them … The small dictionary of idiomes
kill with kindness — ► kill with kindness spoil (someone) with overindulgence. Main Entry: ↑kill … English terms dictionary
kill with kindness — kill with (or by) kindness spoil with overindulgence * * * kill (someone) with kindness : to treat (someone) in a way that is too kind or helpful and that actually causes harm • • • Main Entry: ↑kill kill (someone) with kindness see ↑kill … Useful english dictionary
kill with kindness — kill (someone) with kindness to be too kind to someone. Rob s killing me with kindness he phones me all the time to see if I m alright when really I just need to be left alone … New idioms dictionary
Kill Them with Kindness — refers to:* Kill Them with Kindness (The Jealous Sound album) * Kill Them with Kindness (Headlights album) … Wikipedia
kill someone with kindness — kill (someone) with kindness : to treat (someone) in a way that is too kind or helpful and that actually causes harm • • • Main Entry: ↑kill kill (someone) with kindness see ↑kill, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
kill someone with kindness — kill (someone) with kindness to be too kind to someone. Rob s killing me with kindness he phones me all the time to see if I m alright when really I just need to be left alone … New idioms dictionary
kill somebody with kindness — ˌkill sb/sth with ˈkindness idiom to be so kind to sb/sth that you in fact harm them Main entry: ↑killidiom … Useful english dictionary
kill something with kindness — ˌkill sb/sth with ˈkindness idiom to be so kind to sb/sth that you in fact harm them Main entry: ↑killidiom … Useful english dictionary
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